How to wear a gold sequin skirt…
[Skirt: River Island; sweater: Vero Moda; shoes: Dune; sunglasses: Marc by Marc Jacobs*]
My in-laws are going to be spending Christmas at Terry’s brother’s place in Kent this year, so because we won’t be seeing them on Christmas Day, Terry’s mum decided to throw a little family get-together this week, so we could exchange gifts before they leave. It was a casual affair, but you can’t have a holiday party without sequins of some description, so I grabbed the opportunity to give the new skirt I mentioned in this post its inaugural outing.
Now, when I ordered this skirt, I wasn’t totally sure about it. I mean, I loved the way it looked, but I always think sequins fall into the category of “things other people can wear, but which will probably just make me look like a disco ball,” so I was a little bit worried that it would be one of those things I would buy but never wear, and God, I HATE THAT. In the end, though, I allowed myself to be seduced, not just by the good ladies of Twitter, who assured me that why, a gold sequin skirt was WAY more versatile than you might think, but also by the fact that it was half-price in the River Island sale, so I decided to throw caution to the winds, because YOLO. Or something. Nope, I totally can’t pull off ‘YOLO’: didn’t think so.
Anyway, the skirt arrived, and I immediately realised my internet informants had been correct, because it turns out that a gold sequin skirt actually IS one of those items you just can’t live without. Well, I mean, you probably COULD, but… you just shouldn’t have to, you know? I mean, it has POCKETS, people. You all know how I feel about pockets. Because I was wearing this to a fairly casual event, I decided to dress it down a little – or as much as a skirt like this CAN be dressed down, anyway – with one of my collection of trusty black turtlenecks. I’ve found that almost all “what will I wear with this?” questions can be answered with the words “a black turtleneck, DUH,” and I figured this would be an easy way to make the skirt a little bit less formal, and also keep me warm. You have to consider these things when you spend your life prancing around country roads in December. (Yes, I had a coat…)
And so begins The Season of the Skirt. I realised last week that almost ALL of my outfits for the festive season are basically just variations on this same theme, so I could probably just leave this post up for the rest of the year, seeing as it’s pretty much what I’ll be wearing at any given time. In fact, I could probably leave it up for all of next year, too…

Amber McNaught (@foreveramber)
12/17/2013New blog post is up, featuring that gold sequin skirt: #scottishbloggers #fbloggers #ootd
12/17/2013Wow I love this skirt! And how you’ve styled it. And the fact that it has pockets. And hey! You don’t have any snow there yet!
I was one of those people that never wore sequins in my life, except when I was a kid when I took dance. Now I’m addicted to them.
12/17/2013Indeed! We’re hoping we don’t get any this year – the last few years have been a bit freaky for snow, so here’s hoping things are back to normal and we won’t get any!
Charlotte (@makupbcandlelit)
12/17/2013Beautiful, extravagant skirt – love it! Xx
Makeup by Candlelight
12/17/2013I love it! I have got a sequined grey/silver skirt with the sales and I was keeping it for the holidays, I was thinking of an almost identical look as yours, with a black turtleneck or black blouse, and seeing it on you makes me even more convinced about the skirt: you are right, a sequin skirt is something that should be in a girl’s wardrobe.. 😀
12/17/2013That skirt is fabulous!
12/17/2013I actually considered buying a dress with sequinned sleeves a short time ago, they were just like your skirt. It is awesome and you should wear it a lot.
12/17/2013It is a beautiful skirt! And you are right, the black turtle neck sweater seems to go with so much, and it is the perfect way for you to dress it down.
My problem is that all of the black tops I use to dress my outfits down are way too faded. I seem to go through black clothing the most!
12/17/2013That’s such a fabulous skirt and your styling is perfect. So elegant yet effortless.
It’s always the others who love the snow… we have snow and I don’t need it at all!!
Annette | Lady of Style
12/18/2013That is such a great skirt!
12/18/2013I really, really love it on you! I totally forgot to take any photos of the time I wore mine, which I suppose means I shoudl recreate it and take some photos – please tell me I’m not the only person who does that.
If you get any snow, I’d be happy to take it off your hands, btw. I love snow.
Call me M
12/18/2013How gorgeous is this skirt! It was a good decision to buy it after all. I think you’ll find many ways to wear it. And it looks great dressed down. And pockets? Wow! I really love it when skirts and dresses have pockets.
Very elegant look!
Emily Jayne
12/19/2013Yay! It looks totally fabulous!
12/19/2013Hi Amber, I just wanted to tell you that you never stop impressing me with your sense of style, Like you I love retro clothing. I have been reading your blog long but I cannot comment often because I have trouble with my eyes, so I cant use a lot of the computer. But I will have a laser procedure soon so I will be finally able to read more books ( am addicted to books just like you) and of course write many more comments here. I absolutely adore your Shoeperwoman and Fashion Police pages. Your sequin skirt is a hit with me. Hug Rubin from me, he is SO adorable! Your blog makes my day! Keep warm! Violet.
12/19/2013Aww, what a lovely comment – thanks so much! Best of luck with your laser procedure: I would love to have laser surgery on my eyes, so I’d love to hear how you get on!
Susana N.
12/20/2013Love this look! Maybe I’ll finally be motivated to buy and use sequins. Anyway, I wanted to asks, do you wear tights? I’d like to find some that will make it warm and comfortable for me to wear skirts and dresses out on a cold night. Thanks in advance!!
PS I’m so glad to see you finally got a heartbreaker dress. (Yes, I know that was an old post) I knew those dresses would look fabulous on you.
12/20/2013Yes, I wear tights if it’s too cold bare legs – these are nude fishnets, but there are lots of photos of opaque tights in the archives too!
I actually have a couple of Heartbreaker dresses, one of which is a few years old now: I love them!
12/20/2013That skirt! Oh mu goodness! 🙂
Stunning as ever! x
12/31/2013I love the skirt! I do like the colour gold but I can’t wear it sadly. I find its a tricky colour to wear but you’ve styled it very nicely
12/31/2013Loooove this dress! And the way you styled it, of course. Always so stunning!
01/03/2014Absolutely love this skirt! unfortunately they don’t have it anymore 🙁