grey Dubatti pram review

grey Dubatti pram review

grey Dubatti pram review

Max in his fleece pram suit for a winter's walk

The day after Max was born, I insisted on pushing him out of the hospital in his shiny new pram – even although I’d just been, you know, sliced open, the day before, and everyone with me was all, “Hey, Amber, maybe a wheelchair would be a good idea in this particular situation, no?”

I had to go to bed almost as soon as I got home (Er, that was a WAY longer walk than I’d anticipated…) but it was totally worth it, because, the fact was, I’d been looking forward to pushing that pram from the moment it had arrived, and no one was going to stop me enjoying it. Not even a team of surgeons extracting a human being from my body.

I’ve been enjoying pushing it ever since: here are just a few of the things that happen when you’re out with a baby in a pram…

grey Dubatti pram review

You feel like a REAL grown up at last

Because nothing says “responsible adult” quite like being in charge of another person, huh? Especially a tiny little cute one in a furry bear suit, which, OMG, can we just talk for minute about how totally adorable he looks in his little pram suit? Max actually has quite the collection of these (And, yeah, most of them have ears: what can I say?), but he’s only just gotten big enough to fit into this one, and it’s, like, the biggest tragedy of my life right now that it’s probably going to be summertime before he fits the rest of them.

Would it be REALLY wrong of me to secretly hope for a chilly summer, just so my baby can wear his “Little Lamb” suit? It would? I’m sorry, but I’m going to do it anyway…

… but also a bit like an imposter, really

In saying that pushing Max in his pram makes me feel like a proper grown up, the fact that this is the first time in my life I’ve ever actually felt like that also makes me feel like a big ol’ fraud, basically. Like, every time someone walks past and glances into the pram, I feel like pulling back the covers and going, “LOOK! It really is an ACTUAL baby! It’s not just a doll or something, I promise!”

Speaking of people glancing into the pram…

Everyone wants to talk to you

One of the nicer aspects of being out with the baby is that everyone you see has a smile or a comment for him. We’re asked about a dozen times a day what age he is, and how well he’s sleeping, but it’s fine by us, because people are so kind, and LOOK, MY BABY IS DRESSED LIKE A BEAR. LOOKIT HIM.


You become totally paranoid about how much space you’re taking up

Or I do, anyway. I think I’ve just been hit in the back of the legs by one too many strollers to not be a bit paranoid that I’m going to inadvertently do the same thing to someone else. Luckily, our pram is very lightweight and manoeuvrable – when my mum first tried it, she was amazed by how easy it was to move it around, compared to the prams she was used to from when I was a baby – so it’s not like it’s some huge, unwieldy thing that’s impossible to keep out of other people’s personal space, but even so, no one wants to be That Person, do they? No, they do not.


You start to wonder how on earth you ever managed without it

Seriously, though, even if you take the baby out of the equation, it’s just easier all round having a handy set of wheels to carry your stuff, isn’t it? Our pram has a little bag located right underneath it, which is ostensibly there for all of the baby-related paraphernalia you need to take with you every time you leave the house, but can you REALLY tell me you wouldn’t also use it for, I don’t know, your hairbrush, lipstick, camera, etc? Because I would. And, in fact, HAVE, not even sorry.

I also very much enjoy being able to hook my handbag over the handle of the pram, which also came in handy that time we went to the Zara sale, and I was able to drape all of the clothes I was considering buying over the handle. Honestly, I’m going to miss my beloved wheels when Max is finally too big to be pushed around everywhere. I wonder if I could just keep on using it anyway? Or is that the point where I just buy a puppy, or, like, a baby goat or something instead? Food for thought, people: food for thought…

pale grey Dubatti pram

(Sure, there’s a baby in it NOW, but it could just as easily be a miniature goat, say, or even one of those micro pigs, couldn’t it? I’m just putting it out there…)

Anyway! Our pram is by Dubatti, and, I won’t lie, I choose it mostly because I liked the way it looked, so the fact that it’s also really easy to fold up and push around is just an added bonus, really. The colours are fully customisable: we went with an all-grey look, because, BASIC, but you can change the colour of the body, hood and handle (We choose cognac leather, which is just gorgeous), and I know you’ll have lots of fun trying out the online configurator. Because I certainly did.

As well as the colours, there are also a couple of options for the wheels. We choose the all-terrain wheels over the “city life” ones, and I’m really glad we did, because a lot of the footpaths around here are a bit rough-and-ready, really: we don’t seek out rough terrain, but last week we went out for lunch and found ourselves walking down a dirt track to get from one part of the building (Yeah, it was a garden centre, obviously: maybe I should start reviewing those too?) to the other, so we were glad of those large, springy wheels, which just go over everything without letting the baby get jolted around inside.

5 things that happen when you push a baby in a pram

I’ve shown you the pram here, but this also comes with a stroller attachment. We haven’t used that part yet, but we can also attach our car seat to the wheel base, which is really handy, and we’ve used it like that a lot – you basically just take the seat out of the car, click it into the base, and you’re good to go. (Oh, and then, when you’re done, the wheel base just folds right up again, and goes back into the car: easy.)

Speaking of which, I keep on saying that I’m going to go out walking with Max, in order to try to burn off some of the baby weight, so… I should really go and do that, shouldn’t I? Yes.

[We received our pram compliments of Dubatti, but, as always, all opinions are my own.]

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  • Elaine

    Max is so sweet in his bear suit. I never missed an opportunity to dress my babies in clothes with ears! They laugh now at the photos! I loved pushing a pram too. And they always loved being pushed in it in the fresh air as much as I loved taking them out in it. I agree that it’s a very useful place to pile up shopping. I actually wore out my wheels as I walked so much and had to buy replacements. Glad you’re enjoying getting out with Max. You both look great!

  • Marie

    Please can you get a baby goat or a micro-pig (I’ll even let you choose!) and dress it in a furry bear suit and push it around in your lovely pram? (Only once Max is too big for the pram obviously, I’m not a monster!). Imagine how cute that would be, and yet, it would be nowhere near as cute as Max in his furry bear suit! X

    • Amber

      I think it would probably be safest to get a goat AND a pig, actually? ?

  • JHP

    That photo of little Max makes me think of the older literary character Max in his wolf suit in “Where the Wild Things Are.” Just…much more sweet looking, and tiny.

  • Alison Gibb

    I need to start hanging out in garden centres so I can bump into you and meet Max!! x

  • Catherine

    Okay, can we talk about the boots?? Where did you get them?

    • Amber

      They were from Dune, but they’re a few years old now!

  • Brenda

    You really must be in love to wish for a cool summer so that Max can continue to look cute in his little pram suits! That is a beautiful stroller…

  • Jaynie

    Super cute pram suit. Such a stylish baby 🙂

    I once took my nephew out in his pram and I was torn between feeling like a grown up and wanting to tell every person I passed not to worry, that his actual parents are proper adults! I can’t really imagine what it’s like to have your own, but I wouldnt be all that surprised if I had the same thoughts as you.

    Also, this: “Would it be REALLY wrong of me to secretly hope for a chilly summer, just so my baby can wear his “Little Lamb” suit?” is the single most surprising sentence I have ever read on your blog in the last decade or so. If only max knew what awesome power he wields.

  • Myra Boyle

    I think my one compulsion is talking to babies in prams -it just has to be done. Usually they like it and smile at me, and only rarely do they cry ((that’s when I walk away apologising to the parents).

  • Emma

    I used to babysit and was once out with a wee one (who mispronounced my name and called me Mema a lot) in his pram and a friendly old man stopped to chat to us and I opened with “Oh, he’s not my baby, no” and the look of horror before I clarified I was the babysitter definitely took away any feelings of being a proper grown up… I guess it’s different when they are your own, but also much more terrifying