maternity style at 32 weeks pregnant: cream midi dress with biker jacket

autumn light

maternity outfit ideas: cream knit dressSo, this dress doesn’t look the same as it did the last time I wore it, huh?

This obviously doesn’t come as much of a surprise – I mean, I AM 32 weeks pregnant, now, so it would be pretty weird if I looked exactly the same, wouldn’t it? Like, the last time I wore this dress, I had to belt it at the waist, because it was a little too big for me, and now? Now I definitely don’t have a belt big enough for those kind of shenanigans, and, instead, I’m just thanking my lucky stars that it started off too big, because it definitely isn’t any more, and at least I know I’m not going to stretch it out too much by wearing it.

Oh, and my jacket doesn’t zip up now, either: but, of course, you knew that, didn’t you?

Luckily, though, November has so far just picked up where October left off, weather-wise, and although we’ve had a couple of frosty mornings, it’s still mild enough for me not to have to worry about whether I can zip up my jacket or not. This is good, because it frees up my mind for other, more important worries, like, where are those tweezers I used three weeks ago and haven’t seen since? How many IKEA drawer organisers can you buy before you have to admit you might have a problem? Why does there always seem to be a greasy handprint on the wall of the shower in the main bathroom, even although Terry and I both always use the shower in the en-suite? Could it be a ghost? Does it have my tweezers? And, if so, does that mean it’s a very hairy ghost, or does it just mean it’s a ghost with very well-groomed eyebrows?

These questions all need answers, people. For now, though, back to the outfit…

Or, on second thoughts, NOT back to the outfit, because this is one of those sort of useless outfit posts, in which almost every item is old and out of stock. As I mentioned last week (or the week before, or whenever the hell that was: honestly, the days are all just blending into each other at this point…), though, I’m close enough to the end of this pregnancy now that I don’t really want to spend more money on maternity clothes I’d hardly get a change to wear (Or, rather, I DO want to spend more money on them, but I ALSO want to spend more money on IKEA drawer organisers – what’s a girl to do?), so I’m basically just rotating endlessly through the same old looks now, and relying on those occasional, “Wow, I can’t believe I can still get into this!” moments to add a bit of variety.

This dress is one of those items, although I fear it’s probably the last of its kind, because, no matter how many times I go through my closet, hoping I’ll find some new and wonderful item of clothing that I’d totally forgotten I had, it just doesn’t seem to be happening, unfortunately. On the plus side, though, I guess that once the baby is here (and assuming I manage to one day lose the baby weight, which might be easier said than done), I’m going to feel like I just gained a whole new wardrobe: roll on that day!

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Zara dress and jacket (both past season)

Office On To Point shoes

Kate Spade ‘Rainn’ tote bag

Related: How to Walk in High Heels


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  • Myra

    Fabulous outfit, you show women how they can still be themselves throughout pregnancy.

  • Maria

    You look fabulous!

  • Rosie von Waldherr

    I absolutely love reading your blog! Your writing style is how mine used to be (before I felt pressured into not “rambling” and have regretted it so much that I’m trying to de-pressure myself to be like myself again).
    And I also love your pictures and your style – best thing I ever did was starting to wear dresses like that once my bump started to appear!!!

    xo, Rosie //Curvy Life stories

  • Chiarina

    You look stunning in cream! Really beautiful!

  • Erin

    This is such an incredibly chic look. Beautiful!

  • Cass Haywood

    Love your dress – looking lovely as always!

    Also, guess what came today! Closet Essentials!! So excited to starting to read it later! X

  • Erika

    I don’t expect to be pregnant ever again; but if I do, you will be my ‘pregnancy’ style icon.

  • APEC

    Love your dress – looking lovely as always!