From L-R: Batman poster; Lissa Bengston ‘Hugo’ poster; Giraffe poster; ‘Don’t Grow Up, It’s a Trap’ poster
Now, Terry and I are notoriously indecisive when it comes to choosing things to put on our walls (We spent three years in this house without ANYTHING on the living room walls AT ALL…), so I’d expected this process to be a long and arduous one, which would most likely end in near-divorce, just like that one time we tried to pick out a print for the kitchen. Surprisingly enough, though, it was actually quite straightforward: Terry had the idea of having a vague “animal” theme for the nursery, and I liked the idea of our baby growing up surrounded by friendly little critters too, so he picked the two prints in the centre of the display, and I picked the other two – which, even more surprisingly, Terry didn’t immediately hate. Wonders will never cease!
I had no particular theme in mind with my two selections: I just really liked the ‘Batman’ print, and as for the ‘Never Grow Up…” one, er, I was actually considering the pink version for the bedroom, until I realised it was in the kids section. It reminded me of myself as a child, though, and how I never understood why all of my friends were so desperate to grow up and be adults, when, as far as I could tell, adults seemed to get a pretty rough deal, what with work, and mortgages, and getting clothes for Christmas instead of toys. I mean, can you EVEN?! (Also, I really like the Taylor Swift song, ‘Never Grow Up’ which rarely fails to make me want to cry when I listen to it while thinking of The Bump being a real, actual BABY. So, yeah, this seemed appropriate…)
As for the critters, the dog is called ‘Hugo’ (his actual name, which is on the print), and the giraffe is called Geoffrey (Our name, totally made up). And, while we were placing our order, we apparently got a little bit carried away with the whole ”animal” theme, because we also ended up also ordering this guy, for the living room:
His name is Giraffe. Yes, we’re aware he’s actually a zebra. The thing is, though, while Terry was hanging the print, he was all, “Where do you want me to put the giraffe?” and I was just like, “I want the giraffe above the couch, I think…” and it was only after about 15 minutes or so of this that we were both suddenly like, “Wait: this is a zebra?” I’d like to stress here that we DO actually know the difference between the two, but by that point the word “giraffe” had stuck, so think we need a new name for our zebra friend, just so our baby doesn’t grow up either well and truly confused, or just totally embarrassed by his idiot parents.
Why a zebra? Er, pass. Honestly, I just really liked his face, and I also like the sheer randomness of having a zebra on our living room wall. If you have suggestions for a better name for him, though, please leave them in the comments: as you can see, we need all the help we can get, here…
Finally, all of the prints are c/o Desenio who are offering a 25% discount off posters* between the 31st of October and the 5th of November, just use the code “foreveramber”.
*Except for handpicked-/collaboration posters and frame.
[This post is sponsored by Desenio.]

10/31/2017These are lovely, really classy but still “kid friendly”. I have a Bridget Riley Olympics poster (framed) in my little boy’s room and a painting by my late father (I picked it while pregnant so my boy could get to know his granddad even though they’ll never meet), and a print by my mum of a giraffe. Little boy loves them!
10/31/2017These are fantastic; I love your choices. I’ve been looking for a tiger print forever (nickname of my rugby club) and the one I found there is perfect <3
10/31/2017Love these prints — especially the Batman one! And Hugo is pretty cute too. Great choices!
10/31/2017ZED, the Zebra 🙂
10/31/2017I love Hugo! He’s so smartly dressed. What a handsome boy.
11/01/2017Such a fun nursery and one whose decorations will fit for a toddler and a young man as well.
Fiona Scott
11/02/2017Babies love faces so a black and white smiley face in a black frame will really capture his attention. They are hard wired to look at faces and are very sensitive to expressions.
Your choices are very classy!