As 2023, each new baby born in Scotland is entitled to a free baby box containing a ton of newborn essentials.

Ours arrived last week, amid scenes of great excitement: here’s a quick look at what’s inside, with apologies to those of you who follow me on Instagram and have already been bored rigid by my many Stories on this subject!

free baby box: what's inside the Scottish baby box, delivered for free to every newborn in Scotland

Inside our Baby Box Scotland Contents`


Changing mat

Soothing blanket/toy

Squishy toy cube

Waterproof book

Black and white book

Ear thermometer

Bath and room thermometer


Baby sling

2 muslin squares

Cellular blanket

Sleeveless onesie

Baby towel

Breast pads


Teething toy

Fitted sheet for mattress


Baby emery boards

Selection of baby clothes

I haven’t itemised all of the clothes, as there are quite a few of them, obviously, but as you can see, there’s a selection of newborn essentials designed for different age ranges, from newborn to about 3 – 6 months. If I had one criticism – and, honestly, it seems really churlish to have ANY criticisms at all of a free baby box – it would be that a few of the clothing items seem just a little bit “girlie” for my tastes: I’d have preferred a slightly more neutral selection, but as I said, that’s me being really nit-picky – the baby obviously isn’t going to care, so neither do I!

contents of the free baby box available to newborns in ScotlandAs for the box itself, this is a concept borrowed from Finland (I think), and the idea is that the box itself can be used as a place for the baby to sleep, if you so desire: so, right at the bottom of the box is a mattress (the fitted cover for it is inside the box), so if you don’t have a crib/moses basket, or just want somewhere else you can lay your baby down to sleep, you’re all set. We don’t plan to use it for that, but the box is a rather nice one, with spaces for the baby’s name and date of birth, plus a design that he can colour in when he’s a bit older, so I’m sure it’ll come in handy as extra storage for the nursery.

Oh, and I haven’t been forgotten either: as well as packs of maternity and breast pads, there’s also two packets of condoms, just so the Scottish Government can be really sure that I never try to do anything like this again. Like, EVER. (I’m joking, by the way: I had a couple of people message me when I mentioned this on Insta Stories, earnestly explaining contraception and fertility to me – I do actually know how this stuff works, believe it or not, I just thought it was amusing to find two packets of condoms in a baby box, but that’s probably just me!)

The free baby box is available to all newborns in Scotland, from this year: there’s some more information about it here, and if you’re in Scotland and want to claim one, your midwife will be able to give you a form, which you then just fill out and send back.

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  • That’s so cool! Some really nice stuff in there too. I also find it weird/funny that they included condoms!

  • Jennifer

    That’s really awesome. You got a lot of cool stuff in there. I wish America did that.

  • Fiona

    Wow, that’s amazing! So much stuff, and most of it looks really useful as well.

  • Mhairi

    Got mine yesterday as well ?.

    Which is the sling – the grey or the white? I can’t work it out lol

    • Amber

      Think the grey is the sling – I didn’t realise until my mum told me, though: I thought it was another blanket ?

    • Ashley

      hello my name is Ashleigh and my little boy absolutely loves the comforter from the baby box, I’ve tried to find the same one everywhere but it’s only in the baby box, my little one lost his and has been so upset and doesn’t settle without it , so I am looking to try and get one , would you let me buy you’re one? the yellow cow comforter? or if anyone has one I could buy I would be so thankful.
      email= thanks

      • Amber

        Hi Ashley! I would’ve happily sent it to you, but I’m afraid I don’t have it any more ? Have you tried contacting the Scottish government, to see if they can find you a replacement? Failing that, maybe Facebook? Really hope you find one!

  • Erin

    This box is so amazing! What a fun & useful freebie this is.

  • Laura

    I can’t stop laughing at the idea some people messaged you to tell you how contraception and fertility work!

    • Amber

      Yeah, I think I need to dial down the self-deprecation a notch – it seems a lot of people just think I’m *really* stupid!

  • Brenda

    The condom addition was the thing I laughed at also! I think it is a cool concept that the Scottish Government is doing this for all newborns (and their parents)… we don’t really have anything like that in Canada… but it’s not a bad idea!

  • Lynn

    it was standard when I had my son that you couldn’t leave the hospital with your baby until you’d sat though the lecture on contraception. I get the theory, but the two thoughts in my head were, firstly, just let me the hell out of here and, secondly, like I’ll ever be doing THAT again.

  • Myra

    I’m glad Scotland has introduced this idea, particularly for young single mothers, as baby has a cot and pretty things.
    As to the condoms one of my friends (who was pregnant with twins when I was pregnant with my daughter) already had a baby of 13 months when her twins were born and went to the six week post-natal check up pregnant. Her twins were 10 months old when the next one came along, she had 4 boys under two and needed two adults to take them out. She went on to have more children

  • KikiTotoro

    I think this is a terrific pack to receive and I can see that if you had very little spare cash for extra bits & pieces it sets you up really well.
    Clothing wise that’s about as neutral/genderless as you could possibly get without everything being plain. The patterns are not florals and white, grey, yellow were the common colours for baby items back in the “old days” (before people got to know the sex of the baby pre arrival) and so earlier bits of kit & clothing were often in those colours.

  • Selina

    Finnish baby box is taking over the world! I hope it will though, it’s a great idea

  • Nita

    What a great baby box! As to the condoms, I’ve read that when filled with water and frozen, they make great ice packs for soreness post-vaginal birth. Not for insertion, but just to fit nicely between the legs. Nifty alternative use!

    • Amber

      Haha, and I thought my c-section recovery was going to be bad! ??

  • Stephanie Carlin

    Does any body know how to work the room thermomater one

    • Natalie

      You just have to tap it for it to come on, hope this helps

  • Natalie

    I didn’t receive a playmate with my box is everyone different?

  • Morgan McConachie

    I have still not recieved my baby box i am almost 37 weeks?

    could this be looked into?

  • Jane Mac

    Where can I buy another cellular baby blanket, I love it

  • Becca

    I think this is up there with the best thing the Scottish government have done in recent years! The clothes inside are amazing quality. I can not believe the amount of things inside the box especially the thermometers and breast pads etc. Amazing. There’s even a play mat and changing mat!! This must be so helpful to a lot of people out there struggling, it really does help get you in your feet with all the necessities.