People, I am in a book. An actual book, that you can buy:


Yes, I know, I can’t quite believe it either. It’s a comedy book, and I’m still half expecting someone to pop up and tell me the joke is that I thought I’d get to be in it.

Anyway, it’s called Twitter Titters, and it’s the brainchild of the amazing Linda Jones ,who decided to do something for Comic Relief utilising Twitter. (For those of you lucky enough not to live in the UK, where it’s now apparently all-winter,all the time, Comic Relief is an organisation which raises money for charity by encouraging people to do something “funny”). Linda hit on the idea to publish a book full of comedy writing sourced on Twitter, and managed to get the backing of some high profile comedians, such as Dave Spikey and Nat Coombs (who have contributed pieces of writing to the book), plus volunteers to help judge the entries and edit the final product.

The project generated a lot of entries, so, as I say, I was absolutely amazed when Linda told me my contribution had been selected for inclusion in the book. I can only imagine that heavy bribe I promised to send Diane  (who was one of the judges) must’ve done the trick. (Diane, I’ll get that money to you soon, ‘kay?). In the interests of transparency, I should say here that my piece is a post from this here blog, so some of you may have read it before – you’ll have to buy the book to find out which one it is, though, and you should totally buy it anyway, because there are some really great writers in it. Oh, and the money goes to charity, so you’ll be doing something good for the world, too.

You can buy it here. Or Rubin will bite your bum.

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

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  • Kat

    Oh ma holy hell…last time a dog bit me I sat in the ER for three hours. Though Rubin looks cute I do not want to repeat said event.

    Can't believe you're in a book (not because you don't deserve it – you totally do) but because I am envious.

    Well done. Will buy a copy if they ship across the channel.

    <abbr>Kat´s last blog post..Shopping Hell</abbr>

  • Amanda Nicole

    YAY! So exciting!

    <abbr>Amanda Nicole´s last blog post..on Twitter, celebrities are just like me</abbr>

  • Linda

    Well I say, that is very nice of you to call me amazing, but nonsense all the same! Anyway why is it that often the most talented among us are the most modest? For anyone reading this you should know that 1) Every single judge loved Amber's contribution and 2) It was fabulous. Good day to you.

    <abbr>Linda´s last blog post..Ways you can help us raise more money for Comic Relief with TwitterTitters</abbr>

  • Auld Paw

    We have ordered two copies……easy as pie but you have to sign them Paw.

    <abbr>Auld Paw´s last blog post..Quiz team disqualified and title goes to University of Manchester.</abbr>

  • Rachel Pattisson

    Well done Amber! Your writing deserves to be in a book! Good for you :o)

    <abbr>Rachel Pattisson´s last blog post..Concise Conversations – More of FP’s news in brief</abbr>

  • ani

    That's ace! The first book of many:)

  • Diane

    I should say that Amber didn't *really* bribe me, although now that judging's over, any/all money is welcome 😉

    <abbr>Diane´s last blog post..big-birthday girl</abbr>

  • Dionne

    Winter!?! All the time!!??!! How rude! We have at lest two weeks of sunshine – just because it doesn't hapen in summer, somehow that's a problem.

    Congrats on the mention

  • Stephen

    You is teh cool. :+)

  • Michael Litman

    Wow, impressive stuff. Congratulations. Will have to check it out!


    <abbr>Michael Litman´s last blog post..The Micro-Sociology of Networks</abbr>