mint green winter coat with black trousers and high heels

mint green Kate Spade handbag

mint green coat and stripe top

So, we got snowed in.


The Snow Gods are obviously angry. Our sacrifice was apparently not enough – as Terry discovered last week when he optimistically tried to leave the house to meet a client, only to have to almost immediately turn round and head home again when he realised every single road out of the village was blocked by abandoned vehicles and snow. GOD. (Note to self: start hoarding nuts for next winter – looks like we’re going to need them…)

Luckily, this particular “snowing in” episode proved to be a short-lived one. The roads have long since been cleared, so on Friday we managed to make it out of the house for a few blessed hours – which feels almost like being on holiday right now, THAT’S how bad the cabin fever is. I mean, we went out for lunch, then had a wander around a few shops, and I was just like, WHOA, THIS HAS BEEN AN AMAZING DAY OUT, IMA NEED TO LIE DOWN NOW.

How things change, huh?

Speaking of Things That Change, though, as you can probably tell from the photos, I’m still really struggling to find suitable outfits right now. And, I mean, I find cold weather challenging even at the best of times in that respect (I always want to wear shoes rather than boots. The weather is not down with this plan.), but this year, not only is my wardrobe being limited by the weather, it’s also still being limited by my changed shape, plus the fact that I just don’t have the same amount of time to plan outfits right now. This is ever so slightly frustrating because I’m the kind of person who likes to over-think absolutely everything, and, before Max arrived, I’d spend aaaaaggges working out what to wear for every little thing (Only to end up wearing exactly the same thing I always wear, obviously.). These days, though? These days every outfit has to be put together in a hurry, which, combined with the fact that I still don’t have a lot that fits me… well, it all makes Amber a dull girl fashion blogger, basically. Sorry about that.

In all honesty, though, while it might not make for the most exciting blog content, in some ways it’s actually quite refreshing to have a limited wardrobe, and to not spend too much time thinking about what I’m wearing every day. OK, it’s not quite so refreshing when I suddenly realise that, hey, I’ve worn exactly the same outfit three times this week (Er, I’m not saying this has happened, by the way, but …. I’m not NOT saying it’s happened, either. Ahem.) but even so: capsule wardrobe for spring, anyone? (Assuming spring ACTUALLY arrives at some point, that is?) Because I’m pretty sure I’m going to be living with one – whether I want to or not!

In the meantime, for days when I don’t have a lot of time to think about what I’m wearing, I find it really handy to have a few ‘statement’ pieces in reserve: this coat, for instance, is simple enough in terms of the shape, but the colour makes it stand out, and also allows me to throw it on over a standard stripe top + black trousers combo, and still look like I’ve put a little bit more thought into the look than I actually did. Only a very little bit, though, mind you…

Boden mint green coat and black trousers


P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

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  • Mayana

    I love you spring look, very beautiful! ?

  • Patricia Lucy

    Ah! The magic of a good coat!

  • Ginger

    Your coat looks are so good! That mint coat really does complete the outfit. It almost feels like cheating when something is that easy, but it’s a great outfit. I’d call that success!

  • Myra Boyle

    I love the coat, and with high heels, it is very dressy and gorgeous.

  • last year's girl

    It’s an absolutely gorgeous coat, and you can chalk it up to that all you want but you still have the effortlessly stylish thing down! <3

  • D Johnson

    I can relate to this. We’re facing more snow tomorrow, I’m between sizes, and more. You look great.

  • Steph

    Still looking 10 times more polished than me on a good day! Sending you some snow free wishes – I’m sick of it too and we haven’t had it nearly as bad as you guys up there. Come on already, Spring! x

  • Silk-Life

    Perfect outfit for spring!

  • Mary Parker

    Cool outfit. I love the color of that coat. Beautiful.

  • Hayley

    Love this so much…..but!! where can I find that coat?