Visiting Santa Monica Pier, Los Angeles

California Diary | Santa Monica Pier

Visiting Santa Monica Pier, Los AngelesVisiting Santa Monica Pier, Los AngelesVisiting Santa Monica Pier, Los AngelesVisiting Santa Monica Pier, Los AngelesVisiting Santa Monica Pier, Los AngelesWell, I’ve reached that stage of the holiday where my brain basically goes, “Nope, not processing anything else, no way, forget it,” and then packs its bags and goes home.

Actually, I reached that stage quite a while back, if I’m honest: I’m writing this post on… what day is it? Thursday? Friday? Er, a few days before you’ll be reading it, anyway. And I’m STILL not totally over the jet lag. I’m still waking up at stupid o’clock every morning, and wanting to go to bed at 8pm every night, and no amount of forcing myself to stay awake until what seems like a respectable hour seems to be helping. So, rather than trying to force myself to write actual words, here are some photos from Santa Monica pier, which we visited last week.

Oh no, wait: I do have a story to tell you about this! While we were taking these photos, a Japanese man appeared behind Terry and became super-excited by the sight of my dress swishing around in the slight breeze: and by that, I mean REALLY, REALLY excited. He stood and watched for a few seconds, enthusiastically giving me the thumbs up and miming holding out an invisible dress of his own, then turned to my dad, who was also standing watching (although without the invisible dress-holding, obviously…), nodded towards me, and said – with the maximum enthusiasm possible, I might add – “YOUNG GIRL! YOUNG GIRL!”

I’m hoping something got lost in translation there, because I honestly didn’t know whether to be flattered or a little bit creeped out, but hey: it was still a much better reaction than I normally get for my photo shoots, so I guess I’ll take it.

Now that I’ve woken myself up a bit with that, I’ll also just add that Santa Monica is probably one of my favourite parts of LA: mind you, I say that about pretty much EVERY area we visit, so take it at face value. It’s super-touristy, obviously, with all of the usual seaside-tat you find at beach resorts, but it’s one of the areas of the city you can walk around easily, and there are tons of nice restaurants etc mixed in with the other stuff. It’s also a great place for people-watching… and if you’re lucky, you might even get to see a YOUNG GIRL! YOUNG GIRL! having her photos taken for her blog…

Visiting Santa Monica Pier

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  • That dress is something I’d get excited about – maybe not to the same extent, though. It’s really pretty and if I wasn’t on a year-long (dull as dishwater) spending ban, I’d have snapped it up by the time I got to the end of writing this comment..

    September 16, 2015
  • Suya


    Haha that’s priceless! I would take it as a great compliment though 🙂

    September 16, 2015
  • In my experience, Japanese men tend to be quite the pervy youth obsessed creatures. This story didn’t surprise me

    September 16, 2015
  • Myra


    Navy, white and red always said HOLIDAYS!! to me when I was young. You look fab in all your outfits

    September 16, 2015
  • Ha ha, that is fabulously creepy. It probably wasn’t meant to be, like you say, but it still is… That’s the point where I would have run away!

    September 16, 2015
  • I once had a Japanese tourist enthusiastically grab me to look at a giant clam. However I was snorkelling at the time and he scared the absolute crap out of me because I thought it was a shark!

    September 16, 2015