Well, it took a week, but I’m finally back in ‘real’ shoes again, after my ordeal with the Blister from Hell. To celebrate my return to the land of the limping (because no, it’s still not totally back to normal, but at least I’ve been able to ditch that ugly great Bandaid, huh?), I wore my usual peep toes with a full midi skirt. Because OF COURSE I did. At this point, I honestly don’t think I’m capable of even recognizing that other clothes exist. In fact, I’m thinking of changing the name of this site to “Forever in a Full Midi Skirt“, just so people know what to expect. Either that or “Forever Wearing That Hell Bunny Cardigan, GOD.” Either one would work, really.
This particular full midi skirt was sent to me by ChicWish, and I’m not sure the photos do it justice, because it’s one of those skirts that my younger self would’ve called a “princess skirt”. Actually, what am I saying? My CURRENT self would describe it as a “princess skirt”: because it IS one, isn’t it? And I don’t know about you, but I for one like to let my inner princess out to play every now and then. Or, you know, ALL the time…
In this case, my inner princess ended up looking like she’s wearing one of those old-fashioned hoop skirts. I wasn’t, needless to say, and I wasn’t wearing a petticoat, either: it’s just that, any time I try to take outfit photos, Mother Nature decides to helpfully provide me with a wind machine, in the shape of the ACTUAL wind. When you live in Scotland, you have to either learn to use the wind as a fashion accessory, or just mope indoors all the time whining about the weather. I mostly do the latter, if I’m totally honest, but I have to leave the house sometimes, hence the hoop-skirt look.
P.S. Before you say it, yeah, I’m pretty sure those are weeds I’m carrying around like a bride on her wedding day, and delicately sniffing. They’re pretty weeds, though, so as well as carrying them around in these photos, I also brought some back and put them in a vase on my desk. Someone has to love the weeds, folks, and it looks like it has to be me…]
♥ Blooming Rose full midi skirt c/o ChicWish ♥ Hell Bunny Paloma cardigan ♥ Carvela ‘Australia’ peep toes c/o Sarenza

08/06/2014I went to Edinburgh early this year and the wind… I couldn’t believe it could be so windy all. the. time. Unfortunately I was utterly unprepared and had to do some last-minute quick thinking with my hair to take photos that weren’t basically me-as-Cousin-It. I could see how it could be misleading for skirt photos… but it just makes them all look so darn cute, doesn’t it?! I must get a ChicWish skirt…
08/06/2014Lovely outfit! How do you make that sort of bun? It looks gorgeous,soft and neat at the same time
08/06/2014I just use a hair donut!
08/06/2014Much envy then. WIth my curly hair hair donuts are not doable. 😛
08/06/2014Oh.My.Gosh this skirt is amazing. It reminds me of the Coast one which I’ve seen lately but it’s even lovelier!
Silver Cat Tea Party
08/06/2014So Lovely! …As always! <3
Ashley Cordell
08/06/2014Hey Amber,
Is there any chance you could potentially do a blog on your fabulous sunnies collection complete with style numbers? I am obsessed with your selections! You really are perfection my dear!
08/06/2014Oh, thanks! Because they appear so often in my posts anyway, I don’t think I’d want to do an separate post on them, and I honestly have no idea about the style numbers of the older pairs, unfortunately… I do try to link to the retail sites for the ones that are still in stock, but if there’s a pair you particularly want to know about, I can try and find out what the style number is?
Myra Boyle
08/06/2014Nice skirt, and I love those weeds too, although like you I have no idea what they’re called, but they grow in prolific numbers in Central Scotland 🙂
08/07/2014Gorgeous! I’m glad your feet are healing from the blisters =)
Alfie Haas
08/12/2014Such a gorgeous skirt! Love those pretty wild flowers. xxx