Paperback Writer
So, I’m writing a novel. God, I know, how tedious of me. Everyone is writing a novel these days. Even Terry has tried it, and, to be perfectly honest, I’d…
The Grandmother I inherited my green brooch and my red hair from also liked to write. She didn't have anything published, but she'd write little stories and poems (often about the ...
This week, I decided to start writing a book. Yes, again. If you've been reading this blog for many, many years, you may recall that I've been failing to write books ...
People, I am in a book. An actual book, that you can buy: Yes, I know, I can't quite believe it either. It's a comedy book, and I'm still half expecting ...
So, I’m writing a novel. God, I know, how tedious of me. Everyone is writing a novel these days. Even Terry has tried it, and, to be perfectly honest, I’d…