Bernie Dexter floral dress

A Sunny Day at Scone Palace

Scone Palace, Scotland

Bernie Dexter floral sundress


Deer Sculpture at Scone Palace, Scotland

Scone Palace, Scotland

Bernie Dexter floral sundress

Scone Palace, Scotland

Scone Palace, Scotland

Scone Palace, Scotland

Scone Palace, Scotland

The Maze at Scone Palace, Scotland
Bernie Dexter floral sundress
OK, quick headcount: how many of you clicked on this post thinking you were going to get to see a palace made of scones (as in, the tasty baked goods, normally eaten with clotted cream and jam), and are now disappointed to find that it’s just another one of those posts where I ponce around a castle in a dress (me, I mean, not the castle. Castles don’t wear dresses. Not often, anyway.)?

Well, sorry to disappoint, but as awesome as a palace made of scones would be, this one is actually Scone Palace – pronounced ‘Scoone’. No, I have no idea why. Adds a nice twist to the whole, “How do you pronounce the word ‘scone'” debate, though, doesn’t it?

Anyway, Scone Palace is the place where all the ancient kings of Scotland used to be crowned, while sitting on the Stone of Scone. The real stone is now in Edinburgh Castle, but there’s a replica of it at Scone, which you can sit on while shouting “QUEEN OF DRAGONS!” – and by “you”, I obviously mean “me”. We didn’t go there for any of that, though: actually, we mostly went for the sunshine, because OMG, people, do you SEE that sunshine? Yes, summer FINALLY arrived in Scotland this week, so, as is our custom, as soon as the sun came out. Terry and I dropped everything and ran outside to bask in it.

We settled on Scone on our destination for the day, mostly because we had a Groupon for it which had to be used by the end of the month, but also because of the stunning grounds, which were just full of colour, and the most amazing scents – it was a bit like stepping into a painting or something. There were also horses (YAY!), peacocks, a maze (No, we didn’t get lost: Terry prides himself on his navigation skills, and had us in and out of that thing in 10 minutes…) and some ACTUAL scones (the baked ones) in the cute little gift shop. Oh, and there was also a large amount of sunscreen, because did I mention that the sun came out? The sun came out. I am the happiest woman alive.

Bernie Dexter floral sundress

WEARING: Bernie Dexter dress c/o Unique Vintage; ancient cardigan; Payless wedges

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  • Love the picture of you under the yellow trees! So happy summer’s finally here too 🙂

    June 12, 2015
  • What a lovely way to spend such a beautiful day!

    June 12, 2015
  • Adore that Bernie dress! And adore that location too; absolutely stunning! This is the time of year I regret that I’m not self employed and can’t arrange my work schedule around when the sun chooses to make an appearance. I mean, most of the time the self employed thing terrifies me, but never when the sun is shining… Funny that.

    June 12, 2015
  • TinaD


    Gorgeous laburnum walk. Terry Pratchett reimagined the Stone of Scone as a butt-sized, practically inedible crumpet, probably because the pun was just lying there waiting to be had, but I wonder if he had a really awful cook in his life 🙂

    June 12, 2015
  • No surprises for me…if Scone Palace was in North America, however…well, I’d be expecting a full-on theme park. And yes, the pronunciation of scone, what up?

    Lovely photos, and lovely dress!

    June 12, 2015
  • Very cute dress and perfect for a day out to Scone Palace (which I knew wasn’t a haven for cream teas!). But what are even cuter are those wedges!

    Beautiful photographs. You had a glorious day for it.

    June 12, 2015
  • What a beautiful day! Perfect for showing off the new dress as well. 🙂

    June 12, 2015
  • Tess


    I was reading your old posts and saw your fringe. You probably won’t cut it again but I actually like your fringe.

    Three days ago, I was reading your post on the bus and didn’t realise I missed my stop. I had to walk 18 minutes home but I didn’t complain because I wanted to clock in more steps. I haven’t own Fitbit though.

    June 13, 2015
  • Peggy Lyu


    Omg! I love that dress and I love that place!

    June 13, 2015
  • Nellie


    It looks so beautiful there! Summer seems worth the wait.

    June 14, 2015
  • Oh wow, that dress is amazing.

    June 16, 2015