white dress and sunhat

See Naples (Florida) and die

white dress and sunhat

Visiting Naples, FloridaVisiting Naples, FloridaVisiting Naples, Florida

On Monday we took a short road trip to Naples, stopping en route at the Isles of Capri, where some of these photos were taken. I’d bought this little white dress in the Banana Republic sale the night before, so naturally I had to wear it right away, and it proved nice and comfortable for the long car ride through the Everglades.

I have lots (and lots, and lots…) more photos to share from Naples, and from the rest of this trip in general, but for now I’m just concentrating on enjoying my last few days of Florida sunshine, and trying not to think too much about heading home.

I didn’t really have much time to think about this trip before we headed out here: honestly, the first six months of this year have been pretty rough, and by the time we got ready to leave, I was really starting to feel the effects of the stress I’d been under for such a long time, so it was hard to think about ANYTHING. It took a few days for me to totally relax, and once I did I realised it was the first time I’d felt REALLY relaxed since, oh, 2012, I reckon. Probably since my last vacation, now I come to think of it.

Not being one of those people who goes around talking about how “It’s good to go on holiday, but it’s even better to come back!” (Like I said in one of my earlier posts, I’d happily just stay here forever, thanks. Even IN the haunted rental home….), I’m absolutely dreading coming back home, needless to say, but I’m SO glad to have had this opportunity to relax and not think about anything more stressful than whether I have time for another quick dip in the pool before dinner. And hey: it’s not (quite) over yet – and there’s still the important matter of that stripey dress I found last night…

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  • such a beautiful dress <3 Love your braid Amber!!!!

    Latest look:

    July 10, 2013
  • Lovely dress in a wonderful scenario! I really like how your hair is braided. Beautiful!


    July 10, 2013
  • I just LOVE Banana Republic dresses! You found a great one. Boo for vacations that have to come to an end. Enjoy every last minute of yours. 🙂

    July 10, 2013
  • I love your dress, and the whole look you’ve got going on, it’s gorgeous.

    Fashion and Happy Things

    July 10, 2013
  • It’s a lovely dress! I’m glad you are managing to relax.

    I always love coming home – it’s the going back to work part I dread.

    Corinne x

    July 10, 2013
  • I absolutely adore your dress and hat! The glasses are massive but they match really nice with your face complex and the hat! 🙂 Looking forward to see more!

    July 11, 2013
  • Can I just say how glamourous you look in this white dress with those sunglasses. Very pretty. Hopefully on returning home things will resolve into something less stressful. Fingers crossed anyway!

    July 11, 2013
  • If it helps the weather is super hot in Scotland just now! Its crazy summer has arrived and its Hot hot hot! Safe trip home.

    July 11, 2013