Collectf Dolores dress

The True Story of Collectif’s Dolores Doll Pencil Dress

Collectif Dolores Doll pencil dress

Collectif Dolores Doll pencil dress

Dolores Doll pencil dress

Everyone, this is Dolores. Dolores, this is everyone.

(Er, you’re all getting that Dolores is the dress, right? I’m still Amber. Glad to have cleared that up…)

Dolores here was a gift from the kind people over at Collectif, and as you know, any time I meet a dress with a name, I find myself wanting to know its story. (Well, twice I’ve done that, anyway. You can read the previous stories-of-dresses here and here, if you’re particularly interested.) So the night Dolores arrived, I got out some whisky glasses and stood polishing them behind the kitchen table (I know, it would be better if it was a bar, but we don’t have one. Note to self: get a bar.) while Dolores pulled up a stool. “Scotch on the rocks,” said Dolores. “Strong.” So I poured her a strong one and slid it over, and then I kept ’em comin’ while Dolores told me her story.

Growing up dirt poor in Kansas, all Dolly – you can call her Dolly – ever wanted to do was sing. She worked nights at the old Roadhouse out by the highway, and when her shift was over, she’d get up on the makeshift stage, and sing her heart out – and when Dolly sang, everyone stopped to listen. Because she was terrible. Yeah, that’s right, you heard me: you all thought this was going to be a rags-to-riches tale, didn’t you? Well, sorry to disappoint, but nope, life’s not like that. Dolly couldn’t sing to save her life, but she was a girl with a dream, so she saved up her tips, and one day she boarded a Greyhound bound for Hollywood. Dolly’s momma cried as the bus pulled away – she knew her baby wasn’t coming home, and she was right. Because when Dolly got to Hollywood, she realised there were a thousand girls, just like her – only some of them could sing.

Dolly had one thing left, though, and that was her looks, so she got a job working as a Marilyn Monroe lookalook outside Mann’s Chinese Theatre. The pay wasn’t much, but she got to be in a lot of people’s Instagram photos, and that was the main thing. Now the folks back home call her, “Our Very Own Marilyn Monroe” and one time a tourist even asked for her autograph. Well, it’s a start, right? And one she’ll make the big time: she just knows it…

WEARING: Dolores Doll pencil dress c/o Collectif; Vivienne Westwood for Melissa Lady Dragon Cherries shoes

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  • That dress is so pretty. I love the shoes as well. Perfect choice.

    July 20, 2015
  • Maria


    Loved the story, funny and realistic! Also the color of this dress is lovely!

    July 20, 2015
  • I enjoyed the story 🙂 The dress looks great on you as well, especially the colour!

    July 20, 2015
  • Dolly has cracking taste in drinks. Classy, elegant lady with a sassy punch. Love it!

    Such a beautiful dress.

    B x

    July 20, 2015
  • I have this dress too – although somehow I’m yet to wear it. It’s totally ok though, as she was a present and therefore I don’t have to justify my ownership 😀 I never knew she had such a history… I’ll be looking at her in a different way from now on.

    July 20, 2015
  • Love this colour, and the shape of the dress although I don’t think it would be forgiving enough for my hips 🙁

    July 20, 2015
  • Rachel


    I have Dolores in leopard, I haven’t worn her for a while, the split at the back rides too high and goes wonky, (obviously from all the whiskey she drinks) and I was about to throw her in a charity bag, but now I see her in a different light. She’s had a rough go and for me to throw her away with unwanted items but to keep her cousins Vivienne (and I can’t remember the other ones names :O) seems a shame. She shall hang proud in my dressing room and I shall tell all her story (even if I can’t wear her for a while longer).

    July 20, 2015
  • I’m IN LOVE with this dress and it looks so good on you!

    July 21, 2015
  • Love Dolores’ story and the dress lol

    July 22, 2015
  • Love your style! :X

    July 23, 2015
  • Linda


    Your dress my friend looks amazing on you. Yeah, I know, other people said it, but I had to throw in my compliment as well. It’s super pretty on you.

    July 24, 2015
  • Dallas


    I’m a big fan of Delores, I have many of her- thanks for the story

    July 28, 2015
  • Sacha-Marie


    I love Dolly…I have 11 of her stashed in my wardrobe from polka dots to lace. The style is very flattering and there is plenty of room for the larger busted lady.
    My advise is to buy for your waist/hip size and any amount of bust will fit lol.?

    July 28, 2015