Arthur’s Seat is an extinct volcano which towers over the city of Edinburgh, and it gets its name from its distinctive shape, which many people think looks a bit like a seat, which King Arthur might once have sat upon.
(I’ve personally always thought it looks more like a bed, tbh, but I guess ‘Arthur’s Bed’ didn’t have quite the same ring to it, so Arthur’s Seat it is, and I’m going to stop talking now…)
When I was at university, I spent my first year living in Pollock Halls of Residence, which are situated right at the very foot of Arthur’s Seat: a location which makes them particularly well-placed for drunk students to decide to climb the seat – and the Salisbury Crags, right next to it – in the dead of night, say. I’m obviously not saying I’VE ever taken part in such drunken shenanigans, you understand, but I’m also not NOT saying that, and, again, I’m going to stop talking now, before I get myself into trouble.
Anyway, this week we decided to climb Arthur’s Seat while sober, and, yes, that’s definitely the best way to do it, take it from me. As it’s not a particularly high hill, the climb is easy enough (As you can see, I even managed it in ridiculous shoes, without any issues…), and the views from the top (And the middle, for that matter…) are well worth the effort you put into getting there. On a sunny day, the summit of the hill can get fairly crowded, but don’t let that put you off – at least it’s better than the icy winds Edinburgh more usually gets at this time of year…

04/18/2011You are awesome, and so is Rubinman. I also climbed Arthur’s Seat in heels! Although it was dark, and it was in October, so the whole thing was a bad idea and we came down after getting half way up. Still, amazing memories. I’ll be more careful next time I go up there though, now I know that there are WOOLFS about!!
04/18/2011I’ve only ever climbed it in heels, in fact once I climbed it in heels at midnight (or thereabouts), as a student: sometimes I look back on my life and am amazed I’m still alive…
04/18/2011Love your top. And the wedges, of course! Glad you managed to have a day out and that is one magic dog you have there.
04/18/2011Thanks Fi – I have a Shoe Challenge post scheduled for later today with more photos of the shoes. Um, quite a lot more, actually. Damn, but I expect a lot of my readers!
04/18/2011I love how Rubin’s all “teh wind is in mah fur and I is totally a super(doggie)model”.
Sending all sorts of good vibes and hugs and stuff from NZ. *good vibes* *hugs*
04/18/2011I’m sure it’s different when you actually live there, but I don’t think I could ever fail to have my spirits lifted by living somewhere so beautiful. There’s a lot to be said for fresh air and some sunshine when things are hard – a good walk is often my “go-to” when I’m upset or frustrated. And with a wolf too? Well, all the better.
My desktop wallpaper at work is almost the view in your last picture (er, without you in it, obviously – that would be a liiiiitle bit weird) except my picture is covered in snow; it was absolutely breathtaking. I know Edinburgh isn’t the obvious honeymoon location, but we adored every second of it. Oh, and I walked halfway up in sodding walking boots and my feet were ripped to SHREDS. Just goes to show – sensible footwear isn’t always the way forward!
04/18/2011Oh Amber, I know we are all meant to go gaga over shoes all the time and everything (which I do, without a doubt!) but the thing I love most of all is the humour with which you share little bits of your life behind the heels.
My mini tiger Chilli isn’t quite as willing to pose for photos as your great white woolf I’m afraid, but I’ll make sure to tempt her with catnip toys and sneak her into a shoot one day soon!
Relatable Style
04/18/2011I’m sorry for your stressful time now… Here’s to pulling through quickly! 🙂 But no matter the stress, you look great! That is exactly the kind of simple outfit that I love. Striped tee, neutral pants and red shoes! Yay 🙂
04/18/2011you are such a model!
04/18/2011I defy anyone not to smile when they see the woolf Rubin!
Whenever hubby says to go out for the day I always have to throw some flat shoes into the boot of the car, just in case he decides to take us trekking instead of shop/town wandering!!
04/18/2011That looks beautiful. Edinburgh has been on my ‘to visit’ list for a while now, but I’ll have to add Arthur’s Seat to it!
Rubinman looks like he’s having a great time!
04/18/2011I know what’s going on right now SUCKS, but I have to tell you, you look absolutely stunning. I mean, at least there’s that, right? 😉
04/19/2011Oh, how cute is Rubin surrounded by his little wolf pack? He looks so proud 🙂
Fashion Limbo
04/19/2011I adore your dog, and that picture of you and him, with Rubin’s face against the wind is just so comical!
I cannot even start to imagine how horrid these last weeks have been for you with what’s going on in the Shoeperwoman side of things. I just hope you are ok and coping with it all.
Cuuute wedges by the way xx
Nikki G
04/20/2011A little bit of Rubin is enough to brighten anyone’s day. He’s adorable.
04/22/2011I’m so sorry that things are still rough for you, but how lucky that you have a bona-fide superhero to help you through it! I gotta be honest, I hear triumphant music whenever he appears on your blog 😀