Want to change your life? Learn how to do it by starting your own blog…

Starting a blog changed my life.

No, really, it did. Before the fateful day I typed the words, “How to start a blog,” into Google, I was a stressed-out office worker, who used to cry in the shower every morning at the thought of having to go into work.

Then I started a blog.

These days, things are different. These days I have a job I love, which allows me to work from home while raising my baby boy. I wrote about exactly how I achieved this in my book, My Blogging Secrets: but now I want to help YOU to do it too, with this free course designed to help you set up a blog of your own.

Are you ready to change your life?

Starting a blog has allowed me to...

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  • Turn my passion into a business I love.
  • Work from home, while looking after my son.
  • Earn more than I ever did in my “real” job.
  • Buy a house, and renovate it.
  • Work with brands I’ve loved for years.
  • Try out products I could never have afforded on my own.
  • Take free holidays and stay in luxury hotels.


The best bit is that if I can do all of this by starting a blog, you can do it too: you just need to know how. So let me show you how to start a blog that could change your life…

Everything you need to know about how to start a blog, from deciding what to write about, to how to structure your site, set up WordPress, and find web hosting.

Start a Blog in 7 Days

This FREE course will teach you everything you need to know about how to start a blog. You’ll learn about:

  1. Choosing a name and niche for your blog
  2. Installing WordPress, and setting up your site.
  3. Choosing and buying a domain name.
  4. Picking a WordPress theme, and branding your blog.
  5. Installing plugins and creating your blog’s navigation.
  6. Writing your first posts and pages

This course is for you if...

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  • You know you want to start a blog – you just don’t know where or how to start.
  • You need someone to hold your hand and walk you through the process.
  • You’ve been dreaming of starting your own blog and working from home: you just need someone to help take care of the technical bit so you can get on with the business of actually writing.
  • You want a lifestyle where you can fit your work around your life, and do something you actually enjoy.
  • You have seven days to spare (just a couple of hours each day will do) to change your life.


It's not for you if...

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  • You’re looking for some kind of get rich quick scheme that gives you maximum rewards for minimum effort: blogging is many things, but it definitely isn’t that…
  • You don’t enjoy writing, and struggle to motivate yourself.



Blogging has given me access to a lifestyle I couldn’t have imagined when I was working for someone else, in a job I hated. By starting your own blog, you’ll have the opportunity to let it do the same for you.


Ready to find out how to start a blog?

Day 1: Find your Focus

When it comes to blogging, it’s absolutely essential to have a really clear idea of what you have to offer, and what you’re going to write about: in other words, you need to find your niche. Finding that focus, however, can be easier said than done, so on Day 1 of this course we’ll be looking at ways to narrow down your niche, and find a focus for your blog.

Day 2: Name & Domain

Next up, it’s time to choose a name for your blog, and for your social media handles. This module looks at ways to do that, plus some common mistakes to avoid.

Day 3: The Technical Bit

The nitty-gritty on setting up your hosting account and installing WordPress on your site. This module walks you through your WordPress installation, and also talks about which plugins to install.

Day 4: The Finishing Touches

Congratulations: you now have a shiny new blog! You’re not done yet, though, because now it’s time to create the main categories and menus that readers will use to navigate your blog, as well as setting up Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools. This module tells you how to do it.

Day 5: Brand Your Blog

You’ve got your basic blog: now it’s time to get it dressed and ready for business: here’s how to choose a WordPress theme and start customising your blog to best represent your brand.

Day 6: Creating Pages

By Day 6 you’ve done all of the work in setting up your site – now it’s time to start creating some content, starting with the very first – and most important – page on your blog: your about page. This module will tell you everything you need to know about putting together a killer About page, plus the other pages you should consider creating.

Day 7 : Your first 10 posts

It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for: time to start creating some content for your new blog! In this final module, you’ll find suggestions on how to plan your first 10 posts, and get your new blog off to the best possible start.

Ready to get started?

This course is absolutely FREE, and although it aims to get your blog up and running in the space of a week, you can, of course, work through the modules at any speed you like.