Rubin goes for a walk

A Walk in Winter

Rubin goes for a walk

This afternoon, we decided to jump in the car and take Rubin for a long walk in the countryside just outside town. We actually thought we were being pretty clever here (Yeah, I know: famous last words…), because the thing is, our house is surrounded by woodland. And Rubin’s fur is like velcro. So, basically, every time we walk him during Autumn/Winter (so from September – May, really), he comes home looking a bit like an Ent, with entire trees tangled up in his fur, and, well, it’s not much fun for any of us, really.

“I know!” said Terry this afternoon. “We’ll take him on a different walk, far, far from the wicked trees! Then the worst we’ll have to worry about will be a bit of mud!”

dirty dawg

Or, you know, a LOT of mud. Like, OMGTHATISALOTOFMUD. And also quite a lot of trees, to be honest, because it’s not like there are NO TREES in the countryside, is it?

Trees. In the countryside. WHO KNEW?

Rubin really enjoyed his walk, though. Terry and I? Not so much, to be honest. Not once we got him home, anyway, and had to spend the best part of an hour bathing him, then cleaning the bath, cleaning the floors, scraping mud off the walls, ceiling, and all of the other places Rubin managed to shake it. And did Rubin care?

Well, what do YOU think?

Oh yeah, I also managed to capture a UFO, out there on that lonely road:

Or possibly a scary ghost, which has been following me around, ever since it ransacked my kitchen (who, me, exaggerate?) and switched on my TV the other night? At first I thought it was just the reflection of the sun or moon in a puddle, but this photo is actually a duplicate of the one above Rubin, and as you can see, there’s no water there. Definitely a ghost, then. That, or my iPhone case creating weird effects again. My money’s on “ghost”, though.

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  • You can always tell how well a dog has enjoyed their walk by the amount of mud encrusted on them. I’d say Rubin had a good ‘un.

    It’s strange that I’ve been walking the dog in snow and you post pics of mud. Should be the other way round!

    February 5, 2012
  • lovely photos! I wish my winter looked this way! Instead it’s freezing cold and it won’t stop snowing


    February 5, 2012
  • KON


    Yeah, your winter looks like spring to me…but I guess Rubin would have problem in snow as well. Like the mean ice between the paws and those darn snowflakes you can hunt forever.
    I hope his fur is not to hard to groom and he likes to bath 😉

    February 5, 2012
  • He’s so cute! Even with mud on him! And he always looks so innocent. haha

    February 5, 2012
  • Panthera


    It’s nice to know I’m not the only one looking at the pictures going “how come you don’t have snow when we have this horrid weather” (currently cold front with ice on the roads and -13 degrees C)

    I’m feverisly hoping the snow will go away and we’ll get spring soon, as I too hate going outside during wintertime, though I’m not sure how much I’d enjoy having to clean after that weather of yours either..

    At least he looks adorable no matter how dirty he is!

    Spring soon?

    February 6, 2012
    • Panthera


      Just to clarify, the snow comments are pure jealousy, as always, we look at something that looks marginally better than our own weather (everything looks better on pictures) and go “we are miserable, why does your pics not look like the most horrid winter ever, your winter must be fine, be miserable like us!”

      Which really does seem both miserable and mean.. hmmf.

      February 6, 2012
  • Ohhhh Rubin still looks awfully cute, even up to his ears in mud 🙂 that’s the great thing about my small pooch, he has short hair so walking him in muddy countryside is much easier to clean after. I don’t think I’ll ever complain again about having to wash mine, sometimes even just a bit of kitchen roll does it 😛

    February 6, 2012
  • as messy as it is for you guys, it is super cute for us too see a cute muddy Rubin 😉

    February 6, 2012
  • That first picture of Rubin made me laugh very hard indeed – he looks so serious about being covered in mud! It is perfect. And hilarious.

    February 9, 2012
  • Yes, I never rielezad how much MUD was involved with Spring… until I got a dog, LOL. We got one of those snowfalls last week – it was about six inches of heavy snow, gone the next day. Some of it is seeping through basemen foundation walls, sadly. :/

    February 28, 2012