pink dress

Let’s pretend these Lindybop dresses are people

You can blame Char for this one. Assuming, of course, that you’re the kind of person who likes to “blame” people for showing you amazing dresses, in which case, what’s wrong with you, seriously? Anyway, this morning Char posted a round-up of her favourite Lindybop dresses of this moment, so now I’m going to blatantly copy her. Sorry, Char.

green Lindybop dresses

Green Lindybop dresses: Lana and Isla

These two are Lana and Isla, which, appropriately enough, makes them sound a bit like 50s film stars. I’ve had my eye on Lana for ages now, because, OBVIOUSLY I have. I mean, if a wicked witch were to wave her wand and turn me into a dress, this is probably the dress I’d turn into. (I’m flattering myself here, obviously, but you know what I mean.) I actually have no idea why I don’t own this yet (I do: it’s because I have an almost-identical one from Trashy Diva. That one has a satin finish, though, which makes it dressy, while this one is cotton, so totes casual, and therefore completely different.), and the fact that it’s sold out in my size is the only thing that stopped me buying it today. On a related note, I’m starting to question the wisdom of me starting this whole shopping section, because it’s just making me want to buy ALL THE THINGS. NOW. GIMME.

Anyway. Lana is on the left, Isla is on the right, and Isla is also amazing, in a different kind of way. I have a Stop Staring dress which has a similar shape, and I really love it, so I’d probably love this too. And it’s green. You all know how I feel about green dresses, right?

polka dot lindybop dresses

Polka dot Lindybop dresses – Arabella and Ariel

Staying with the fishtail shape, but reluctantly wrenching myself away from the colour green, these two are Arabella and Ariel. Now, at first glance, you might be thinking poor old Arabella is basically the demure sister of the racier Ariel – like, if they were in a Regency romance, Ariel would be being groomed to marry the dashing young heir of the local baronet, while Arabella sat sewing quietly in a corner, overlooked by everyone except a visiting earl (disguised as a stable boy), who sees beyond the higher neckline and sensible short sleeves, to Arabella’s true beauty. Then they get married, and everyone’s all, “Who would’ve thought poor old Arabella would land herself an EARL!”, and… I’ll stop now. What I’m trying to say, is that, at first glance Arabella looks almost frumpy next to Ariel, but she’s actually the one I’d be more likely to buy, because she’d be much more wearable. Also, add a pair of killer heels and a quick swipe of red lipstick, and it would be exactly like the scene (in the book about these two I’m now writing in my mind) where Arabella takes off her spectacles and shakes her hair out of its matronly bun, and the Earl is all, “Why, Miss Arabella…!”

(I really WILL stop now.)

(I’ll also try to stop referring to the dresses as “she”, even although it’s hard, because they have women’s names. It feels disrespectful to call them “it” somehow…)

green Lindybop dresses

MOAR green Lindybop dresses – Cindy and Delphine

I promised myself I wouldn’t show you any more green dresses after the first two, but, well, here we are. What can you do? These are Cindy and Delphine. They are the younger sisters of Arabella and Ariel. They weren’t actually supposed to go to the ball, because they’re really too young, and it’s not the done thing, but then Cindy threatened to cry until her eyes got all swollen, and mama didn’t want her to spoil her complexion, so they’re allowed to stay until midnight, and we’ll all just have to hope neither of them runs away with an officer. They probably will though. (Clue: it’ll be Delphine.)

lemon chiffon Lindybop dress


This is Ella: isn’t she lovely? Ella isn’t just beautiful on the outside, though – she is beautiful on the inside, too, and never has a bad word to say to anyone. A kind, gentle soul, Ella is particularly beloved by children, animals and old ladies, however, she was always a pale, delicate child, and she dies of consumption in the last chapter, so she never gets to go to the ball, where she’d have met the young Lord Walthamshaw. This is a shame, because he ends up marrying Audrey, who is very chic, with never a hair out of place, but honestly a bit of a bitch:

Lindybop Audrey polka dot dress


Stylish, mind you. But a bitch.

And NOW I’ll stop.

Related: How to walk in high heels for beginners

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I also write books
  • Thank you. That was really fun. ^_^

    June 19, 2015
    • Lara Planet


      I have had one heck of a hellish day and your post on the beautiful Lindybop dresses and the imaginary women who wear them made me laugh right out loud in the middle of my office. Thank you so much for a welcomed giggle. You bring good joy girlfriend!

      June 25, 2015
  • Antoinette x

    June 19, 2015
  • Vickie


    Love it 🙂 I have to say though, the Lana isn’t casual. Assuming the green is made of the same fabric as my stripy one, it’s quite stiff (like it’s coated in something) and feels too dressy for, say, a day in the office, or a shopping trip, because the skirt is huge and hard to control.

    I have decided it would be perfect for a picnic on a pleasant, slightly fresh day. Sadly I don’t go on many of them, so it’s currently languishing unloved in my wardrobe.

    June 19, 2015
  • That was hilarious! And totally makes me want to reread Pride and Prejudice (Delphine is SUCH a Lydia) 😉

    June 19, 2015
  • Fran


    Oh I can totally imagine you wearing Audrey! Though Cindy is probably the most ‘you’ – polka dots AND minty green!

    June 19, 2015
  • Haha, you’re very welcome. Sorry if I made you want to order ALL OF THE THINGS, but I loved your personification of them all. I’m currently reading Emma, which I received in a book swap parcel recently and had shamefully never read before. But your blog post is more exciting. Maybe Emma needs pictures of pretty dresses to keep me entertained.

    June 19, 2015
  • So cute! I love how you give these dresses charming little backstories!!

    June 19, 2015
  • This was the most amazing post I’ve read about dresses, EVER. Just so flippin adorable all the way through! You do keep tempting me to get out of my graphic tee/bootcut jeans rut and get back to wearing skirts and dresses…

    June 19, 2015
  • Myra


    Loved reading this post and I think you’d look adorable in any of these dresses

    June 19, 2015
  • Peggy Lyu


    I love all these dresses except for the yellow one…but just because it’s yellow..if it was pink…

    June 19, 2015
  • Annabelle


    Congratulation Amber!

    Once I wrote you I am a french literature teacher… Can you believe that you incidentally succeeded in writing a major piece of humorous literature for french people on the exact day they needed it?

    Today was the national examination of the baccalaureat (end of high school exam), and one third of the students had to think exactly about what you wrote today.
    Aren’t you frowning in disbelief?

    I quote and approximately translate the subject: “In your opinion, can a non human character be an interesting one in a novel?”
    I thought about George Orwell, Jack London, Franz Kafka… (I spare you the french ones).
    I thought a lot about animals… Then I was thinking: there is not enough examples of characters who would be non human but not animals…
    I was thinking: there is an open space for a bold writer who would stir us apart from the anthropocentrist point of view…

    And tonight, I read your post, … laugh and then… Alleluia!
    Amber did it! All the dresses from lindybop were turned into major comic characters!!!
    That is wisdom and talent, indeed…

    June 19, 2015
  • Kara


    I love love love this post. It is perfection. It also makes me want to buy ALL the Dresses. I obviously need them in my life, especially Cindy. If I ask nicely go you think she’d run away with me instead of an officer? (It also makes me want to cancel my plans for today and spend my time reading romances instead)

    June 19, 2015
  • I think this is my all time favourite of your posts!

    June 20, 2015
  • Adore aaaaall of these dresses! heading over to say hello! <3

    June 20, 2015
  • Maryam


    Too adorable… Hahahahahhahaha…a great read!

    June 21, 2015
  • Ghalia


    You HAVE to do this again… Please? Either have a monthly “Lindybop Dresses novella”, or actually publish a novel series about all these characters that were inspired to you by dresses, or do some kind of fashion/literature collaboration with Lindybop. Just do SOMETHING to make this happen again, because it was pure genius! Pretty please?

    June 22, 2015
  • Lol. Now I feel like I know these gals, and they really *should* come home and live with me… 🙂 ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

    June 22, 2015
  • Ann


    my wedding dress I’d frrather m Lindy bop it the ophelia in Ivory. Can’t wait to wear it!!!

    June 23, 2015
  • Emma


    This was amazing! Made me laugh and want to shop haha x

    June 23, 2015
  • Hana


    So can I preorder your book already? Because if it’s half as good as this post, I’m so in!

    June 23, 2015