Turtle Tots Baby Swimming Lessons | Review
[AD: Max received his baby swimming lessons free of charge, in exchange for blog coverage]
This morning, as this post goes live, Max and I will be heading to the pool for our final session – for now, at least – of the Turtle Tots baby swimming lessons we started back in February. Apparently there will be badges handed out. We’re very excited about this. (Er, even although I’m pretty sure they’re just for the actual babies…)
Here’s how we’ve been getting on…

Baby swimming lessons with Turtle Tots
After that, though, the classes are very much baby-led, and totally flexible. On the day these photos were taken, for instance, Max was distracted by the toys piled up at the side of the pool, so our instructor, Charlene, decided to just go with that, and do lots of games involving the pool toys, and also the large rubber mats, which Max absolutely loves jumping from:

I found it a shame that all baby swimming classes I looked into (not turtle tots to be fair, but some other brands) seem to involve the parents doing lots of nursery rhymes and singing. I can’t stand that and it made me feel awkward. So I just take her to the pool myself. Was that an issue for you, or is turtle tots less like that?
There are some songs, yes, but I haven’t found it an issue – because it’s all activity based (rather than everyone just sitting in a circle singing, which I also find awkward!) it actually feels quite natural, and there’s not a huge amount of it, either!
Ryan nash
My son is on the turtle tots baby program and we throughly enjoy every moment of it. We have booked on the level 2 program and will continue all the way through till the end. he’s so confidence in the water now and gets upset when I take him out and the same in the bath. They are well organized and very helpful my partner and myself were anxious of the first lesson and had difficulty with ordering the correct equipment water proof nappies and body warmer wet suit and they made sure are equipment was there and were extremely helpful. ??????
I think every kid should have swimming lessons – if I ever have children, I will absolutely be taking them. To show how well they work, there was this article in our local paper a little while ago: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12219684. Lessons absolutely save kids lives, and if it’s fun for them, that’s a bonus! Turtle Tots look well organised and fun for the kids – I love the amount of joy on Max’s face!