[AD: This post is sponsored by Lighthouse Clothing]
The day we got home from our holiday in Bulgaria, I emptied out my suitcase, and, rather than putting Max’s summer clothes back into his wardrobe, I packed them away into the storage boxes I keep on the top shelf, for things that are out of season, or which don’t fit him yet.
Four days later, I got the boxes back down again, and rifled through them to find something summery for him to wear to his friend Sienna’s birthday party. It was late September, but one of the warmest days we’ve had this year. After the party, we visited my parents, and sat outside for a bit in the evening sunshine: it felt like the perfect midsummer night. The next day, however, looked like this:

You can’t really tell from these photos, but it was actually pouring with rain that morning: to the extent that, as we drove to the beach, I started to really regret getting Max hyped up for all of the splashing in puddles were going to do, because for most of the journey there, it looked like we weren’t even going to be able to get out of the car. Thankfully, though, the rain had become a fine drizzle by the time we arrived, and stopped altogether for long enough for us to do the promised puddle-jumping, and avoid an unforgivable parenting fail: phew!
Such is Scotland in September, though: you can literally go from shorts and t-shirts one day to raincoats and wellies the next, which means that, when you go out, you have to be prepared for pretty much every eventuality. Toddlers, of course, don’t care about any of this, obviously. I mean, I spent the first year of Max’s life constantly fretting over whether he was too hot, too cold, or otherwise uncomfortable, and meanwhile Max himself was – and is – completely oblivious to the temperature. He’s a little boy who loves to be outdoors at every possible opportunity, so when Lighthouse Clothing offered to send us both some waterproof coats from their collection, I figured it was a good opportunity to make sure we’re prepared for whatever the Scottish weather decides to send us.

In these shots, I’m wearing
the Tori jacket in pistachio, and Max is in the ‘Anchor’ jacket in ‘sunshine’. (I’m not gonna lie, I 100% intended to get us both matching jackets, but the yellow was sold out in my size, so that’s another dream from another day…) In addition to their fantastic weatherproof jackets, Lighthouse Clothing also sell my very favourite clothing item – Breton tops – so I also got the Causeway Top in Cloud Midnight Stripe for me, and the Oliver top for Max. (The stick, meanwhile, is the model’s own: he found it on the beach in Bulgaria and became quite attached to it, so I, being
the hopelessly sentimental sort, insisted on bringing it home with us. Then, yes, we brought our own stick with us to the beach, and I spent the entire time worrying that we would lose it, and an important part of our family history would be gone forever. I’m still worried about it now, actually, because I think we left it in the car when we got home, and what if it’s lost, people? WHAT IF?)
These are all great quality pieces, which I can see us both getting tons of use out of. The tops, obviously, will be worn all year round, because it’s ALWAYS Breton top weather here: the jackets, meanwhile, made it possible for us to have some time at the beach, on a day when I wouldn’t otherwise have dreamt of even leaving the house, and given Max’s love of the great outdoors, I’m pretty sure that means we’re going to be getting a lot of use out of them, too. Well, as the saying goes, after all, there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes… and ain’t that the truth?

(On the subject of outerwear, meanwhile, when I got Max’s winter coats out of the storage boxes last week, I put one of them on him, just to see if was still going to fit him. “This is the coat you wore last winter,” I told him, as I buttoned it up. “Remember winter?” And then he spent the rest of the day randomly stopping whatever he was doing to look round at me and go, “REMEMBER WINTER?” like a child in a horror movie or something. So THAT was creepy.)
(Amazingly, most of the coats DID still fit. And, OK, that’s mostly because they were all way too big for him last winter, but, all the same, I’m not quite sure whether to be relieved that I don’t have to buy him a new coat quite yet, or disappointed to be denied the opportunity to shop. I’ll get back to you on that one…)
Mary Katherine
09/25/2019My brother and SIL just arrived in Scotland for a couple of weeks of touring. They’re visiting a few of the places you’ve written about, like Glencoe Seasoned travellers to the UK, they’ve got their waterproof footwear and wax jackets. I’ll enjoy picturing them and you in the same lovely country.
BTW, Max has a little tan and it’s adorbs!
09/25/2019Oh, I hope they have a great time!
09/26/2019My kids are the same, they would happily stand outside in the pouring rain at 4 degree with only a shirt and shorts. They don´t care about the weather as long as they get to be outdoors, so we have a huge selection of outerwear for all temperatures. Oh, and a huge selection of wooden stuff collected wherever.
Anne from Doctor Anne
09/27/2019Hi Amber,
Lovely pictures, I saw some of them in your Instagram..
The Lighthouse raincoats are lovely, very much needed these days!
I also love your wellies. They seem to be Joules???
Sonia xx
09/27/2019Yes, they were from Joules, but a few years ago now: they should have something similar, though!