Visiting the Getty Centre, Los Angeles

California Diary | The Getty Center

Visiting the Getty Centre, Los AngelesVisiting the Getty Centre, Los AngelesVisiting the Getty Centre, Los AngelesVisiting the Getty Centre, Los AngelesVisiting the Getty Centre, Los Angeles

view of Los Angeles from inside The Getty Centre, Los AngelesVisiting the Getty Centre, Los AngelesVisiting the Getty Centre, Los AngelesVisiting the Getty Centre, Los AngelesVisiting the Getty Centre, Los AngelesVisiting the Getty Centre, Los AngelesVisiting the Getty Centre, Los AngelesThe last time we were in California, we rented a house in Encino, in the Valley. Every night, we’d drive home along the 405, past the Getty Center, high on the hills above us… and we never went in. Not once. I don’t even know why.

When we got home, everyone we spoke to who’d been to LA was all, “You didn’t go to the Getty? What’s WRONG with you?” And now that we’ve been, I can totally see why, because WOW, this place is amazing. I mean, you can probably tell how much I loved it by the sheer number of photos, can’t you? Sorry about that. (Also, NOT sorry, though, because, seriously, look at those views!)

The Getty is a museum and research centre, but I’ll be honest: we went mostly for the building itself, and the amazing views of LA you get from it. I always feel like LA is the city you’re not really supposed to love: most people you talk to say it’s superficial, and complain about the heat and the smog, and OMGTHETRAFFIC. Well, the traffic is a killer, I’ll give you that, and even although the leaves are starting to fall, the heat has been intense. But I could look at that skyline forever, and I love the fact that no matter what you’re looking for, you’ll probably be able to find it somewhere down there in that sprawling mass of concrete – or in the beaches and mountains that surround it.

I think I might have found my place.



P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • Helen Love


    Love these photos…. absolutely stunning! What an amazing trip you are on! 🙂 xxx

    September 17, 2015
  • View from here always make our eye always seen this moment from that place.

    September 17, 2015
  • Hi Amber, I can’t believe you didn’t go in! I heard it suppose to be amazing – but then it would only be amazing if that your thing. I’m really enjoying your California diary. xx

    September 17, 2015
  • Linda B


    It’s so fun to see the city I grew up in through your eyes. It helps me appreciate it more.

    When I had the chance to travel in Scotland years ago, I felt the way about it that you feel about California. I had found my place. I guess sometimes, our souls really crave something completely different from home!

    September 17, 2015
  • Great photos. I felt exactly the same as you about the Getty. It’s an amazing place and the views from there are unbelievable. I’m really enjoying your LA posts, thanks for sharing your trip

    September 17, 2015
  • I’m not sure my vertigo would handle it, as severe as it often is, but I’m enjoying looking at the views from the safety of the ground 🙂 more than that I’m jealous of the sunshine – imagine using an umbrella to protect from the sun instead of the rain… It’s like a fairytale!

    September 17, 2015
  • The dress has such a nice colour, perfect for hot summer because it has a cooling feeling for my eyes. Btw my favourite photo is the one with parasol.

    September 17, 2015
  • What a gorgeous dress! I love that minty color 🙂

    September 17, 2015
  • Catherine


    Wow, I’ve just got back from holiday myself and caught up with all your blogs. Thank you for sharing, it’s great keeping up with you.

    September 17, 2015
  • I love that dress, so chic and cute.

    September 17, 2015
  • Beautiful photos! All your travel photos make me want to visit LA! I’ve only been once and really not seen a lot…

    I love your dress – gorgeous color & cut!

    September 18, 2015
  • Jennarose


    I used to live a couple of hours away from The Getty Museum and I loved going there. It took a couple of visits to really see the whole place because of how huge it is. Beautiful dress!!

    September 14, 2017
  • Muradyan


    Is the dress for sell? I’m in love with this dress and we can’t find the same in Belgium.

    November 27, 2017