Friday Five – an experiment

Because answering questions about myself makes me feel important, I’ve decided to start taking part in the Friday Five. And hey! You should too! I’ve even set up a whole new category just for this which means that I will surely do it once and then forget all about it. Here are today’s questions, though, which are taken from  should you wish to answer them in your own blawg.

1. When were you the coldest you’ve ever been?

I am always cold. Always.  I think I must have super-cold blood or something, which isn’t very handy given that I live in Scotland. So, I don’t think I can really answer that question because, basically I am almost ALWAYS the coldest I’ve ever been. (I did go up a glacier once, in Canada, when I was five. I can’t remember much about it, but I’m willing to bet it was freaking freezing.)

2.  When were you the hottest you’ve ever been?

At the Magic Kingdom on the 4th of July 1997. I can be that specific because it was THAT hot. Of course, the crowds didn’t help, and neither did the fact that I left my hat in the car because… just because. The lesson, folks: only stupid people go to the Magic Kingdom on the 4th of July. And only really stupid people leave their hat in the car in over 100 degree heat.

3. When were you the tiredest you’ve ever been?

Travelling back from Las Vegas in December 2003. We had to go from Vegas to Chicago, from Chicago to London, and from London to Edinburgh, and by the end of it we were like the living dead. There’s a hilarious video of us all (me, my parents, Terry) sitting waiting for our flight at Heathrow and never will you see a group of paler, more strung-out people. I am carrying all my luggage under my eyes, just to give you a clue

4. When were you the most stressed you’ve ever been?

December 26th, 2003, waiting at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary for the blood results which would prove that Terry was in end stage renal failure and would need dialysis and a kidney transplant. Fun times, folks, fun times..

5. When were you the dirtiest you’ve ever been?

Ooh er! Actually, I wrote about it… It was the time we took the quad bike safari in Lanzarote and I ended up caked in dust, from head to toe. There are pictures of that, too, but ya ain’t gettin’ to see them…

*  *  *

In other news, I have made a hair appointment with The Salon That Once Gave Me a Mullet. Because I NEVER LEARN. The day of darkness is next Tuesady. Pray for me.

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • Oh my, sorry to hear about #4.
    Are you serious about going to an appointment in the salon where they gave you a mullet?
    You're gonne need more than prayers but good luck with it. I'll be thinking of you. Will you be brave enough to post pictures? Before and after pictures maybe?

    Have a lovely weekend!

    September 21, 2007
  • This is a good idea! Especially since by Friday I'm usually out of ideas for posts.

    Well, at least good ideas.

    And #4, wow. That is stressful.

    September 21, 2007
  • I thought I was the ONLY person to be cold ALL THE TIME. Seriously, I lived in Phoenix, AZ and never really got hot living there. I mean, it was nice and warm, but I enjoyed getting into my car after it had been sitting in the sun because it was warm. I'm weird. 🙁

    And I was either hottest when I was in Orlando in August OR Boston in July. Either one. Take your pick. I thought I'd d-i-e.

    Please post pics of your new mullet. LOL

    September 21, 2007
  • Those are some tough questions. I don't know if I could answer them without a lot of thought.

    I'm always cold, too! I'm seriously considering moving south, actually. Not just to be warm, but that's a big incentive.

    September 21, 2007
  • This is a great idea! I'm totally going to try to remember to do it on Friday.

    I am cold all the time too, in fact my boyfriend now ignores me when I say I'm cold because I'm cold all the time. But the coldest I've ever been is on the top of an open top sightseeing bus in New York in November 2003. I don't think the temperature got above freezing the whole time we were there.

    September 25, 2007