Glamour Bunny dress

Glamour Bunny, Take Two


1950s glamour dresses

black glamour bunny dressLook, ma – no feet!

This is the second Glamour Bunny dress I had to show you this month (You can see the first one here), and I saved it for last, because it felt very Halloween-appropriate somehow. Possibly because it’s made me look like I only have one leg in that last photo: whoops!

That’s nothing to do with the dress, obviously: it was just one of the many times that the best photo of the dress wasn’t the best photo of me, but I’m showing you it anyway, because isn’t she a beauty? The dress, I mean. Who’s called ‘Serena’, and by that I mean she’s ACTUALLY called ‘Serena’ – I didn’t just make that up, the way I give everything else in my life a name.

(Boris seems to have left us, by the way: I haven’t seen him all week. I hope the little eight-legged guy is OK. I also wish I could’ve borrowed just ONE of his many legs for that last photo. Or, on second thoughts, maybe not: that would’ve been a bit TOO creepy, huh? )

As I was saying, I felt like this dress was appropriate for the week before Halloween, because although it’s a fairly classic, 50s-inspired circle dress, it has a real ‘film noir’ feel to it, don’t you think? Like, can’t you just imagine the heroine in a classic Hitchcock movie wearing something like this? As soon as I put it on, I immediately regretted NOT choosing ‘film noir heroine’ for my Halloween costume this year, and just wearing this: and actually, now I come to think of it, I AM still waiting on one fairly-essential item to complete that costume, so you never know, I might just get lucky.

If not, I’m sure there will be plenty of other opportunities for me and Serena to hit the town together – and failing that, I can always make something up, can’t I?

Check out the full range of 1950s glamour dresses at the Glamour Bunny website, which you’ll find here.


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  • This is utterly lovely and full of film noir Hollywood glamour appeal. I love it. I daren’t look on the website as I know I’ll find a great many things I can’t resist. The 2015 spending ban is really becoming quite a drag, now.

    October 23, 2015
  • Ohh, it’s lovely, Amber! I love the neckline and the almost-off-shoulder-but-not-quite look. Woo!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend,
    Corinne x

    October 23, 2015
  • It is a beautiful dress! So dramatic, but still worth finding an everyday way to wear it. And I say dramatic, but not in a negative way. That neckline is my favorite.

    October 23, 2015
  • The dress looks great on you Amber. It really is Halloween-appropriate, it can easily be turned in to a costume if you add some Halloween-type of ornaments on it.

    October 23, 2015
  • You look as usual, ever so gorgeous, Amber! Love your style always..
    Its been quite some time since I last left a comment here.
    I’ve just relocated to the UK and I’d be so happy to have your support for my blog! 🙂
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    Fashion Panache

    October 23, 2015
  • Love the dress!!!

    August 1, 2017
  • very nice blog 🙂

    September 29, 2017