Dinner at The corinthian Club, Glasgow

FOOD | The Corinthian Club, Glasgow



The Corinthian Club, GlasgowThe Corinthian Club, Glasgow






Earlier this month, Glasgow’s Corinthian Club got in touch to ask if Terry and I fancied trying out their menu, and as last Thursday was Terry’s birthday, we figured it would be the perfect excuse to get all dressed up and have ourselves a little evening out. Well, I got all dressed up, anyway. I sometimes dress up to open my mail in the morning, so there’s that. But anyway!

The Corinthian Club is located on Ingram Street, right in the centre of Glasgow (so, handy for the shops, then. Not that that would be relevant to me, obviously. Ahem.), and it’s one of those buildings that just makes you go “WOW” as soon as you walk in, and then every time you turn a corner or go into a different room. The main restaurant was closed for work when we visited, so we ate in the ground floor Boutique bar, which is very appropriately named, because you see that table we’re sitting at? It had jewellery inside it you could buy. Shopping and wine is a dangerous combination for me, obviously, but in this case I was too busy staring at my surroundings, because seriously, WOW.

I had a look at the club’s website when we got home, because I couldn’t really imagine how the main restaurant could be any nicer (clue: it’s AMAZING), but we were more than happy with our window booth in the Boutique, which was surrounded by chandeliers and mirrors, and just super-glam – well worth a visit for the setting alone, actually. We were there for the food, though, and we started off with crabcakes for Terry (I can deal with crab in the form of cakes: just not in the form of hideous, clawed creatures which crawl into your bed at night, and… sorry.) and haggis for me. (Because, yes, sometimes we DO eat haggis. It tends to be served as a starter in a lot of restaurants, and it’s delicious, trust me.)

Starters at the Corinthian Club

L-R Haggis, crabcakes

For our mains, we stayed true to form: I had the mac n’ cheese and Terry went for the gourmet burger:

mac n cheese at the Corinthian Club Glasgow

Gourmet burger at the Corinthian Club, Glasgow

These were also both amazing (Special mention for the garlic bread which came with my pasta, and which I immediately pronounced to be the Best Garlic Bread I’ve Ever Tasted. I’ve tasted a LOT of garlic bread in my time, so you can trust me on this one, too), but Terry won’t forgive me if I don’t mention the onion rings we ordered to share, and which were ALSO pronounced to be the Best Onion Rings in All the Land:

the best onion rings in all the land

He still talks about them now, actually. At one point I looked away to take a sip of my wine, and when I looked back, all the onion rings were gone, true story. They were THAT good.

For dessert we ALSO stayed true-to-form, and totally forgot to photograph it, but I had the carameliest (yes, it’s a word: I have no idea why there’s a red squiggle underneath it in my spellcheck) caramel cake ever, and Terry had a tarte Tatin, which he enjoyed too much to think about photographing it. So I guess it’s fair to say that the food was good: also, our meal was complimentary, but Terry’s burger, for instance, cost less than we’d have paid at the Five Guys around the corner, which you totally wouldn’t expect given the quality and the amazing setting, so I’d say it’s pretty good value for money, too. We’ll definitely be back to sample the other restaurants at some point, but in the meantime a huge thank you to The Corinthian Club for hosting us, and providing such friendly service: if you’re ever in Glasgow, I definitely recommend it!

Oh, and as you can see, I didn’t manage to get any good photos of my outfit because we were in a bit of a rush (and also because it’s apparently winter now, and it was so dark outside we had to use the flash. During ‘daylight’ hours. In June.), as usual, but the talented Natalie Dyuk sent me this illustration, which she drew from the quick selfie I posted to my Facebook page on the way out: isn’t it amazing?!

Forever Amber illustration

I WORE: ASOS floral midi dress; Christian Louboutin shoes: Precis Petite cardigan

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  • Helen


    Amber….. loved this blog. The photography was amazing! I take it Terry’s work? The atmosphere was captured brilliantly. And, of course – the food sounded fab. I have had afternoon tea there, and it was great. Will definitely go back. Your outfit was gorgeous, and it seemed a perfect place for Terry’s birthday celebrations 🙂 xxx

    June 23, 2015
  • Alice


    That woman does the most amazing illustrations of you – so lovely! She made the dress look EVEN better. Impressive! (Also now I need onion rings. Shame on you for posting this before lunch!)

    June 23, 2015
  • And did you know there would be purplish flowers on their bar? It’s looks like you planned it?!!! You look absolutely amazing (and LOL about dressing up to open the mail…I love dressing up but can’t say I’ve gone that far). And as for the word carameliest —it’s your blog…you’re allowed to make up words (i do it all the time!!) jodie

    June 23, 2015
  • Love this! 🙂

    June 23, 2015
  • Sounds like a great meal, I’ll have a look on their website. I don’t visit Glasgow that often, but I should have a list of recommendations just in case. You look great, as always.

    June 23, 2015
  • I am ready for dinner now. That place looks wonderful! Should I ever be in Glasgow, I am definitely going. That atmosphere! 🙂

    June 23, 2015
  • wow looks great
    love your dress so much

    June 24, 2015
  • Omg those onion rings look amazing! And good garlic bread seems hard to find, I definitely need to make a trip here! Whoever thought of combining shopping and food was clearly a genius 🙂

    June 24, 2015
  • The food looks absolutely amazing and your dress in stunning! Great post!


    June 24, 2015
  • I’ve had a lot of onion rings in a lot of places, these were the best by far!

    June 24, 2015
  • Wow, what a beautiful space, looks like my dream dressing room! Sounds amazing, will have to check out the next time I’m in Glasgow. Love the ASOS dress, absolutely stunning illustration too! 🙂

    June 24, 2015