Last week, Terry and I took a daytrip to Traquair House, in the Borders:

We look like we’re about to move in here, no? We didn’t, though: it was built in the 12th century and, you know, I require better heating than that. Imagine what it must be like when it snows!

Rubin DID get a bit “King of the Castle” about it, though:

This was another double-bagging for Terry and I, and because we’ve seen round the house before, we just stuck to the grounds this time, so the wolf could come too.

Here I am in the maze:

In the maze at Traquair House

And here I am in front of Rosslyn Castle, which we bagged on the way to Traquair (or double-bagged, I should say. We really need to widen our net here and stop repeating castles…):

Collectif polka dot pencil dress

Yes, it is next to the famous chapel of the same name. No, we didn’t go in, because we’ve bagged the chapel before, and there were eleventy-one people all queuing outside it. Also, the castle is better, even although it’s ruined. On the way there, Terry discovered a woman lying in front of one of the walls, as if dead. He started to move towards her to make sure she was OK, whereupon she jumped up, introduced herself, and explained that she HAD intended to go to the chapel, but the particular wall she was lying in front of had “called to her”, and she had been drawn to it by its energy.

“Can you feel its energy?” she asked Terry.

Terry could not feel its energy.

I could, though:

Terry’s new friend then went on to tell him that she could also feel HIS energy, and that it was a GOOD energy. So he was happy. It’s nice when strangers are nice, isn’t it?

I, meanwhile, was told by two separate people who passed me that my shoes were RONG and I shouldn’t be wearing them to walk in because they are OMGHIGH. Because that’s the kind of thing that happens to me. Terry has good energy, I just have RONG SHOOZ.

(They are one of the most comfortable pairs of shoes I own, by the way. I walked for miles in them completely comfortably. AND I WILL WEAR THEM AGAIN TO CASTLE BAG, JUST YOU WAIT AND SEE.)

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  • LOL! I love your castle bagging posts 😀 Oh god and swings are f*cking awesome! I have an hilarious video of myself and my best friend in Hamburg trying the swings on a playground. Tell you what, our normal adult behinds barely fit between the chains, haha! Oh and thanks for reminding me I really, really need red shoes. I adore red accessorizing, and I have every accessory I’d need in red, but no shoes. NO SHOES!! Can you imagine?! 🙂

  • Stacey

    Gorgeous pictures. I love that dress. Cap sleeves hit my arms at the worst place to make my arms look huge so I can’t wear anything with cap sleeves. Which means summer top shopping is horrible!

    Who tells a complete stranger that they’re wearing wrong shoes? I might think it and even say it to whoever I was with, but would never go up to someone else and tell them they were wearing wrong shoes. I’d just wait for them to trip 🙂

  • Call me M

    Aww I miss “swinging”…
    You look fantastic! And Rubin is so cute! My dog almost never look at the camera or poses. “She” is annoyed by the flash!

  • Terry

    Mary was right, I DO have a special energy 🙂

  • Roisin

    Those shoes are totally RONG. You can give them to me for safe keeping.

  • Tracey

    I don’t understand how complete strangers think it’s okay to tell you your shoes are too high! I mean, wouldn’t you be the best judge of that? By the way, you look lovely. Now, random strangers can tell you that any day 🙂

  • Louise

    I have to admit it, I’m a lurker (a Canadian one). I’ve been lurking for a loooong time now. I just had to drop you a line and say I loved this entry. This is the type thing I love to read on your blog.

    By the way, you looked gorgeous, as usual. I happened to have also loved your shooz.

    • Louise

      Obviously, I am also illiterate. 🙂

  • Sandy

    There’s something about a windswept wolf that always makes me smile!

    You look fab as usual….I always end up looking a mess when touring possible residences (heh!!) how do you do it?!

  • Fashion Limbo

    As Roisin above, I do agree the wedges are “rong” and will also volunteer to take care of them for you 😉
    I adore the frock you are wearing too. So great to see Rubin being all lord of the mannor, he has a certain aristocratic air.
    oh and one last thing, how does one look so utterly fabulous whilst riding a swing?

  • Sarah

    Forget the shoes; I want those legs!
    Terry seems to be a skilled swinger; are you sure he’s not done it before? That Rubin photo just brightened up my day too!

  • Anna

    Back when I used to wear high heels, before I found out that I had messed up feet, it used to drive me crazy when strangers told me that my shoes were too high. Hey, they’re my shoes. If they were too high for me, I wouldn’t be wearing them!

    Also, your outfit is adorable.

  • Cel

    That’s so cool! I wish there were castles in Canada, le sigh. Where did you get the shoes? I’m always on the lookout for walk-friendly heels!

    • Amber

      Thanks! The shoes were from River Island last year, but I’ve seen quite a lot of red wedges around this summer too – I have far too many of this kind of style 🙂

  • Zoe

    Whenever I go to synagogue I get about eight comments from my mother’s friends along the lines of “how do you walk in those shoes?” When I smile and say “practice,” they shake their heads and tell me I should enjoy it while I can because in ten-fifteen years I’ll be forced into flats.

    Also, oh so very jealous that you live in a country with multiple castles. I’m in Philadelphia and the closest we have is Arcadia (formerly Beaver College) which has a dorm that *looks* like a castle.