Cosmic Cafe Mount Wilson Photos

on top of Mount Wilson California / Cosmic cafe mount wilson photos

Cosmic Cafe Mount Wilson photoshummingbird at a feederCosmic Cafe Mount Wilson photosthe view from Mount Wilson, Californialooking at the view from Mount Wilson

Cosmic Cafe Mount Wilson photos

Right at the top of Mount Wilson, California, is The Cosmic Cafe – a little outdoor eating area with the most spectacular views over Los Angeles.

When we’d read about The Cosmic Cafe back home, a few of the reviews mentioned that the food itself is nothing out of the ordinary – it sells stuff like sandwiches, burgers and chili, so no, you’re probably not going to want to write home about the food – but it was as good an excuse as any to take a trip up a mountain, so we headed up there earlier this week, on our second full day in California.

The drive itself was a little bit hairy, but the views are well worth it: you’re just going to have to take my word for that, though, because these photos totally don’t do it justice – there was some smog over the city which made everything look a bit hazy here, but it was one of those drives where every hairpin bend drew gasps of amazement (and OK, a few of terror) from all of us, so we were really glad we decided to do it. One of the things I like most about LA is the fact that, for all of its built-up-ness (Yes, it’s a word..), you’re never too far from nature: this place was just a short drive from our rental home in San Marino, but it felt like a different state altogether, so great is the contrast.

Oh, and although we really went for the view alone, with the cafe just being a handy destination to plug into the sat nav, the food was actually pretty good, too; so if you ever find yourself at the top of this particular mountain, I can totally recommend the chicken sandwich…

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  • Chiarina

    I love these pictures, it does look like a lovely place. And it looks like you are getting amazing weather, which I am sure is making you happy!
    Keep enjoying and keep letting us know about it, if you have the time…

  • Suya

    The view looks stellar, thanks for the reccommendation! Love that hummingbird by the way 🙂

  • Livia

    Beautiful pictures!!

  • CiCi Marie

    Great photos! And glad those trainers did get used after all 😉

  • Mel

    Loving your holiday blog, thank you for posting even though you’re away! I look forward to reading your posts every day, they’re pleasant a little reward and break from work.

  • Amber Rhodes

    Great shot of the bird. You need to visit my neck of the woods and see some more crazy hairpin bends and beautiful scenery!

  • Brit

    Great photos, especially the one of the hummingbird. Thanks for sharing your holidays. Hope you have a wonderful time.