green chiffon skirt outfit

Golden Hour


green chiffon skirt outfitgreen chiffon skirt outfitgreen chiffon skirt outfit

You’ll have to excuse my end-of-the-day hair in these photos, folks: it was… well, it was the end of the day – that ‘golden hour’ so beloved of photographers, but so hated by hair which was curled first thing that morning, and had been thrown up in a bun, blown around by the wind, and hastily combed through with my fingers since then. It’s like the hair is a metaphor for life itself, really, isn’t it? It starts off all smooth and glossy, and full of hope, but then time wears on, and… actually, let’s NOT continue with this line of thought, yeah? Happy thoughts, people, happy thoughts…

Anyway, other than making excuses for my bedraggled hair, I don’t have a whole lot to say for myself today. I know, amazing, isn’t it? I’d say it’s because I used up all my words (and all YOUR words, too, actually) with that massive rant about blogging last week, but I’ve written several thousand words of what will hopefully become my blog tips ebook since then, so apparently there really IS no stopping me. The working title for that book is ‘The Never Ending eBook’. Because, let’s face it, it probably WILL never end…

(Aside: was anyone else really disappointed when they watched Never Ending Story as a child and discovered that the story did, in fact, end? I took everything very literally when I was younger – I once freaked the hell out when my mum told me my grandparents were ‘over the moon’ with their new car. Like, full-on sobbing and wondering if I would ever see them again, because THE MOON, seriously – and I remember being shown it at school for some reason, and being quite worried that it was literally NEVER going to end. I mean, my mum was expecting me home for dinner, and I had my riding lesson that weekend: it wasn’t a great time for a never ending story, you know?)

This post WILL actually end, however, so I will simply note that I was sent this skirt by ChicWish a while back, and I was a bit stuck with how to style it, because it’s an organza skirt, and let’s face it, Carrie Bradshaw I ain’t. Then I was tidying up my dressing room last weekend and I noticed this Fever London top was exactly the same colour as the skirt- like, EXACTLY the same colour – so now I’m just kicking myself for not realising it sooner, because think of all the matchy-matching I could have done by now if only I’d known?!



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I also write books
  • Myra


    Love this outfit and how you’ve styled it.

    June 24, 2015
  • The Other Emma


    You look fabulous, the skirt is amazing and the styling as always is absolutely beautiful.

    Having thrown enough compliments at you , I am now off to figure out how can i work a mint green organza skirt into my wardrobe…………………

    (On a side note I got my ecloths today and am stupidly excited about going home to try them out.)

    June 24, 2015
  • ‘Carrie Bradshaw I ain’t’

    You certainly do a good job of filling the Carrie Bradshaw shaped hole in my life. Plus, that closet of yours…..

    Very pretty skirt! It does look a tough colour to pair with though, the top is perfect!

    June 24, 2015
  • Yeah, I’ve absolutely just bought this skirt.

    June 24, 2015
  • Such a perfect match – love the skirt. You are pretty close to Carrie, I’d say. (Wardrobe-wise anyway, not the fact that she’s a total cow, which I’m sure you are not.)

    June 24, 2015
  • That skirt is so pretty and you styled it perfectly. Well done Amber. Slayed.

    June 24, 2015
  • They look so perfect together that I wouldn’t even consider them matchy-matchy! I’d call it a match made in heaven! jodie

    June 24, 2015
  • I looove that skirt. So so pretty.

    June 24, 2015
  • I adore this skirt. It’s stunning.

    And I suffer constantly from the bad hair (and usually missing makeup) by the Golden Hour. Which is usually when I’m taking my photos because my partner just gotten home from work.

    Fashion and Happy Things

    June 25, 2015
  • I was like that as a kid, too. There’s a billboard on the way to our cottage that says “don’t drink and drive” and I very clearly remember telling my parents they need to not do that.. because they drank coffee … while driving. that’s totally what it means 😉

    June 25, 2015
  • I have long skirt that I have owned for literally years and just cannot part with it, I might just have to go on the hunt for a top that matches the colour, I’ve struggled to pair it with anything and have been tempted to cut it shorter..but its so pretty long! On a side note I think you look so much like Nicole Kidman in these photos!

    June 25, 2015
  • Best time for pics and I just love your skirt! Great style again. xo Sabina | Oceanblue Style

    June 26, 2015
  • Really gorgeous photos Amber, and I love the colour of this outfit on you. It’s a colour too pale for my skintone, but I admire it on you from afar instead x

    June 27, 2015
  • Totally unrelated to your outfit buuuuut I’m having exactly the same with my ebook! Just writing all the words. All of them.

    June 27, 2015