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Video | Our first family holiday abroad

It’s been well over a year now since our trip to Tenerife , back when Max was just 11 months old, but, well, I guess that says it all about just how disorganised things are around here right now, huh?

Lately, though, Terry’s been really getting into video editing again, and we’re keen to share more vlog-style content over on our family channel , so it may be late, but I hope you enjoy it anyway: and, as always, if you feel like giving us a follow , we’ll all be eternally grateful!

P.S. While I’m here, it seems that comments weren’t working on my recent post about Max’s nursery woes , so apologies to those of you who tried to leave a comment and weren’t able to: the issue should be fixed now, but feel free to drop me a message (amber @ if you’re having an issues!

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • Erin


    Such a sweet little guy <3

    February 27, 2020