retro style glassesretro style glassesretro style glasses

I have tons of retro glasses, but my all-time favourites are these ones by Red or Dead, which were a gift from Specsavers about three years ago now.

I LOVE those glasses: which is funny, really, because I almost didn’t get them. I remember the day I picked them out, it was a choice between the purple, retro glasses, and a pair of much more sensible frames, which I have absolutely no recollection of AT ALL now. Which says it all, really, doesn’t it? It obviously didn’t say it clearly enough at the time, though, because I ended up wandering around the store for a good 30 minutes or more, endlessly trying on both pairs of glasses and going, “I REALLY love the retro ones. But they’re purple. When will I ever wear purple retro glasses? But I LOVE them. But they’re purple. I should get the other ones, shouldn’t it? Should I get the other ones? But I REALLY like the retro ones? Should I get the retro glasses?”

And so on and so forth, until Terry, who was with me at the time, and who had been upfront about his preference for The Other Pair, finally cracked and said, “You know what? You should get the ones you love. Just do it. Just get them, and then maybe we can leave this store before your prescription changes…”

So I got the purple retro glasses, and it turned out that Terry was right, because I wear them almost every day: I’m even wearing them in all of my social media profile pics, and that says a LOT given how much I hate wearing glasses. The message is simple, people: life is short – buy the purple retro glasses. And also the gold retro glasses, because when Specsavers got in touch and asked if I’d like to try Red or Dead’s latest pair of glitter retro glasses, I was pretty excited. I mean, they had me at “glitter” and “retro” basically – those are two of my favourite things when it comes to glasses (or anything, really…). and when you put them together, here’s what you get:

retro style glasses

These are just everything, basically. An amazing, gold, glitter-topped frame, and that fabulous, 50s-inspired shape: can you blame me for wanting to put them on and pretend to be some kind of Hitchock heroine? A particularly evil one, if the photo above is anything to go by: I’m all, “Oh, do come in dahlink… so I can destroy you.” Fun times, people: fun times.

Anyway, I think it’s safe to say I’m a complete Red or Dead convert: this particular style is called Red or Dead 109, and its exclusive to Specsavers, along with a selection of other retro-inspired glasses which you may want to check out. As for me, I’m off to finish my book…


[My glasses were provided courtesy of Specsavers: all opinions and stupid poses are my own…]

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  • Anna

    Hi Amber, those glasses really suit you. I love retro style glasses. x

  • char

    Ah, these are lovely. I’ve been very tempted by them, as I’ve had a new prescription at my last eye test and *really* need to get around to saving up for a pair of new glasses.

    • Paula

      Hi, I know this post is really old, but just found it and I’m really in love with this glasses. Need to buy some now and can’t seem to find this ones anywhere. Are they not making them anymore? That would be such a shame

  • The Other Emma

    Love these. I have a really narrow face and find adult glasses can swamp my face so often end shopping the kids section for glasses instead but am really tempted to try these ones out.

  • CiCi Marie

    I try not to want what others have too much but oh I want these! I want these so badly!! I need gold glitter glasses, NEED them! And as luck would have it, I’m a Specsavers customer already and my next check-up is in the New Year…

  • Myra

    The male half of the founding pair (whose name completely eludes me) cam to Blackburn College to give a motivational speech to students. He is the single most inspirational and aspirational speaker I have ever heard (apart from Cori Aquino and Martin Luthrr King whose speeches I have seen on TV and on a completely different plane).

  • Myra

    I mean founder of Red or Dead

  • The Reader's Tales

    Beautiful glasses – a look  to rock the world!! Totally agree with you on Hitchock heroine… Not an evil one, a sexy spy ;-))

  • Stacy

    How can you not love retro glasses! I had to start wearing glasses earlier this year and picked a lovely red / purple Tom Ford cats eye pair. Love the look and don’t even mind having to wear them!

    Plus of course, what else are you supposed to wear with a 50s inspired full circle dress? Anything else would be wrong…

    • Stacy

      Oh, and the gold ones look lovely as well – they go so well with your hair colour!

  • Ghalia

    Ok, for a few minutes there I thought this was going to be a “is this dress blue & black or white & gold” situation, because you were writing about PURPLE glasses, & all I could see was GOLD glasses. I scrolled & looked at all the photos for ages, trying to get convince my brain that there is a hint of purple in these very obviously gold glasses….. & then I read on & calmed the heck down!

    Also, love the glasses on you 😀

  • Sharon

    Those glasses are fab. I’m due an eye test and will check out Specsavers. Haven’t been there in a few years.