polka dot poolside style

Poolside Style | Double Dotted

green polka dot skirt with black polka dot top

Vivienne Westwood x Melissa Cherries shoes

polka dot poolside styleYup, we’re back in Florida, folks. Not literally, obviously – just in the sense that I’m back to posting outfit photos from my holiday, because, no, I am not done with that yet. I wish I WAS back there literally, though. It actually makes me a bit sad looking back at these photos: it all seems a really long time ago now, and to say I miss it would be like saying I have a little bit of a thing for polka dots, but nothing major. Speaking of which…

By the third week of the holiday, even I had started to think I might need some kind of polka dot intervention. I hadn’t planned to wear nothing but dots for days on end, but that’s how it had worked out (probably because that’s all I packed), and I feared I had started to turn into some kind of parody of myself, and that I would never wear anything else, ever again.

“Amber,” I told myself. “Just stop it. Wear something else, just for a change. Or you’ll have to change the tagline of your blog to ‘lots of photos of me wearing polka dots’, and God knows, you don’t want that, do you? Wear something else.”

Well, I thought about this, and I decided to do it. I would wear something other than polka dots.

Then I thought, “Screw that, I’m going to wear MOAR polka dots! Double the dots, double the fun!”

So I did. And honestly, I’d do it again. In fact, I probably will.

I will also spin. And have only one arm. (Aside: I’ve discovered a rare talent for looking like I have only one arm in photos. Which at least makes a change from looking like I only have one leg.)

It actually wasn’t particularly sunny when these were taken: this was the week Tropical Storm Debby decided to take up residence over Florida, and dumped rain on us for several days in a row. It was almost like home, actually, only hot. We were lucky, though – we just got rain, but a few miles away, some people lost the roof of their house due to a tornado which touched down. We spent a day under a tornado watch, with me frantically Googling “OMG TORNADO!” and wishing I’d brought those red sparkly shoes with me. I HATE being caught unprepared with stuff like that.

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  • Ah no such thing as too many polka dots. I say this as someone who is wearing a polka dot dress, carrying a polka dot purse, and stopping at the fabric shop on the way home to buy some polka dot fabric for a dress. So maybe don’t listen to me.

    July 26, 2012
      • I saw your instagram! But in your defence, they’re both lovely and at least you know you’ll definitely wear them 🙂 (that’s what I tell myself every single time I buy a dress)

        July 26, 2012
  • Stacey


    I agree with Roisin, there’s no such thing as too many polka dots! Of course I’m also someone who has polka dot high heels, carries a polka dot purse, and my rain jacket (while just plain black on the outside) has a polka dot lining and the cuffs are polka dotted. I got the sneaky dots there!

    July 26, 2012
  • Lindsey


    Another polka dot fan here! I would never have thought of wearing two lots together but they look fab. Good work! 🙂

    Also, I love all your holiday pictures!

    July 26, 2012
  • More polka dots! Love them! And they look great on you! Don’t worry, you’re not going to bore us.
    I loved your outfit, especially your skirt. And I’d love to see more photos from your trip to Florida!

    July 26, 2012
  • Panthera


    Love the skirt, and I’m so envious of your bathing suits!

    I never was a lover of prints, but I’ve accumulated several polka dot clothes lately, a dress, a bra, a scarf… I think you might be having a positive influence on me 😉 (I’ve worn the dress A LOT, so happy I got it)

    July 26, 2012
  • I don’t have ENOUGH polka dots. There. I said it.

    Also: it took me 2.3 seconds to get the red sparkly shoe reference and then I laughed so hysterically everyone around me wondered what was going on.

    July 26, 2012
  • I adore your style how do I follow???

    August 16, 2012
  • you look absolutely perfect from head to toe!



    August 21, 2012