[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Last week, Terry, Max and I paid a visit to my parents, and found them freshly returned from a trip to Culross, Fife – which, my mum assured us, we MUST have visited ourselves, because, “It’s where they film that show you like: you know, the one you NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT?”

OK, she didn’t say that last bit. I expect most of my readers probably ARE saying that right now, because, yes, I’m aware that the majority of my “adventure” posts lately have had some kind of Outlander connection, which is making me look like even more of a fangirl than I actually am. Like, you’re probably expecting me to reveal I have a poster of Jamie on my bedroom ceiling or something at this stage, aren’t you? Well, I DON’T (It’s inside the cupboard door, so I can kiss it goodnight…), thankfully, and honestly, the Outlander theme of my recent posts wasn’t intentional, I swear (Well, OK, the one about Lallybroch totally was…), it’s just that there are so many Outlander filming locations around these parts that it’s hard NOT to come across them every so often. Or that’s my excuse, anyway.

Anyway, when my parents told us about Culross (pronounced ‘Koo-ross’), I was actually quite surprised, because it’s only about a 30 minute drive from us, and yet I’d never even heard of it: which was odd, because it’s EXACTLY the kind of place I like.

“It’s exactly the kind of place you like,” confirmed my mum. “You HAVE to go.”

And so, just a few days later, we did:

Visiting Culross Palace, Fife, Scotland

Visiting Culross Palace, Fife, Scotland

Visiting Culross Palace, Fife, Scotland

Visiting Culross Palace, Fife, Scotland

Visiting Culross Palace, Fife, Scotland

Culroos, Fife, Scotland

Visiting Culross Palace, Fife, Scotland

Culross’s main claim to fame – and the reason it’s so drop-dead gorgeous – is that it hasn’t really changed much since the 17th century. (Which is why it was such a good filming location for Outlander, obviously…) And, I mean, yes, sure, the roads have cars and buses on them now, instead of horses and carts, so some degree of modernisation is inevitable, but, for the most part, it feels a bit like you’ve just stepped back in time.

At the heart of the village is the amazing, yellow-painted Culross Palace, which was built in the 17th century by industrialist Sir George Bruce, and which is… well, not ACTUALLY a palace, obviously, but a pretty impressive mansion house, nonetheless:

Visiting Culross Palace, Fife, Scotland

You know what I’m going to say now, don’t you? Yes! It was totally used as an Outlander filming location! Here, for instance, is Geillis Duncan’s parlour…

Outlander filming locations in Scotland: Culross Palace, Fife

… and the palace’s beautiful gardens were also used as the herb garden of Castle Leoch, back in season one:

Visiting Culross Palace, Fife, Scotland

Visiting Culross Palace, Fife, Scotland

Visiting Culross Palace, Fife, Scotland

Visiting Culross Palace, Fife, Scotland

Visiting Culross Palace, Fife, Scotland

Culross Palace, Fife

Culross Palace, Fife

In the herb garden at Castle Leoch

Even if you’ve no idea what I’m talking about right now, and are just wishing I’d stop talking about Outlander all the time, Culross Palace is still well worth a visit: I mean, we hard-landscaped our entire garden, so we’re obviously not exactly at one with nature, but, even so, the palace gardens are one of the prettiest places I’ve ever seen, and it was impossible to walk round them without constantly cooing over how utterly gorgeous it all is. The town itself, meanwhile, got a similar reaction from me: I’m going to refrain from spamming you with more photos, because I think I’ve posted enough of the palace and grounds already, but, honestly, it’s like the place was custom-built for Instagram. It’s all quaint, winding streets, pretty pastel houses, flowers everywhere… oh, AND there’s also a ruined abbey, a historic townhouse, and this gorgeous little restaurant, which made us feel like we were holidaying in the Med, or something:

visiting Culross, Fife in the summer

visiting Culross, Fife in the summer

visiting Culross, Fife in the summer

visiting Culross, Fife in the summer

visiting Culross, Fife in the summer

(And yeah, we all dressed the same again: FFS.)

Predictably, we will be back very soon – like, VERY soon – to take photos of the village itself. Even more predictably, as soon as we got home, I started looking at property prices in Culross, and telling Terry how moving there would actually be a good business move for us, on account of how much easier it would be to take photos for the blog, without having to travel. I mean, if we’re going to be spending as much time there as I’m planning, it would TOTALLY make sense to just move there, no?

NO?[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][templatera id=”124108″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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  • Bry Jaimea

    I love Fife. LOVE. Every time I daydream about my future it involves either St Andrews or Lower Largo. I completely understand why you’d want to move to Culross!
    Also, Max is just too adorable for words!

    • Amber

      I love St Andrews too – that whole coast is just so pretty!

  • Erika

    Oh, it’s beautiful! I have high hopes of visiting Scotland sometime next year and I just added this place on my to see list.

  • Erika

    Oh, it’s beautiful! I have high hopes of visiting Scotland sometime next year and I just added this place on my to see list.

  • Brenda

    I would totally want to live there! These posts about Outlander make me think that I really need to get back into it. I read the first four books and then let it go for awhile. I haven’t watched the series yet. I worry that I will be disappointed because the books are just so good! I loved Jamie Fraser so much, I wasn’t sure about the actor chosen to portray him in the series, either.

    I love the photo of your family. Your parents are just so cute!!!

    I really need to visit Scotland someday! It just looks so magical!

  • Aaaaaaaaaargh I can’t believe you live so close to all the Outlander filming spots, Amber: I’m so envious!! This place looks absolutely beautiful, how wonderful that you got to see it in such glorious sunshine.

    I have to admit I only discovered Outlander a couple of months ago (WHY have I never come across it before?!) – I happened to catch Season 1 Episode 1 on More4 or something and decided to Amazon Prime it… three seasons of binge-watching later I am fully up to speed and now desperate for the next season to come out!! So you harp on about Mr and Mrs Fraser as much as you like, and I’ll fight you for that poster of Jamie inside your cupboard door, lol 😉

    Catherine x

  • Erin

    Randomness ahead: I know that you and Terry had a rough few years prior to 2018, but between Max, and the insanely gorgeous weather you guys seem to be enjoying this year, I think the universe is smiling on you. It makes me happy <3 Love all your pictures and family adventures!

  • Lisa Hall

    You’re totally rocking those hair extensions….They look fabulous!

  • last year's girl

    I have never seen Outlander, but thoroughly enjoyed the gorgeous photographs in this post. Your outfit is fantastic, no wonder the boys wanted to match! x

  • Rosy Creasy

    Is your baby REAL? What an adorable treasure! Definitely wins Baby of the Year. ???

  • Sora

    You reminded me I need to get back in track with Outlander! :O

    That place is truly dreamy btw! I’d love to visit some day.

    Sora | http://dangerouslyme.com/

  • Anita

    Ok. So I was just planning a weekend back to Edinburgh. But now it seems I need to have a couple of weeks planned in Scotland to visit every Outlander filming location you have featured on your blog! 😀

  • Maria

    Wow! This place looks like it came out of a dream!

  • Lou

    Culross is definitely worth a visit, we love the East Coast! Another vote for Lower Largo here. We have rented a cottage on the beach during the summer since the children were little. Stunning location and so relaxing!