watching the planes

Planes, Boats and Crop Tops

At the end of the runwayplane watchingnext to the airfield at Edinburgh airportwatching the planeswatching the planes land at Edinburgh airport on a sunny dayWhen Terry and I were on our honeymoon, we were driving around aimlessly one day, when we discovered a stretch of beach which was right next to the airport runway – and I mean RIGHT NEXT TO IT. As in, the planes would fly over your head, and then two seconds later, they’d have landed. As in, you could see the whites of the pilot’s eyes as they flew overhead. It. Was. Terrifying.

Well, Terry and I have always wanted to scare the crap out of ourselves in the same way again, so on Sunday we drove to our local airport to try to recreate the experience, and we took my parents with us so they could be scared silly by giant aircraft flying over their heads, too.

red skirt and crop topYes, I am wearing a crop top. I’ve actually had this top for about ten years now, and have considered getting rid of it numerous times, but something held me back: something that perhaps knew that one day I would buy this red skirt in the River Island sale and suddenly want to wear a crop top with it.

We actually couldn’t quite recreate the experience we’d had on holiday. Where we were standing was probably a good half mile from the end of the runway, so although the planes were pretty low, they weren’t quite as close as they had been in Spain. It was still pretty amazing, though. If you like really loud noises and feeling like you’re about to die, I recommend it.

Once we’d had our fill of scary aircraft, we headed into the countryside nearby for a walk:

Cammo Tower, EdinburghWalking through the fields towards Cammo Tower, Edinburghbichon frisered skirt with black crop toprusted iron bars at Cammo TowerWe, er, took quite a few photos. Also, Terry wore a red shirt to match my skirt. We’re very matchy-matchy that way*.

(*He didn’t. My dad did, though.)

Then we made the short drive to Cramond, and had lunch sitting outside in the sun, next to the river.

boats in Cramond Harbour, Edinburgh
We had lashings and lashings of ginger beer. OK, we had one can of ginger beer between four of us. And my dad drunk most of it. The Famous Five would have totally approved, though. Just before we started eating, my mum reached into her bag and produced a bottle of handwash and some wipes. “I brought these,” she said, “Because I knew Amber would try to touch any furry animal that happened to cross her path.”

And she was right:

fluffy white dogs

Rubin at Cammo Tower(The furry animal in the second picture is mine, of course.)  It’s funny: over the course of the day, we must’ve seen a few dozen dogs, at least. Rubin didn’t show the slightest interest in any of them… until we met these two Bichons at Crammond. And it’s almost like they KNEW they’d met one of their own. We actually had to drag Rubin away from them, and the other two dogs stood looking longingly after him as we went. Maybe we should get him a friend?

(No! We are NOT getting Rubin a “friend”. No matter how much I might secretly want one. Every time that thought comes into my head I will just think about that one time Rubin ate my favourite pair of shoes when he was a puppy. And that other time he ate my SECOND favourite pair of shoes. Also that time he dug up a shrub and brought it into the house. Oh, and let’s not forget the time he escaped from the car IN A PETROL STATION, and had to be rounded up by a team of truckers. NO. PUPPIES.)

Anyway. I was sad to come home at the end of the day. I really love these summer days we occasionally (very occasionally) get here. It makes me feel like I’m on holiday again, and I don’t want it to end.

Roll on next weekend. And please, please be sunny…

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  • Gorgeous photos! And I love, love the cut of that skirt!

    July 25, 2011
  • I adore your outfit, you look so lovely!! That skirt is brilliant. I love these photos, that place you visited looks awesome. I love places like that!

    July 25, 2011
  • Andrea


    Is that skirt still available?

    July 25, 2011
      • Andrea


        I couldn’t see it, unless I was missing it.

        July 26, 2011
  • Amazing photographs. I love the capture of those planes, and how pretty and serene you look with them. Ha! for scaring the crap out of yourself.

    July 25, 2011
  • Sara


    Great pictures! And Rubin is such a cutie, I wish I had one although living in uni halls kind of puts a dampener on any pet-owning aspirations I may have!

    July 25, 2011
  • I love the red skirt too – does it stick out that much on its own, or do you have an underskirt on too? x

    July 25, 2011
  • You look lovely on these photos, Amber! And Rubin is so cute, but I guess his cutieness is misleading if I read all the things he has done 🙂 But we love him anyway.

    July 25, 2011
  • Myra via Facebook


    Sounds like a good day out

    July 25, 2011
  • Rhiann


    Rubin looks so happy in that first picture of him, it made me feel inexplicably happy too!

    July 25, 2011
  • Beautiful photos! You look great in this red skirt! And Rubin looks so cute!

    July 25, 2011
  • ~ * ♥ * ~

    Ooo, Amber I adore your crop top and skirt combo! I would steal this outfit in a flash; it’s so cute and it looks great on you!

    bonita of Depict This!
    ~ * ♥ * ~

    July 26, 2011
    • Love the skirt – very pretty!

      Everytime we go somewhere together, Dapper gets his ties out and holds them up next to my outfit to match them up. I didn’t ask him to, but it makes my day that he’s so eager to complement my look!

      Gawd, that’s sickening, isn’t it!

      July 26, 2011
  • Oops – didn’t mean that to be a reply to Bonita – sorry! 🙂

    July 26, 2011
  • These photos are FANTASTIC! Looks like a old Hollywood movie or something with the airplanes in the background. Also, that skirt is gorgeous!!!

    July 26, 2011
  • Itzel


    My dog is so friendly to other dogs, he gets super excited when he sees them. But I am totally going to get another puppy after my boyfriend has moved in and we have settled. I know puppies are a handful but they’re so adorable.

    July 26, 2011
  • You would have loved it Myra, lots of photo oppertunities 🙂

    July 27, 2011
  • Love that skirt! There’s a tiny airport really close to where I live, and I’ve always wanted to take photos like these! Maybe now I can with these as my inspiration! 🙂

    August 3, 2011
    • It was great fun, I’m definitely going to back at some point!

      August 3, 2011
  • Amy


    I love reading your posts. I don’t know why – they’re just full of wonderful pictures, and happy people that I have grown to care about (especially with Terry’s transplant), and good writing. It always brightens my day.

    Fashion is NOT meaningless or superficial. You have been able to connect to readers across the globe (here in San Francisco!) and inspire them in ways you can’t possibly imagine.

    And I LOVE Rubin. LOVE.

    August 3, 2011
    • What an amazing comment, thank you so much:)

      August 3, 2011
  • I love the last shot at the end with the plane going overhead!

    August 13, 2011
  • John


    Terry is a cracking photographer – those shots are really excellent! Lovely DoF in some of them, and excellent framing 🙂

    August 18, 2011
  • “I brought these,” she said, “Because I knew Amber would try to touch any furry animal that happened to cross her path.”

    This describes me. I hijacked somebody’s massive fluffy white dog at the pub yesterday, as soon as I saw her I squealed and approached the woman on the phone, she was surprisingly patient with me

    June 15, 2014