art deco architecture in downtown Miami Beach

Bienvenido a Miami

art deco architecture in downtown Miami Beachart deco architecture in downtown Miami Beachart deco architecture in downtown Miami Beachart deco architecture in downtown Miami Beachart deco architecture in downtown Miami Beachart deco architecture in downtown Miami BeachWell, we made it to Miami.

I’m still functioning on UK time, our flight was full of Others, and I’m pretty sure our rental house is haunted. (That makes me sound like one of those very tuned-in people who Feel Things about places. Actually, I’m just one of those people who watch way, WAY too many horror movies, and who is totally regretting watching that last one right before we came out here…) But there is sunshine, there is heat, and there is also this shot of Dexter’s apartment building (Used in season one and in the title sequence of the show, before being replicated in LA), which we may or may not have technically risked arrest in order to capture:

Dexter's apartment building in Miami, FloridaIt was worth it, though. Vacations are always worth it.

These are all other stories, though, for other days. For now, I will simply say that we got here safely and we’re  very happy to be “home”. There will be lots of photos to follow: don’t say I didn’t warn you…

polka dot swimsuit

Amber: Miami, 2013

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  • Such a beautiful place. Have fun. X

    June 23, 2013
  • Gorgeous and pretty much deserved! Enjoy it 🙂

    June 23, 2013
  • Dexter’s house! Didn’t know it was replicated for the next seasons. 🙂 I would have risked it too, to take a photo.
    I hope you have a great time in Miami, relax a lot, and enjoy the sun and the warmth.

    June 23, 2013
  • I followed your house drama… you really deserve a break and this place seems to be perfect. Enjoy and I am looking forward to more photos.

    Lady of Style
    Join my giveaway: Fabulous clutch

    June 23, 2013
  • yay Dexter’s house! Beautiful pics indeed. Have fun and don’t care about The Others. 😀

    June 23, 2013
  • Erin


    So glad you’re having a wonderful break. I could go a spot of sunshine and a bare-foot walk on the beach m’self! xx

    June 23, 2013
  • I’m so jealous! I want to be in Miami!

    Fashion and Happy Things

    June 23, 2013