Christmas Day, 2011

Happy Christmas, everyone! War is over! Oh no, wait, wrong song…

This year I was dreaming of a White Christmas, and by that I mean “a white dress”. Well, I wouldn’t have been talking about snow, would I?

They say you should never wear white after Labor Day, but I generally just ignore Them, and this was no exception. My choice of attire did cause some consternation amongst my parents and Terry, who couldn’t understand why I would choose to wear something I had absolutely NO CHANCE of not spilling red wine/ketchup/coffee/anything else I touched on, but actually, I surprised everyone (including myself) by managing to keep the dress clean all day, partly because when we sat down to dinner, Terry and my mum draped me in lots of different aprons and tea towels and various other garments, so the dress stayed white. It’s probably going to be my biggest achievement of 2011, to be honest: the family were all so proud!

Anyway, we had a fabulous Christmas, and here’s what it looked like:

I didn’t photograph the food other than the sorbet and, well, the wine, so you’ll just have to take my word for it that it existed, although not for long, because my mum and dad really excelled themselves this year and Terry and I lost no time in clearing our plates.

Actually, I tell a lie: I did photograph the dessert, which was lovingly made by my mum, who also put together the “heart” theme on the table:

Instead of a Christmas tree, this year my mum created a “Random Tree”: a branch from the garden painted white, hung with fairy lights, and then festooned with little “random” messages which we all wrote in the run up to Christmas and read out on Christmas Day. (It was going to be a wishing tree, but we thought it might be more amusing to allow people to just write whatever took their fancy, and also, I don’t think anyone wanted to listen to me read out what would essentially be the entire Christian Louboutin back catalogue…). It was a really cool idea, so we’re going to do it next year, too…

As for Rubin:

Don’t be fooled (by the dogs that he got/he’s still, he’s still Rubin from the block…): he is posing here only very grudgingly. He was much more interested in the (edible) contents of the Christmas stockings my parents and his Auntie Lila provided, so Sam the Dog was all but forgotten. Poor Sam.

And that was Christmas day! At some point in the food fest, we managed to fit in a visit to Terry’s family, who we’ve also been spending time with over the past couple of days: two of Terry’s brothers and their families are in town, so it’s been great to catch up with everyone, and we still have lots more planned, so there may be large gaps between blog posts. Then again, there might not be, so don’t go getting your hopes up.

Hope everyone’s having a great holiday!

(P.S. My blog is taking comments hostage again, and we’ve no idea why… if yours doesn’t appear right away, don’t worry, you haven’t been blacklisted or anything – it’s just the blog behaving badly, and your comment will be published as soon as I’m online!)

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  • Stephen


    You look stunning in white, Red. You should definitely wear it more often.

    Merry Christmas!

    December 28, 2011
  • Those Closet dresses really are a cut above. You look so bombshell in this one and I was wondering when those shoes (one of my favourites from your collection) were going to get an outing!
    Rubin <3

    December 28, 2011
  • I agree with Stephen, and there isn’t everyone who can wear white. I’m never sure if it suits me. I love the pop of mustard from the shoes, too. I can’t get over the quality and fit of Closet dresses – my sister just bought one for £17 in the A|Wear sale and it’s twice the dress as the £155 ones I was looking at in a boutique today.

    Happy Christmas to you and all of the clan, and of course to Rubinman too! xx

    December 28, 2011
  • Alexandra via Facebook


    Aw, love how creative your mum is! Also, fab look. 🙂

    December 28, 2011
  • You look gorgeous in white! Well, you look gorgeous in every color. And the shoes are perfect for the dress. Great choice!
    Your mom should definitely go into party planning. She decorated the table perfectly.

    December 28, 2011
  • Kirsty


    OMG, those table decorations are amazing! My mum usually just throws out some santa napkins…I feel a bit short-changed now to be honest! Will have to push for a better effort next year.

    December 28, 2011
  • myra


    love the Christmas table, your mum has always been very creative and this is further evidence. Hope you all had a great day xx PS love the shoes (and I love wearing white too)

    December 28, 2011
  • KON


    You look stunnind in white, which for sure is a difficult colour even without some vin rouge. Since I had my christmas with my family-in-law (can I say so?) and celebrated with some kind of food war, I can buy me a new collection of dresses…
    Seriously, I never ate that much in 3 days, maybe not in a whole year.
    And worst, because we travelled with our dog by train I could only bring one pair of shoes. Of course those for taking a walk in the woods. I goddamn miss my heels..

    Enough w(h)ine for now, hope you enjoy silvester and have a great party,

    “guten Rutsch” from Germany *o*

    December 28, 2011
  • Is that your mother’s Christmas table!? Please tell her it is gorgeous! I seriously now feel like my table was a big flop by comparison.

    You, of course, are gorgeous too. 🙂

    January 10, 2012