personalised 2018 wall calendar from Snapfish

Getting Organised for 2018 (plus discount code)

So far, 2017 has proven to be the craziest year of my life – but I think it’s fair to say that 2018 is probably going to be more than a match for it. (Although hopefully with less morning sickness, though…)

This year, Terry and I went from having a fairly predictable, work-from-home life, to having what sometimes feels like non-stop appointments and other commitments: a lot of them have been pregnancy related, true, but we’ve also both been busier than ever with work-related commitments, and as Terry’s been having to take on a bigger role with the blog (as well as taking all of my outfit photos, he also does a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff like negotiating with brands, etc…), we’ve been having to find ways to make sure we both know exactly what we have to do each, and when.

For the most part, we rely on our trusty iPhones, with shared calendar entries, for this (I’m also a complete slave to my day planner which, it turns out, isn’t JUST good for using as an Instagram prop…), but, a few weeks ago, Terry suggested we also get some kind of wall calendar for the office, to give us a more visual reminder of what each week/month is going to look like for us. So, here it is:

personalised photo calendar from Snapfish

We’ve been giving personalised calendars (and mugs, and photo books…) as Christmas gifts for years now. I always think they’re the perfect gift for those hard-to-buy-for people, and, as we have an entire family filled with hard-to-buy-for people, this is the kind of gift we end up falling back on year-after-year. Not only is something like this guaranteed to be a little bit different from any other gift the person you’re buying for is likely to receive, they’re also pretty fun to put together: we always enjoy going through our ever-growing collection of photos, and picking out the best ones to immortalise in print, so the idea of making one just for us really appealed to us.

This particular calendar is from Snapfish, and, as well as choosing your own photos for it, you also get to personalise the rest of the calendar too, including adding photos to highlight important dates:

March 2018 wall calendar

July 2018 - personalised photo calendar

Although we give personalised gifts fairly often, it’s not always been without its difficulties: I remember one year, I had to have my dad’s birthday gift send to us on holiday in California, because it took such a long time to print that it didn’t get to us before we left the country! We had no such worries here though, and Snapfish had this calendar printed and delivered just a few days after we ordered it, so, yeah, guess what OUR families are getting this Christmas?

(*Really hopes none of them are reading this post*)

Now for the best bit: Snapfish are currently offering Forever Amber readers 40% off purchases on the site, making it that little bit easier for you to get your own personalised calendar – or to make one as a gift. To claim your discount, just enter the code AMBER40 at checkout – and don’t forget to tell me what you got!

[This post is sponsored by Snapfish]

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • Been looking to try Snapfish after seeing a deal on the tube – will take a look! Also loving your agenda! I bought one for next year and am loving it! Hope your pregnancy is going well x

    November 20, 2017
  • I make Mum a desk calendar every year with pictures of the kids from either Photobox or Snapfish! I will make a note of your code – do I need to click your link for you to get the credit or just use your code?

    November 21, 2017