My Loveall leggings were provided free of charge, for the purpose of this review. Thanks for supporting the brands that keep Forever Amber running!

I never thought it would happen to me, but at some point in the last few years, I became a fan of leggings – as in, they’re pretty much the only thing I ever wear during the week.

In my defense, I DO wear other clothes on the weekends, and other non-work days. But the thing is, I work from home as a romance author. I don’t have video calls, Teams meetings, or whatever else it is that gives ‘normal’ people a reason to dress up for work. Actually, the most exciting part of my weekdays day is the school run, and if you were to walk past my child’s school during those times you’d easily be forgiven for thinking the parents were all part of some kind of impressive sports teams.

The mums all wear leggings, and other ‘athleisure’ looks. The dads all wear shorts. (And often flip flops, regardless of the weather. But that’s a whole other subject…) And so it came to pass that I found myself wearing leggings every day too. Yes, me, the woman who used to wear heels to the supermarket, and who’s blog tagline was ‘Never Knowingly Underdressed’.

leggings and sports bra by Lovall
Wearing: Loveall leggings and matching bra top

The thing is, though, I like leggings. They’re comfortable. They’re warm. They allow me to jump onto the exercise bike or do a quick pilates workout without having to completely change my outfit first. I mean, what’s not to love?

As I quickly discovered, though, not all leggings are made equal.

Which brings me to my new Loveall leggings…

This set was sent to me by Lovall last week (It’s the Ultimate Seamless Leggings and matching bralette), and I’ve worn it at least three times since it arrived, along with the Everyday Pullover Hoodie from the same brand. This is the kind of thing I wear almost every day, for the school run and working from home. Thick, high quality leggings that hold everything in, don’t turn see-through when you squat in them, and don’t have to be pulled up every few seconds. Soft, snuggly hoodies that have handy little interior pockets (So, a pocket-within-a-pocket, basically) that you can carry your car keys and phone in. Sports bras that are comfortable enough to wear all day, but which you can still go out for a run in without having to go and change.

The basics, in other words: but such high quality basics that they don’t actually feel “basic” at all. And that’s the main principle I’d like to apply to the rest of my capsule wardrobe, too, which makes these the perfect addition to it.

creating a capsule wardrobe

Are you a leggings fan? Which brands do you swear by?

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