Pregnancy Diary | Week 36
When I started posting my pregnancy diary online, way back in week 8, I really wasn't sure what kind of reception it was going to get. In fact, to be ...
I've always been fascinated by birth stories. Even back in the days when I was very sure I'd never have one of my own to share, childbirth seemed like such a ...
OK, so, now that we have the bedroom floor fixed, and the house back to normal, I think I can safely say - AGAIN - that, barring any further random ...
I think pretty much everyone I've encountered this week has commented on how quickly my pregnancy is "just flying by!" Seriously, even the Hermes delivery man said it to me - ...
Week 34 of pregnancy was, for me, the week I finally cracked and started changing into my PJs right after dinner. Now, I've never been a "PJs-in-the-house" kind of person, really. ...