pink sofa in white and grey master bedroom

Betsy: The Reveal

Because I know you’ve all probably spent the last few days on the edge of your seats, impatiently wondering what the outcome of my, ‘Where Should Betsy Live‘ post was, today I’m putting you out of your misery, with the not-even-remotely-surprising news that the winner was…

pink sofa in white and grey master bedroom

pink two-seater cuddler sofa - Betsy range from DFS

wooden button on pink DFS Betsy cuddler sofa

Yup: it’s Bedroom Betsy! And, as you can see, Betsy has got herself a friend, in the form of this little heart-shaped footstool:

Pink heart-shaped footstool: DFS Betsy rangeIt was just too cute to resist: and, no, before you ask, Terry has no problem at all with having a pink heart – or anything pink – in his bedroom. He’s… well, he’s pretty much used to this kind of thing by now, really.

So, with Betsy in the bedroom, that left us free to move our existing sofa down to the nursery: I’m actually really pleased with the way it’s worked out in there, so hopefully – HOPEFULLY – that should be us sorted now for sofas. Although, with that said, I DO really like the idea of one in the office…

You can view the full ‘Betsy’ range here – thanks again to DFS for making my pink sofa dreams come true!

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  • I did just think that I loved your heart shaped foot stool and Betsy looks fantastic in her new spot x Lovely for reading, gazing at clouds and cuddling baby x

    November 19, 2017
  • Betsy is so so so gorgeous! xx

    November 19, 2017
  • Justine


    You have rearranged as I expected you to. I think the slightly larger settee in the baby room, will be much more useful.
    Is that the furniture sorted now?

    November 19, 2017
  • Myra


    Good place for Betsy and her friend

    November 19, 2017
  • Angie


    Love it! Want it!

    November 20, 2017
  • Sascot7


    In love with this space!!!

    November 21, 2017