wedding dress detail

Ten Years, Ten Photos

Today Terry and I are celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary*: which… WOW. As always, the rapid passage of time is absolutely terrifying me right now.

(Seriously, HOW IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME? Is it happening to you, too? Is everyone’s lives flashing by them at lightning speed right now, or is it just me? Because, at this rate, I’m honestly worried that I’m going to wake up tomorrow and be 102, because that’s how fast time is passing…)

Anyway. Ten years ago today I was waking up in my parents house, on a day I’d counted down to for an entire year, and which I never thought would actually arrive. (And now it’s TEN YEARS AGO. Do you see why I’m terrified by this? Because I AM TERRIFIED by this.) It was a beautiful, sunny day, which we hadn’t really expected, or even dared to hope for, really, but I know we’d have enjoyed the day regardless, whatever the weather: I think it was the only time in my life that almost every single person we love was in the same room at the same time, and it doesn’t really get better than that, does it?

To mark the occasion, I feel like I should probably be writing some kind of deep and meaningful post, about how Terry has basically saved my sanity multiple times over the past few months, and how I genuinely don’t know how I would survive without him. I also, however, feel like I’ve kind of used up my quota of “deep and meaningful” lately, so rather than bubbling all over my keyboard yet again this month, I’m just going to keep things light, and share some photos with you instead: one for every year, in fact.

This is probably going to be a lot less interesting than you might think, unfortunately (And you didn’t think that was even possible, did you?!), because Terry and I are really, really bad at remembering to take photos of ourselves together, which means that almost all of the ones we have are of the “arm out selfie” variety. I’ve done my best to hunt out the few that AREN’T extreme close-ups of our two faces, but it was slim pickings (Honestly, if all you had to go on were our photos from the first few years of our marriage, you’d be easily convinced that we didn’t even KNOW each other, that’s how few pictures we bothered to take together…), so these will just have to do, I’m afraid. So, here you go: the past ten years in photos…

wedding day


Confession: I actually kind of hate our wedding photos. We got married the year after Terry’s transplant: we were dirt poor at the time, and although my parents very generously stepped in to help with the costs of the wedding itself, I decided to try to save money by doing my hair and makeup myself, and… yeah. Honestly, I’ve no idea why I thought this would work out, because I’ve NEVER been good at doing hair and makeup, but instead of paying for a hairdresser and makeup artists, I spent a small fortune at the Benefit counter, and was all, “WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?” Well, folks, I’ll tell you what could go wrong: my eyes could break out in HIVES the week before the wedding. And, indeed, DID break out in hives the week before the wedding. They’d started to heal up by the day itself, but the skin around them was still like dragonhide, and my amateur makeup skills were just not equal to the task of hiding them: a problem compounded by the fact that – for reasons I still don’t understand to this day – I ended up having to get ready in a huge rush), which is why you will not find any framed photos of our wedding day in our house. Ever.

(Also, I’m not one of those people who looks back on photos of their younger self and thinks, “I wish I still looked like that.” In fact, I can barely look at photos taken earlier than 2011, say – which is when I got my teeth straightened, and moles removed from my face – without cringing. Because of this, I have seriously considered persuading Terry that we should renew our vows, just so I could have some decent photos. I wish I was joking about this.)



As you’re about to find out, most of the photos I do have of us together were taken on holiday: this one was taken on board the Breathless motorboat at Disney’s Boardwalk in Florida. My parents had booked us a nighttime cruise on it, to see the Epcot fireworks from the water – it was amazing, and not even the state of my eyebrows (Also a theme, as you will see) will ruin that memory for me, no matter how hard they try.



Another trip to Florida: this time we’re having dinner on the top deck of a glass-topped train, which took us on a little trip through Florida. This was another really fun experience, which I would love to do again sometime, if it’s still open!



Yeah, I really wasn’t joking about almost all of the photos being taken on holiday, huh? Here we are, clowning around in front of our rental home in Florida (Yes, AGAIN…): I have absolutely no idea what’s supposed to be happening in this photo, but it looks fun, whatever it is!



This was our first trip to California, in 2011, which was also the year I stopped hating every single photo of myself ever taken…


I absolutely love this photo. It was taken by our friend, Barry, at the wedding of our other friends, Steven and Lindsay, who got married at a gorgeous venue, near the top of a hill. This photo was taken just after dinner, as the sun was starting to go down, and I can still remember how beautiful the quality of the light was!


Miami, 2013. By this stage, we’d realised that we had approximately 92,675 photos of me wearing various different dresses, compared to roughly 5 of the two of us together, so we were making an effort to redress the balance a little. We were really stressed going into this trip, because the sale of our house had fallen through right before we left, and the house we wanted to buy had been taken off the market (which was a real bummer, given that I’d been mentally choosing furniture and decor for it for months…). There had also been a lot of other stress going on in the background, and, on our first day in Miami, I remember Terry fell asleep in a shady corner by the pool, and slept for about five hours straight… After that, we had an amazing trip, made even better by a phonecall on our last day, letting us know that the house we wanted was back on the market, and that we still had a chance of buying it. I’m writing this post from it now, so you all know how that worked out!


(Er, this is NOT the house we bought, needless to say. Which is probably a good thing, really, because can you imagine trying to clean it?!)

A flying trip to London in 2014… Because we’d just bought a new house, there was no foreign travel for us that year, but we did head down to Kent for a few days, for Terry’s brother’s 50th birthday party, and we stopped off in London en route. Hopefully we’ll make it back soon!


Welcome to a slightly blurry Las Vegas! If you read my post about this trip at the time, you might recall that Terry and I actually got engaged during a trip to Vegas. This was directly before Terry was diagnosed with kidney failure, though (He was admitted to hospital just a few days after we got home), and he was really, really ill the whole time we were there, so, as much as we enjoyed the trip, we’d always wanted to go back, and appreciate it without the crippling fear (me) and constant sickness (Terry). We got our wish in 2015, when we spent a couple of days there during our trip to California that year, and we absolutely loved it – it turns out places really ARE much better when you have at least one working kidney: who knew?!



I think I’ll always think of 2016 as my Bad Year, but there were a few good bits, too, so here I am, awkwardly patting Terry’s stomach (The hell?!) during a day out in September. As I said, not a whole lot of happy memories from this particular year, but we got through it together, and I think that if we can get through the various trials we’ve had thrown at us over the years, from kidney failure to miscarriages and loss, then we can probably get through anything, can’t we? So, right now, my biggest wish is that I get to write another post like this, in another ten years. I can’t even imagine what my life might look like by then, or what kind of photos might feature in that post (if blogs still exist by then, that is!), but I can’t wait to find out, and I know that, whatever the future brings, at least we’ll have each other.

So happy anniversary, Terry: here’s to the next decade!

(*We actually celebrated yesterday: look, we’re an old married couple now, Friday nights are strictly for vegging in front of the TV! Also, if you go out to dinner early enough, and during the week, you can get the early bird special, which is super-romantic, no? No?)

(I’m joking, there was no early bird special, just a nice meal out, and some champagne…)

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • Melanie


    Congratulations to you and Terry on your anniversary, I hope looking through your photos brought back a lot of lovely memories for you both.

    March 31, 2017
  • Viridiana


    Happy anniversary to you and Terry! By the way, yesterday I was talking about my sister’s hate for buttons when she was a toddlers and I suddenly realized that happened roughly 20 years ago…. how could it be? Looking back all these years passed in a flash….

    March 31, 2017
  • Elaine


    Congratulations​ to both of you on your 10th Anniversary. We recently celebrated our 20th. It certainly zooms by. Best wishes.

    March 31, 2017
  • Happy Anniversary! Here’s to many more for you love birds x

    March 31, 2017
  • This post made me smile, a lot! Congratulations to you both! 🙂

    March 31, 2017
  • Happy anniversary! I hope you have many, many more together.

    I completely understand not having any pictures as a couple. We have pictures of the kids, pictures of our vacations, but no pictures of us together. Actually, there are very few pictures of me at all. I joke that if someone looked through our vacation photos they would think I wasn’t there. I am going to start giving a camera to my daughter and forcing her to document things.

    And seriously, you and Terry look like you haven’t aged in ten years.

    March 31, 2017
  • Congratulations Amber and Terry xx. May you have many, many more!!

    And what a lovely place for a wedding! ?

    March 31, 2017
  • Carys


    1) Happy Anniversary!
    2) Such beautiful pictures
    3) You have an absolutely stunning collection of sunglasses, seriously. Face decoration envy over here!

    March 31, 2017
  • Aurélie


    Happy anniversary! You both look amazing in all those pictures 🙂

    March 31, 2017
  • Karlie Hand


    Happy anniversary! You are so right,where does the time go. We celebrate our 25th anniversary this year and our 30th as a couple. How did that happen? I also didn’t realize I had been reading you for so long; I remember the wedding shoe saga.

    March 31, 2017
  • Ah happy anniversary!! This is so lovely – I can’t believe you’ve been married 10 years, you guys definitely don’t look old enough for that to be possible! We are only at 2 yrs married this year but we are the same with photos – I have so many of me for the blog but practically zero of us as a couple! Also apologies if this is super creepy but I didn’t know you had your teeth straightened – did you happen to write any blog posts about it? It’s something I’ve wanted to do for years but for various reasons have never made the plunge, would love to read about your experiences! Jac xx

    March 31, 2017
  • Helen Love


    Happy 10th Anniversary Amber and Terry! Love all these photos…. but in particular 2010 and 2012 – (love Terry’s kilt). You are a beautiful couple….. here’s to many more absolutely fabulous years together! Lots of love and good vibes, Helen xx

    March 31, 2017
  • Happy anniversary you two! I’ve never seen any of your wedding pictures before so they were nice to see (in a non-weird way you understand!?) Agreeing with others, neither of you seem to have aged and we also rarely get pictures of the two of us. Enjoy your Friday night in front of the TV – I’m with you on that!! x

    March 31, 2017
  • Natalie


    Happy Anniversary!!

    March 31, 2017
  • Huge Congratulations to you both! I’ve also noticed how quickly time goes by lately and it totally scares me too!!

    March 31, 2017
  • a very happy wedding anniversary! an here’s too many many more xxx <3

    March 31, 2017
  • Maria


    Congratulations for your Anniversary, you are a lovely couple. Xx

    March 31, 2017
  • Congrats to you both! I can completely picture how ten years flashes by, considering how quickly the almost-year between my own engagement and very imminently upcoming wedding has gone!!! It really is quite terrifying. I am also living in daily fear that I’ll hate my hair and makeup at my wedding so much I won’t like any of the photos, and I’ve booked two very lovely and extremely skilled professionals. But at least now if for some non-sensical reasons my fears come true and I do hate them I won’t feel quite so bad about it 😉

    March 31, 2017
  • Victoria


    A very happy anniversary to you, and as we say in Russia, have another 10 of them at least!
    I’ve also noticed how quickly the time passes with every passing year, and it’s a little scary…
    But when you think back, you actually realise that every year was so full of great (and not so great) things that it’s hard to imagine how they all could fit in.
    10 years ago at this time of year I had no clue that I would be moving to the UK and that it would completely change my life… and here I am – almost 10 years in London…

    March 31, 2017
  • Myra Boyle


    You were a beautiful bride and I had no idea about the skin on your eyes, so I reckon your make-up skills did the trick. I love the kilt photo too, but you always look great in all your photos and I agree with Jenifer, you don’t seem to have aged at all.
    Happy Anniversary to you both and many more

    March 31, 2017
  • Myra Boyle


    PS the thank John speech was a memorable part of your wedding day, not a dry eye in the place

    March 31, 2017
  • Mana


    I’ve been with my husband for about 13 years now, though the number gets higher everytime he tells people (his last quote on it was “well we’ve been married 72 years” (which is extra hilarious because even if you added our ages it doesn’t reach 72.)

    I love hearing stories of marriages that last for so long. I know people say they’re rare (especially in America) but I think there’s more of them than we think, just that once love gets old it gets quiet. And seeing two people who have been married for 10 years, or 13, or 30, or 50 is sweet because they chose to make that work. They chose to support and love and care for the other person no matter what’s happened.

    Congrats on 10 years. Here’s to another 10, or 80.

    March 31, 2017
  • Moira


    Could I have a picture of the portraits in the attic, because you two look as if you haven’t aged at all! Many congratulations to you both!

    March 31, 2017
  • D. Johnson


    YES! Time DOES tend to fly by. This April marks the 16th year I have lived in Maine/been with my roommate. As we close in on TWENTY years, I, too, think: Yikes!
    Last year I was made to realize that my entire life has pretty much gone by me. I fell into the habit of trying to out-wait people- first my mom, then my ex-husband, then homelessness, now Maine. If there’s even a glimmer of hope for me to ever live MY life (which would look a lot like yours, LOVE the dresses) I have got to make some kind of a move soon. You are inspirational! Congratulations to you and Terry!

    March 31, 2017
  • Lori


    Happy Anniversary!! You are not the only person to be scared about the way time is flying by. My husband and I are getting ready to celebrate out 17th anniversary! Here’s to many more happy years ahead for you. ?

    April 1, 2017
  • Deanna


    Happy anniversary! Ten years is a beautiful gift – hoping you and Terry have many many more! My husband and I celebrate 28 next month – how can that be? We are still young pups lol! Love the ten photos and thank you so much for sharing your lives with all of us readers ?

    April 1, 2017
  • Moni


    CONGRATULATIONS, you two! And all the best for the next 10 (or better 100) years!!!
    And yes, time does fly! Last December my boyfriend/partner and I celebrated our 20th anniversary. And it doesn’t feel like that at all… But then again I feel as if I’m in my early thirties, not forties, too, so it fits. 🙂
    Again, happy anniversary!

    April 1, 2017
  • Definitely not just you.

    Happy (slightly belated) anniversary. Here’s to many more years and may they all be kinder than the last one. x

    April 1, 2017
  • Congratulations to you both!! Gorgeous couple, may the next ten years be full of wonderful things x

    April 1, 2017
  • Loved this post :)! I am totally with you on both things, one not taking photos with my husband, like ever, and two the passage of time. It scares the hell out of me how quick my 30’s are flying by! Happy anniversary to you both xx

    April 1, 2017
  • Happy anniversary, kids. Here’s to another 10 years of having each other’s backs through everything.

    For what it’s worth, I see no reason why you shouldn’t treat yourselves to a pro photoshoot with a photographer you really love – call it an anniversary present? Terry’s an amazing photographer himself, obviously – you can see from the pics that end up on here – but he might struggle to take the couple ones 😉


    April 2, 2017
  • Jessica Lee


    Happy anniversary!
    And oh, Amber! I also DID my makeup on my wedding day thanks to the whole Kate-Middleton-did-her-wedding-makeup-although-she-is-a-princess XD That. And because my husband just returned from his study overseas, and has just this new career, which basically mean, we were not really well-off at that time.
    Again, congratulations! Seems like you both have had an amazing decade together. Wishing you more awesome decades to come!

    April 3, 2017
  • What a lovely tribute to a wonderful decade with your man – gorgeous

    April 6, 2017
  • Amy


    A belated happy anniversary to you both!

    April 9, 2017
  • Erin


    Congratulations, Amber & Terry! I really enjoyed all the photos. You are a great looking couple <3

    April 16, 2017