Chi Chi London Alyssa dress

Fashiola and the Search for the Perfect Dress

Chi Chi London Alyssa dress

chi chi floral print full dress

floral dress by Chi Chi London

I’ve called this post ‘the search for the perfect dress,’ but I gotta be honest – I didn’t even know I was searching for this dress until I found it.

You can blame Fashiola for that, though. When they contacted me a couple of weeks ago and asked if I’d like to try out their website – which is basically a search engine for shopping – I was all, “Sure, I’ll give that a whirl!” I had no idea what I was getting into, though, because, well, this is a site which collects items of clothing from all over the internet, and lets you sift through it all at your leisure. You can search by brand, by style, by colour – and once you’ve found something you like, you can also set up a sale alert, so you’ll be notified if/when the price drops. You’re going to want to pour yourself a strong coffee before you get started, is what I’m saying: you’ll probably be there a while…

(It’s particularly awesome for fashion/shopping bloggers who spend a lot of time sifting through retail websites looking for items to feature… I used to start my day by going through a giant bookmarks folder of sites and checking out every single one of them, but now I just have to log-on to Fashiola instead, and see the new stock from ALL – or most – of them on a single page. So they’re doing a service to bloggers, too, basically…)

Anyway! Any time I visit a new clothing website, I always head straight to the dress section, which can pretty much make or break the whole thing for me. If I don’t see anything I like amongst the dresses, I probably won’t find anything I like AT ALL, but there was absolutely no chance of that happening here, because, like I say, they have clothes from literally thousands of brands, so you’re not exactly struggling for choice. Next, I headed to the ASOS section, because, well, obviously.

This dress actually isn’t by ASOS – it’s by Chi Chi London, who I’m sure regular readers will be familiar with from some of my recent outfit posts. It was being sold by ASOS, though, and it was love at first sight. I mean, look at it! I feel like every time I get a new dress, I instantly declare it to be my favourite dress EVER (Terry feels like that’s the case too, funnily enough, because I always come and show him the newest, most amazing dress ever, and he has to pretend to be able to tell it apart from all of the other ‘favourites’ I’ve paraded in front of him…), but this time I mean it. No, really, I do. Not only does it have pockets, it also has one of the fullest skirts I’ve seen (Yeah, yeah, I’ve said that before, too. What can I say: it’s been a good year for dresses…), and the fabric is so thick and luxurious that the photos really don’t do it justice. You’ll just have to take my word for it – or, better still, buy one and see for yourself: you can always blame me, if it helps?

(If you do decide to buy one, you might want to check out Fashiola first – but this time you can’t blame me, because I DID warn you you’d get sucked in!)

DRESS: Chi Chi London c/o Fashiola; Giuseppe Zanotti shoes*; Accessorize clutch bag; Unique Vintage sunglasses (c/o)

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  • Peggy Lyu


    OMG that dress is amazing! (and you look beauful, as always )
    I love flowers

    June 22, 2015
  • Jayne


    Gorgeous! The light in your photos is lovely too.

    June 22, 2015
  • Kate


    When I saw the ASOS dress you wore for Terry’s birthday celebration, I was thinking how did you decide to drop this Chi Chi London dress. Apparently, you have the best of both worlds. Grrr… I’m waiting for an ASOS discount code.

    June 22, 2015
  • Oh my days. All my favourite brands in one place plus sale alerts…this is genius! And dangerous. Very dangerous…

    June 22, 2015
  • That dress is gorgeous!

    Thanks for the heads up on Fashiola, never heard of it before but it sounds VERY bad for my bank balance.

    June 22, 2015
  • Alright alright! I’ll buy some Chi Chi London stuff. Or are these outfit posts not the subliminal messages I am interpreting them as…

    June 22, 2015
  • The dress looks amazing, I love the colours and the print. The pansies are so beautiful. I’ll have a look on their website.

    June 22, 2015
  • Amanda


    I love your sunglasses – where are they from please?

    June 22, 2015
      • Amanda


        Oops! So sorry….

        June 22, 2015
  • I am in LOVE with this dress Amber. So beautiful.

    June 22, 2015
  • Kate


    The dress is completely sold out, it’s the Amber effect. When I read your post, it was already sold out in my size. I noticed the same when you posted the wiggle dreases. ASOS should totally sponsor you but uh-oh, you’ll bankrupt us.

    June 23, 2015
  • It’s just a perfect dress on you. I’ve checked out Fashiola in the past as I love the fact you can set up sale alerts, but I’ve tried not to get too sucked in.

    June 23, 2015
  • I just bought this dress for a wedding later this year and LOVE it! The pockets were a bonus!

    I actually bought 2 Chi Chi london dresses but couldn’t bare to return either. Fantastic brand! Thanks for finding it for me!

    June 23, 2015
  • That dress is so lovely, I am sorely tempted to treat myself for a wedding I have coming up at the end of the year!

    June 26, 2015
  • Stop tempting me with dresses! I have boring things like groceries and rent to pay for!

    June 26, 2015
  • Ooohhh! Pretty! I can tell the fabric looks gorgeous; I seriously did a double take when I saw the dress in your pictures. I don’t know why, something about the print, the sheen and the quality of fabric really caught my eye. It’s stunning! ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

    June 28, 2015