Magic Kingdom = Totally magic. Going home = not so much

Well, it’s our last full day in Florida. I’m sad. And also: totally and utterly depressed, because who wants to go back to the Kingdom, United when you can have the Kingdom, Magic? Not me.


(Why, yes, I did wear pretty much the same outfit to every park…)

The Happiest Place on Earth totally lived up to its rep (and huge thanks to The Parentals here for treating us to the trip, on account of how Sephora now has all of my money, and various retailers across central Florida have Terry’s), and was every bit as… magic… as I remembered it. My love of the Magic Kingdom has absolutely nothing to do with the rides inside the park (Especially not It’s a Small World), and everything to do with the atmosphere and appearance of the park. It’s just a little, perfect place, and it feels like nothing bad could ever happen there. Unlike, say, an airport. Or where we live. So, yes, it was all very magic indeed. Especially this bit:


I swear this picture is not photoshopped. And that even the Splash Mountain staff (sorry, cast members) laughed as they sold it to us. Just call me The Joker. Call Terry “crazy”. Moments after this photo was taken, my mouth ate my entire head. For real. (I’ve actually been having nightmares about Splash Mountain for years now, so this was actually a brave move for me, indeed. See “I don’t like steep drops“, for reference. Totally worth it, though, if only for this picture.)

So, yes, it’s the last day, and I’m now off to sit by the pool and feel sorry for myself while worrying about airplane crashes. We fly out tomorrow evening, so if this is the last entry you ever read here, my worst fears were probably realised. Rest assured, though, that I will not be leaving Florida without a few small mementos:


P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • That Splash Mountain photo is priceless!

    Glad you had a good time! Have a safe trip home!

    June 16, 2008
  • fluff –> scary stuff!
    I'm glad you have had a fantastic time and look forward to you returning to your normal postings, even if you aren't! Good luck on the plane

    June 16, 2008
  • The last room of "It's a Small World" used to be the United States, implying that once you've globe-trotted to all these other quaint places, it sure is good to be back home in the Real Country. The last time I looked, they'd removed that section. Uncle Walt must be fuming in his stasis chamber!

    June 16, 2008
  • You and the fluff is hilarious!!

    June 16, 2008
  • steph


    YEAH fluff!

    June 16, 2008
  • Stephen


    Splash Mountain is my all-time favourite ride. No joke. One time, we were in the park on an e-ticket, and because it was relatively quiet we got to stay on the ride and go round six times in a row. Much fun.

    One of the highlights of my trip last year was taking Con on it – I'd been wanting to share it with him for a while.

    And I've NEVER tried fluff. It's been added to my Florida to-do list… ;+)

    June 16, 2008
  • FLUFF!!

    That stuff is awesome! On Wonder Bread with Skippy peanut butter. Mouth watering now.

    June 16, 2008
  • Stephen


    Well? You get home safely?

    June 18, 2008
  • Danielle


    Haha! That Fluff picture is priceless!

    June 19, 2008