[This post is sponsored by Notino. Thanks for supporting the brands that keep me in business!]
I blame TiKTok.
TikTik is the reason I keep buying Sol de Janeiro products, even though I can’t really justify the cost. (But they’re so pretty! And they smell amazing! And one of them’s literally called ‘Bum Bum’ cream, which, COME ON, people, I’m not made of stone, here…)
TikTok is the reason most of the items in my bathroom cabinet match, and it’s also the reason I spent most of the summer with nails that were too long to type with, but which did sound good going tappity-tap on the sides of each product, just like they do it on TikTok.
(It’s also the reason I bought that stupidly expensive lip stain earlier this year, but that just made me look like Dracula, without actually staining anything, so let’s move on shall we…?)
It’s not, however, the reason I’m now the proud owner of this Wild deodorant stick. No, that’s entirely down to the people at Notino.co.uk, who were the ones to let me know about this refillable deodorant stick, which offers a range of different scents (I have the gorgeous Jasmine & Mandarin Blossom, which I love, but I already have my eye on Fresh Cotton & Sea Salt for my next refill, Seriously, though, how fresh, gorgeous, and ‘seaside log cabin’ does that sound?), plus your choice of refillable case, which is available in green, black, gold, purple, and, of course, pink. I went for the pink one, naturally, because, well…
For those of you who haven’t heard of them, Wild make deodorant for sensitive skin. It’s a vegan product with no aluminium salts, and it’s as kind to the environment as it is to the skin, with compostable refills, which are completely recyclable, and last from 4-6 weeks, making them pretty good value for money, too. Prior to the arrival of this, I’d been using a random selection of spray-on antiperspirants, but I find this to be just as effective, while smelling a whole lot nicer. As you’d imagine from the name, the Jasmine & Mandarin Blossom is a gorgeous, floral scent, with none of that artificial ‘chemical’ kind of smell I’ve come to associate with the products I’d previously been using, and it’s safe to say it had me converted pretty much from first sniff!
The fact that it looks good alongside all of the other sickeningly pink-themed products in my bathroom cabinet is just an added bonus, really.
(OK, I’m lying, it’s not: it’s actually quite important, because I’m the kind of person who cares about what the inside of her cabinets looks like, and who is secretly quite into the concept of ‘fridge-scaping’ which, for the blissfully unaware, is the practice of ‘styling’ the inside of your fridge so that it looks pretty when you open the door. Look it up, then thank me later, folks…)
09/26/2024Hi Amber,
Is it a spray? And can you buy them outside the web?
09/26/2024No, it’s a solid deodorant! I got mine from Notino, but I’m sure it’ll be available elsewhere, too!
Gourd Guy
10/05/2024I’ve really been considering getting Wild because I also have sensitive skin but still haven’t quite committed yet – back when they first started they were running the most ridiculous adverts that really put me off and as much as I do love the idea of smelling like limited edition autumn leaves, that one tiny thing keeps holding me back