white midi skirt and gold top

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post over at ShoeperWoman about why I don’t believe in keeping things “for best“.

Then I realised that, good though my intentions may be, I don’t always practice what I preach: take this skirt, for instance. I’ve been keeping this skirt “for best” – not because it was expensive, but simply because it always feels a bit too “special” for everyday wear, somehow. White (or off-white, as the case may be) is like that, somehow. I’m not sure if it’s because it’s so easy to ruin white clothes, or because they’re so much more dramatic than darker colours tend to be, but I always seem to feel very “dressed up” in white, which leads me to associate it with special occasions, and want to keep pieces like this skirt “for best”.

Well, you know what? Screw that. With the kind of weather we normally get here in the UK, you really need to take every opportunity you can to wear your favourite clothes – whether it’s a “special” day or just an ordinary Thursday, in a rainy summer. What’s more, dressing up when you don’t really need to is a good way to make EVERY day feel just a little bit special – and yes, I DO know how corny that sounded, trust me. It’s true, though: so even although the day these photos were taken wasn’t even remotely “special”, I decided to dress up for it anyway – and I’m going to make more of an effort to keep on doing it, while I have the chance. Because, as I’m always saying, life’s just too short NOT to…

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  • Tanya

    You look astounding! And the skirt is lovely. I think this tendency to keep the things for best dates back to pre-fast fashion era, when people bought considerably less and hence had to keep few items for important, but rare occasions. We, on the other hand, don’t work in mines or mills or something like that. Even so, I too feel ”overdressed” in white, gold etc. But you’re right, life’s too short. If it makes you feel special, you should wear clothes like this on everyday bases. Why not feel like a supermodel on the photo shoot, even when you’re (just) shopping for the groceries?

  • Sandra

    OMG! How amazing is this skirt?! I need one, now.
    You look absolutely stunning and it would be a shame not to wear this skirt in “daily life”.

    Many hugs,
    Sandra <3

  • Chiarina

    I keep telling myself to dress and put make up on for myself, but I struggle so much with it when I know I’ll just take the children to the park or something like that… and when I go to work its even worse, since I work in a chemistry lab with (obviously) a dress code and high probability to ruin clothes… but what should I do, never buy anything new or nice?

  • Kristy

    I just wanted to let you know there is a typo in your title. It should be “practicing” not “practising”. Hopefully you can fix it quickly and delete this comment.

  • Myra

    Sorry to tell you Kristy, but Amber is using the correct spelling for “practising” as it is a verb. Practice is a noun, so would never be used in this grammatical way.
    Amber, I still keep clothes for best, and wear the same few things over and over, with three wardrobes of clothes waiting for attention. Oh well, I do look at them sometimes.

  • Cora

    Perfect outfit! just like a princess! I love that skirt so much! I don’t care what you do as long as you are doing it! Love your blog! xo

  • rachel

    I need that top in my life…and although its only 8.75 in the sale its sold out. Sad (pouty) face