Drummond Castle Gardens near Crieff, Scotland

Exploring Scotland | Drummond Castle Gardens, Crieff

Drummond Castle Gardens are always right at the top of any list of things to do in Crieff, and when you take a look at the photos in this post, it’s really not hard to see why, is it? In fact, here’s one just to start us off:

Drummond Castle Gardens, in Crieff, Scotland

Stunning, isn’t it? (And, yes: just like almost every other castle in Scotland, it was totally used as an Outlander filming location, just in case you’re wondering: these gardens doubled as the Palace of Versailles in Season 2…)

We visited on one of those typically Scottish days where the weather basically just cycled through all four seasons in the space of about 20 minutes, before beginning the loop again. It was freezing. It was pleasantly warm. It poured with rain. It was super-sunny. It was a good job I’d packed for our stay in Crieff by basically just throwing all of my clothes – and all Max’s – into the back of the car, and hoping I’d covered more or less every eventuality, then, huh? Never change, Scotland, never change… (By which I obviously mean, YES, PLEASE CHANGE, FFS: I AM RUNNING OUT OF CLOTHES, HERE…)

Now, as the name suggests, Drummond Castle Gardens isn’t just about the gardens: there’s also a castle attached – and it’s a pretty nice one, too:

Drummond Castle, viewed from the gardens
The entrance to Drummond Castle, Scotland
Drummond Castle in Crieff, perthshire
Beautiful though it is, however, the castle isn’t actually open to the public, so while you do get to see the exterior of the buildings close-up, as you walk through the courtyard to get to the steps leading down to the gardens, it’s the gardens themselves that are the main attraction here: in fact, they’re frequently referred to as one of the best examples of formal terraced gardens in Scotland (if not Europe), and even although we didn’t quite get to see them at their best, due to the weather, and some restoration work being done right in the middle of the grounds, the view when you turn the corner and find yourself standing at the top of those stairs is really quite breathtaking. (The walk back UP the stairs, meanwhile, is LITERALLY breathtaking – especially if you’re carrying a toddler and/or his pushchair at the time…)
close-up of daisies in the sun Outlander flming locations; the gardens of versailles
The castle and grounds here have a very similar layout to Dunrobin Castle, in the far north of Scotland, which we visited earlier this year: both have impressive flights of stone steps, leading down to beautiful ornamental gardens, and, just to drive the comparison home, our visits to both gardens were plagued by sudden heavy rainfalls, which forced us to run for cover, to avoid getting soaked. At Dunrobin, we sheltered in a little stone-built cavern built into the garden walls: at Drummond, however, we made it to the glass houses just as the rain came on, which was a little bit more pleasant:
Greenhouses at Drummond Castle
Me and Max, June 2019

Unfortunately for us, the other similarity between our trips to these two castles was that they were both all too short: in this case, the crazy weather and Max’s nap schedule forced us home again a bit sooner than we’d have liked. Not, however, before Terry managed to grab some footage for a quick video: this one also includes some shots of our lodge at the beautiful Highland Heather Lodges (Which I reviewed here…), so if you’re looking for things to do in Crieff, or somewhere to stay in the area, sit back and take a look…

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  • May


    Hi Amber! I noticed the blog says this is as “0 minute read” and sure it’s a short post but surely 0 minutes is a bit of an exaggeration for the average reader?
    Anyways, the gardens are gorgeous! All your travel posts make me want to throw a bag together and visit every Scottish castle on the map. Someday, someday…

    July 5, 2019
  • Candice


    These are some beautiful photos

    Candice x


    July 5, 2019
  • Brenda


    Wow! I think when we come to Scotland, it will have to be for a few months. There’s so much! Why isn’t the castle itself open to the public?

    July 5, 2019
      • Jenny McCullough


        Correct. It’s a private home and is owned by Lady Jane Willoughby.

        July 6, 2019
  • Gorgeous photos! Those gardens looks so pretty! ?

    July 7, 2019
  • Awww it’s such a pity you can’t pay a visit inside the castle… but the outside is really stunning and those gardens are so dreamy! Totally worth the visit!

    Flor | https://flordeblog.com/

    July 7, 2019
  • Absolutely stunning! I cannot believe how close I live to Drummond but I’ve never been. I must explore my own country so much more.

    Kirsty | http://kirstyjarvie.com

    July 23, 2019
  • What a beautiful place! As always, loved the video Terry put together. ❤️

    August 2, 2019