Forever Amber

Outfit | Chi Chi London ‘Cerys’ skirt

Chi Chi London Cerys skirtWhen I first saw this skirt, I imagined wearing it on a perfect summer’s day – maybe to something like an upmarket picnic, or, like, a garden party or something.

Then I remembered that winter is coming (or so it would seem from the weather, anyway), and also that I work from home, in a small village in Scotland, and don’t exactly get invited to garden parties, or even upmarket picnics, really. Then I threw myself on the bed, and sobbed at the unfairness of having been born in a cold, windy country, and once I’d done that, I pulled myself together, and took some photos in my bedroom, instead.

I can do that, now that it’s been decorated. I’m actually thinking I might start doing more of it, because although I’ve always avoided taking indoor photos whenever possible, I’m starting to come round to them. There’s no denying that they have their advantages – the main one being the fact that they let you see what the clothes actually look like, as opposed to what the clothes would look like if you wore them in a wind tunnel, which is what it normally feels like when I step outside these days.

This skirt wouldn’t fare well in the wind. It would be either flattened against my body, or blowing up around my waist, and no one needs to see that, so indoor photos it is. The skirt itself is by Chi Chi London, and is their ‘Cerys’ skirt. It’s a thing of loveliness, with a tulle upper covered with floral embroidery, and it’s just a little bit – OK, a BIG bit – fancy for my current lifestyle, which is why I’ve attempted to “dress it down” with a pair of flats. I think we can all agree that worked, right? I can totally wear this to the post office now, and no one will bat an eyelid? What do you mean, “NO”?!

WEARING: ‘Cerys’ skirt c/o Chi Chi London; Zara top; Boden cardigan (c/0); Kurt Geiger flats; Antler handbag (c/o); Michael Kors watch*

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  • You look great. I totally dig that bg. Click on my face and find out how bloggers make money.

    May 28, 2015
  • Super pretty. I see nothing wrong with wearing this to the post office, or to walk the dog for that matter. I find people are very forgiving of dog-walking outfits in the ultra-casual style, so why not go the opposite direction and dress it up a bit?

    May 28, 2015
  • It looks gorgeous on you…but surely with a name like that, it is made for ME?! 😉

    May 28, 2015
  • True story: I have both the regular and the petite version of this skirt on my saved list on ASOS currently. It is SO beautiful. But I wonder, would the regular actually be the right length? Do you know what it measures in regular (which I’m assuming is what you’ve got here)?

    May 28, 2015
      • That’s interesting – it totally looks longer than that! Thanks 🙂

        May 28, 2015
  • Well this is just the prettiest. I insist you wear it to the post office immediately – they all deserve to see it!

    May 28, 2015
  • Adrienne


    Ohhh I love that skirt, and it looks great on you. Sadly, these is another one of those items I will have to love on others because with my wide hips it’d look awful 🙁

    May 28, 2015
  • Lenore


    Are things different over there as far as what counts as casual dress? If you wore that to the post office here it’s highly likely no one would even notice you above registering a human that was well dressed.

    May 28, 2015
  • Oooh, that skirt is to die for. If I saw you in a post office wearing this, I’m sure I’d throw some glances! But I guess people usually stare when they like what they see. So… I guess all that staring counts as a compliment? Sorta? If you try very hard to believe it? Anyway, that’s how I like to view it!

    May 28, 2015
  • Nellie


    I think the indoor photos turned out just fine. I love this outfit. I couldn’t help thinking, “Where could I wear this?” I like how you paired the skirt with the different creme/beiges.

    May 28, 2015
  • Myra


    Love this skirt, definitely a Gala Day outfit (show them how to dress) 🙂

    May 28, 2015
  • Erika


    You should totally wear it out. One of my more flamboyant skirts always (a) makes me happy and (b) draws appreciative comments from total strangers along the lines of “love your skirt”. So it’s practically a civic duty.

    May 29, 2015
  • Christiane


    If only I was lucky enough to be invited to a fancy summer party, I would order this skirt at once and love it forever. Since I do not have any invitations, I cannot really justify buying it but oh, it is so beautiful!

    May 29, 2015
  • Oh this skirt is gorgeous. I bought a skirt from Chi Chi earlier in the year and it’s so pretty and poofy, it makes me feel like a Princess from a Disney film. Unfortunately, like you, I have no idea where to wear it. I think I’m just going to have to start wearing it to work and hope they all just think I’m eccentric or something.

    May 29, 2015
  • If you wore a skirt like that here they’d just assume you were returning from work or something like that. It’s not completely unusual here though in my tiny town I often get some very odd looks.

    Fashion and Happy Things

    May 30, 2015
  • That skirt is divine!! You should totally wear it down to the post office ~ and to walk the dog, and to fetch the mail, and well, everywhere! It totally deserves to see the world right? Plus, it looks so amazing on you, so you know. ; ) ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

    June 2, 2015
  • Mairi


    Wear it to the Post Office! Last year I decided to accept that I hate ‘work outfits’ and love fancy dresses. The next day I wore a 50s floral dress I had for a wedding to work with a yellow cardi and yellow Hasbeens and before I even got there a lady walking her dog told me I looked great and had cheered up her morning. I even wear the occasional sparkly party frock with a jacket or a skinny jumper and no one bats an eyelid. Your blog is gorgeous and nice to know you’re based here in Scotland x

    June 2, 2015
  • Hey..Such a lovely cute dress !! Love the floral print on your frock ♥

    June 18, 2015
  • Absolutely stunning, seriously that is just applique tulle pretty perfection. And as someone who owns several “fancy picnic/barbecue” dresses that I’ve never worn, totally justifiable. Because when that invite comes, we are ready! But seriously, just wear it, it deserves to be seen that skirt 🙂 I know how you feel about summer in Scotland though, it’s the worst….ugh!

    June 18, 2015
  • that dress is simply stunning! It fits your hair and your bright face so well… Greetings from South Tyrol, lena

    July 6, 2015