[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Visiting Doune Castle, Scotland, filming location for Outlander
Doune Castle, Scotland: filming location for Monty Python, Outlander and Game of Thrones

Visiting Doune Castle, Scotland - filming location for Monty Python, Outlander and Game of Thrones
Cream skirt, stripe top and straw hatOK, full disclosure: these photos were actually taken over 2 years ago now: whoops!

I didn’t post them at the time, because we’d stopped off at Doune Castle on our way back from this trip, which means I was (obviously) wearing exactly the same outfit in both sets of photos. Well, it would be social death to be seen in the same outfit in two different blog posts, wouldn’t it – especially if the outfit in question had started to look pretty well worn by the time the second photos were taken. My head had developed a bad case of Hat Hair, my makeup was sliding off in the heat, the front of my top had flipped up, without me realising… (“I just assumed it was supposed to look like that?” said Terry, innocently…) Well, you can see my dilemma, can’t you?

In my defence, I DID intend to post the photos anyway, after a suitable interval had passed, but then I totally forgot about them until last week, when I was looking for something else, and randomly stumbled across them again. Er, I think 2 years is a suitable interval, don’t you? And, of course, Doune Castle has been standing since the 1300s: it can’t have changed THAT much in the last two years, can it? (Um, can it? Please no one tell me it fell down or something…)

So, Doune Castle, as some of you might know, is located in Stirlingshire, and has appeared in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Outlander, and, according to the site I linked above, it also plays Winterfell in Game of Thrones, which… OMG. Did NOT know that. Mind blown. Kind of wish I HAD known that at the time, really, because then I could’ve waltzed around pretending to be in Game of Thrones, and it would briefly have made my life seem interesting. Next time, perhaps.

(Not, of course, that Terry and I would ever waltz around a historic monument, pretending to be in a TV show or movie. No, we take these visits very seriously, and treat the buildings with the respect they deserve…

Cream skirt, stripe top and straw hatI have NO idea what’s going on here. I wish I did, but, ah, the cruel passage of time…)

Anyway, as I said, this was a totally impromptu visit: we just decided to pop in because we were passing the castle on the way home, and we arrived just as it was closing, which meant we couldn’t actually go inside. We’ve been meaning to go back ever since, though, because Doune is a pretty cool castle, even from the outside. Some castles are basically just shells now, so it’s impossible to get a sense of what they’d have been like in their day, and others are such tourist traps that they’ve lost all personality: Doune Castle, on the other hand, is one of the good ones. It’s a very… castle-y castle, if that makes sense: and no, I don’t expect for a second that it does. That’s the (totally made-up) word that came to mind when I saw it, though, so I’m standing by it. I particularly like the arched doorway (which, now that I think about it, is totally recognisable from some GoT scenes…), and stood there for quite some time, imagining people riding through it on horseback: knights, and ladies, and maybe a giant or two, or a White Walker, or… no, wait, that actually IS Game of Thrones I’m thinking of now, isn’t it?

Anyway, having found these shots on my computer, I figured it would be a shame to just let them languish there, forgotten, so I’m posting them now, Hat Hair and all. (I actually had a bit of a turn when I realised they were taken TWO FREAKING YEARS AGO. I somehow had it in my head that this was, like, last year? Earlier this year? Aaaand once again, the swift passage of time never fails to surprise and terrify me…) And who knows: maybe next time I’ll even get to go inside…

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  • Hana

    It looks so lovely… Being featured in GoT, I think I couldn’t resist visiting again just to pretend I’m Sansa walking around in my fur coats!

  • Anna Nuttall

    Hi Amber, not sure if you have noticed – I’m sure you have – but you seem to be floating up a wall on the one with you a Terry. Does that castle have some kind of magical properties that I (or anyone else) should be aware of?! The more I look at it, the more I can’t work out how you seem to floating!! xx

    • Amber

      I’m standing on a rock…

  • Linda A Cassidy

    I so need to go there now, castles are my addiction

  • Porcelina

    Ha, that shot of the two of you is brilliant!! I’d never heard of Doune Castle, it looks like a proper castle (not these ones that are actually stately homes, built by Victorians pretending they were about to be invaded). x

  • Deserae

    I just took my family to Doune Castle just a handful of days ago when they were in Scotland from the US. It *is* one of the good ones.

  • Meghan

    Also there is a great view of the castle from a lovely stone bridge down the road and Deanston distillery is walking distance for a tour and an amazing casual lunch. A few cute bistros in Doune as well as the amazing Creity Hall Cottage we stayed in. We LOVED Doune.

  • Carol Walling

    Your light commentary is a breath of fresh air during this solitary interior existence due to Covid 19. I look forward to more when we are all again free. I was lucky enough to visit Scotland last year when we were all free to roam about. Take Care.
    as Robert Burns said, “My heart’s in the Highlands, My heart is not hear” Here being the
    Great state of Texas.
    All the Best,