Happy T-Day

It may just be December 15th to everyone else, but for us it will always be T-Day.

Today is the 6th anniversary of Terry’s kidney transplant. Which means that even although it’s cold and miserable and wet outside, we have one HUGE reason to celebrate.

(I am celebrating by having my hair cut. I know, why ruin such a great day, right? I’m sure it’ll be fine. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?  And then tonight, there will be champagne, and chocolate, and… well, there will be champagne and chocolate, anyway. Happy days.)

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I also write books
  • Nicole


    Such a beautiful picture and such a beautiful couple! Hope your day together is wonderful!

    December 15, 2011
  • Terry


    Champagne and Chinese food, what a combo 🙂

    December 15, 2011
  • Amy


    Hurrah for Terry and his kidney! May they have many more happy years together. Good luck on the haircut.

    December 15, 2011
  • Gorgeous picture guys, that’s a print off and frame for sure. Organ donation FTW!!

    December 15, 2011
  • Hooray for both of you!

    December 15, 2011
  • Happy Anniversary! What a great day to get to celebrate.

    December 15, 2011
  • You are one very cute couple! Happy T-Day and I hope you have a great anniversary.

    December 15, 2011
  • You are such a great couple :)Happy T-day!

    December 15, 2011
  • HAPPY T DAY!!! Belatedly. But I’m having a little party for you over here anyway! xx

    December 19, 2011