Joules green raincoat review

Outfit | Green Joules Raincoat and Bow Wellies



Joules green raincoat reviewRubin running Joules yellow bow welliesJoules green raincoat

Wearing: Joules green raincoat with bow wellies

When we moved to our new house (Which I guess I should probably stop referring to as “the new house”, seeing as we’ve been here for a year-and-a-half now…), I quickly realised I was going to need some countryside-appropriate additions to my wardrobe. Well, stilettos and and circle skirts don’t quite cut it when you’re tramping through a muddy forest in February, do they?

Where we used to live, walking the dog generally involved strolling around suburban streets, which could be done in my usual “civilian” clothes. These days, however, walking the dog… well, it STILL often involves strolling around suburban streets in my civvies, but it’s also much more likely to involve mud, rain and all of the other joys that come with a more rural setting, so in addition to my usual high heels and 50s-style skirts, I’ve been slowly accumulating a small collection of Wellington boots, raincoats and other, more practical gear.

The latest additions to that collection comes courtesy of Joules, and prove that “practical” doesn’t have to mean “boring”. I mean, a bright green coat, with a stripe lining? Shiny wellies, with a bright yellow bow? They’re almost too cute to “waste” on dog walking – in fact, when I put the boots on this weekend, there was a part of me that didn’t want to get them muddy… even although that’s kind of the whole point of Wellington boots. Ahem.

Anyway, my Joules green raincoat definitely helped brighten up a grey February day, and once I’d gotten over the desire to keep my new boots all shiny and clean, they were the ideal footwear for a muddy walk. Rubin, on the other hand, was TOTALLY inappropriately dressed for the occasion (Seriously: a fur coat, in the countryside? What was he thinking?!), and had to go straight into the bath as soon as we got him home. If only Joules made wellies for dogs. And if only Terry would let me put them on him if they did…


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  • Peggy Lyu


    I love that coat!
    p.s. Rubin is fantastic in the picture! He always looks so happy (I’m sure he is)

    February 16, 2015
  • Oh my what a pretty little outfit! That coat is divine and the gumboots!! I have been wanting to buy a new pair of gumboots for a while now.. I think I just found the perfect pair!
    Thank you for such a pretty post!

    Holly x

    February 16, 2015
  • Love the green with your red hair!!

    February 16, 2015
  • Bows on wellies… amazing. I actually really enjoy the challenge of wearing outfits for dog walking that are still stylish and fun – it’s so easy to just borrow a massive parka from your dad/brother/boyfriend (all of which I’ve done at one point or another) and wear boring black wellies… but why, when there’s prettier things on the planet? And it’s such superficial questions and many more that I spend/waste most of my life thinking about 😀

    February 16, 2015
    • Rachel


      One of my dog walking coats is an old hiking jacket of my dads, super useful!

      February 17, 2015
  • The wellies are so cute!

    February 16, 2015
  • LOVE Joules wellies! They’re so super duper comfortable 🙂 xx

    Little Miss Katy | UK Lifestyle Blog

    February 16, 2015
  • Daisy


    Those wellies are adorable

    February 16, 2015
  • Nellie


    Love the raincoat and the boots. I’m always worried that a raincoat won’t be warm enough, but this one makes me want to try one. I love Rubin’s excitement when he’s outside!

    February 16, 2015
  • Rachel


    I love those wellies! I perfectly understand the ‘new boots, must keep clean even though they are wellies’ mentality. When I got my first pair of Hunter wellies, I took my dog out for a walk in the hills and jumped over puddles, skirted mud and washed them when I got back. Now they are permanently covered in mud! I am the woman who used to get new shoes and sleep with them next to my pillow for a week though.

    February 17, 2015
  • Hi Amber, great casual outfit. Love the green on you and the wellies. Your puppy is just adorable. I have 2 little shih tzus that make apprearances 🙂
    jess xx

    February 17, 2015
  • That coat is such a gorgeous colour, I love joules!

    Louise x

    February 17, 2015
  • Lindsay


    I know its a little off topic but can I just ask what foundation you have on here?

    February 19, 2015
  • I have always wanted a pair of Joules wellies and these ones are amazing.

    February 20, 2015