full yellow skirt with high heels

Outfit: Yellow 50s-inspired skirt

full yellow skirt with black crop top and high heelsNow, I know this didn’t start out as an outfit blog, but my life seems to have entered into one of those unfortunate phases where nothing much is happening, move along folks, nothing to see here.

Wait a minute: that’s not really a “phase”, is it? That’s “my life”. Ah.

This week’s “nothing much happening” is mostly down to our current lack of transport. We still haven’t managed to replace Terry’s car yet, and this week mine managed to fail its MOT quite spectacularly, so we’re starting to wonder if someone has placed some kind of car-related curse on us. We’re also starting to feel a bit like teenagers again, because we’re now having to call my dad anytime we want to go somewhere (which, thankfully isn’t all that often on account of us not actually having “real” jobs.) and ask him for a lift. I don’t know about Terry, but I’m also planning to ask for an increase in my pocket money. And a pony.

The good news is that my car can be fixed, and will be back in action at some mysterious time in the future, and we’re going to look at a replacement for Terry’s this afternoon, so hopefully things will be back to normal soon. Until then, you get random photos of my outfits: have a good weekend, everyone!

Related: How walk in high heels without pain

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • Sandy


    Good luck with the pocket money increase….although I think you might have to wait for a birthday or Christmas for the pony! 😛

    April 27, 2012
  • Stephen


    Hey – do you like Del Amitri? Or just the song?

    Just curious! 😉

    April 27, 2012
      • Stephen


        I like ’em. Been to see Justin Currie a few times in recent years. He puts on a good show.

        April 27, 2012
  • Leigh


    I am also a bit bored recently, it’s too long till Halloween, let’s get a wee night together soon! We could give it a theme, then we can get dressed up!!! Ideas on a postcard….or just Facebook me.
    Love to Terry and the fabulous Mr Ruben man! L x

    April 27, 2012
  • SO cute, Amber. When you don’t want this outfit anymore…*points in my direction* 😉

    Fashion Blog – Lela London

    April 27, 2012
  • Good look with the car hunting! Hope yours is back and running soon as well. I will enjoy the outfit posts in the meantime. 😉

    April 27, 2012
  • hahah that was so funny! A pony would be lovely! 🙂
    I hope you find a new car really soon!

    April 27, 2012
  • Mum


    Great news, I’ll put a hold on the pony.

    April 27, 2012
  • Life is so frustrating without a car! I hope you have at least one back in action soon.

    April 28, 2012