Los Angeles, California

11 Things To Do in L.A. (And nearby)

OK, I’m taking pity on you all.

I realise I’ve tresspassed on your patience long enough now with all of my “lookit my holiday snaps!” posts, so I’ve pulled all of the remaining photos into one, giant, easily-ignored post, and I’ll publish it, then I can get back to talking about… whatever it is I normally talk about here. Which, actually, what WAS that? If you have any requests, I’d love to hear them…

While I’m waiting for your suggestions to come pouring in, however, here’s LA in photos:

The Disney Studios

My friend Erik works for Disney, and gave us a tour of the Disney lot on his lunch hour one day. It. Was. Amazing. We visited the sound stage Pirates of the Caribbean was filmed on, met some Disney staff (who were all so lovely and friendly) and just generally walked around with our mouths hanging open. It was also amazing to finally get to meet Erik, who I’ve known since my days on Livejournal, and who very generously spent a lot of time giving us advice on what to do and see. Thanks, Erik!

At the Disney studios in Los Angeles, California

A private tour of the Disney Studios in Los Angeles, California
Griffith Observatory

The first place to visit if you’re in L.A.: amazing views of the city and the Hollywood sign, and you’ll probably also recognise it from at least one of the many movies or TV shows that have filmed here. (Including my own favourite, Rebel Without a Cause…)

On the steps of Griffith ObservatoryThe Hollywood sign, as seen from Griffith Observatiory, Los Angeles

Forever Amber
Chateau Marmont

Just, you know, hangin’ out at the Chateau..

Chateau Marmont, Lo Angeles, California
Sunset Boulevard

The strip itself is kind of tacky and underwhelming, to be honest, but can you really say you’ve been to L.A. if you haven’t strolled down Sunset Strip? While you’re there, stop in at Carney’s Restaurant – the train carriage restaurant is an L.A. institution, and the burgers are pretty good, too.

Walking down Sunset Strip, Los Angeles

The Viper Room, Sunset Strip, Los Angeles

Now serving Amber on tapCarney's Restuarant Car, Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles

The Queen Mary at Long Beach

OK, it’s not technically in LA itself, but it’s still worth a visit, if only so you can find out what the phrase, ‘Like a foghorn’ really means…

Visiting the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CaliforniaVisiting the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California

Whale watching off Dana Point.

We didn’t see any whales, but we did get photo-bombed by that bird. Also: yay for matching sweaters!

whale watching trip at Dana Point, Californiawhale watching trip at Dana Point, Californiawhale watching trip at Dana Point, California

Santa Monica

It’s best known for its pier and beach, both of which are well worth a visit, but the streets of Santa Monica are also pretty good for shopping and dining, if that’s your thing – and it is mine, obviously.

redhead in fgreen dress on the beachSanta Monica beach, CalforniaThe entrance to Santa Monica Pier

For me, the REAL Disneyland will always be the one in Orlando (Yes, I know it’s technically DisneyWORLD…) but I did enjoy my day at Disneyland and California Adventure: the former has live goats you can pet and have your photo taken with, and if there’s anything better than that, well, I’m having a hard time knowing what it could be…

Disneyland CaliforniaThe Disney Castle at Disneyland, CaliforniaDisney Princesses in the parade at DinseylandDisney's Californian Adventureme and a goat

Union Station

Union Station, Los AngelesUnion Station, L.A. , California

It’s a working railway station, but it looks exactly like a film set. I wanted to just live there, basically…

Downtown L.A.

Best seen on foot, so you can get a proper feel for the city.

Angel's flight, Los AngelesDowntown L.A. CaliforniaDowntown L.A. California

Venice Beach

Another area that’s best known for the beach and boardwalks, but I love it for the canal network right behind the beach… which you’re just going to have to take my word about, because we didn’t actually get any photos of it. Whoops.

Visiting Venice Beach, CaliforniaThe Skate Park at Venice Beach, California

Muscle Beach, Venice, CaliforniaAaaaaand we’re done. Normal scheduling will now resume. Whatever that may be.

11 things to do in and around Los Angeles, California

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

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  • Sandy


    Fab photos! Must it end??!? LOL!

    July 18, 2011
  • Oh man I love your holiday snaps! Feel free to post a version of this post on all your other blogs but with different photos so the nosy readers such as myself can keep looking 😛

    That skateboarder shot is kickass and you totally got an ‘awwwww’ out of me with that first shot of you with Walt and Mickey. So precious! You guys look like you had such an amazing time, meanwhile I’ve been compiling a list of all the things to do when I get over there myself!

    July 18, 2011
  • looks like you had a really awesome holiday;) btw, this may be an akward question but: what toothpaste do you use?? Your teeth look really nice and white:D

    July 18, 2011
  • It looks as though you had a fab time, and what fun pics from it too! want to steal that green dress from you, so cute!

    July 18, 2011
  • Amazing photos! I loved them all! Especially the one with you and Mickey!
    You look so cute and beautiful in all of them! I thought you look fantastic in dresses, but now I see you look fantastic in pants too!
    Love those stripey tops! I can’t find a single picture where you don’t look great! You’re really photogenic, but I’m sure that you look amazing in real life too!
    And you don’t have to stop posting photos of your trip. I love seeing such pictures. They make me want to go there too! 🙂

    July 18, 2011
  • How on earth did Terry LOSE weight in AMERICA?! The food is insane? Ok, I suppose LA is super-healthy.

    Looks so amazing. I’m virtually grr-ing at you in my jealous rage 🙂

    July 18, 2011
  • I have loved seeing your photos! Bah to the naysayers.

    July 18, 2011
  • Nikki G


    Your photos are lovely. Sadly, my first trip to LA was for work, so I didn’t get to visit all of the awesome sights. I did get to go to Griffith Observatory and Hollywood Boulevard, but I didn’t have my camera, so I don’t have any pictures. HOWEVER, since I will be moving to the Los Angeles area at the end of August, I’m sure I will be able to visit all the sights I missed the first time. I’m willing to bet that I won’t be as stylish when I go. 😀

    July 19, 2011
  • Great photos! God, I want to be you when I grow up (Although, by traditional standards I guess I’m already one of those Adult things).
    Request: An addition to the Mini Me segment!

    July 19, 2011
  • Loved looking back at these pictures xx

    July 19, 2011
  • Kathleen


    You look like you had so much fun on your trip! LA is smoggy and crowded but there’s so much to do. I went to school there for 6 years and the Griffith Observatory was closed for renovations the whole time, darn it. Must go back.

    July 23, 2011