All is well

untitled-1Just a very quick post today, to let everyone know that Rubin came through yesterday’s operation just fine – and so did Terry and I, although, it has to be said, I think Rubin coped a whole lot better than we did.

You can’t actually see it in this photo, obviously, but his wound is pretty alarming: they had to shave off quite a bit of the fur on his neck, shoulder and leg to do the surgery, and then, of course, the wound had to be stitched back up again, so it was a bit of a shock to see him when we went to pick him up. He was a real trooper, though, and everything went really well, so I’m so glad we decided to go do it, as traumatic as it was for Rubin’s human family members, who spent the day holding a vigil, and, OK, doing a quick run around B&M Bargains. Well, you have to do SOMETHING to distract yourself, don’t you?

As for Rubin himself, well, he was pretty confused when he came round from the anaesthetic, and treated Terry and I to his best, “Who the hell are YOU?” look. If he was a child, I’m sure he’d have denied even knowing us, but as he can’t speak, we were allowed to bring him home, where he spent the next few hours watching us both like a hawk, and refusing to sleep, even although it was obvious that he REALLY wanted to.

We, of course, were busy watching HIM like hawks at the time, so the three of us basically spent the evening sitting around looking at each other suspiciously, as if waiting to see who would crack first. Naturally, Terry and I cracked first: Rubin can play the staring game aaaaalll day, and we realised it would probably be better for him if he just tried to act like it was a normal day, so we interspersed periods of work with attempts to get Rubin to eat something, so we could casually insert his painkillers into it. This was easier than we’d assumed it might be, because although the vet had told us not to worry if he didn’t have much of an appetite, we quickly discovered the following:

Things Rubin Will Eat, Even Immediately After Surgery:
  • Goodboy chocolate buttons
  • Schmakos dog treats
  • Cheese
  • Lettuce
  • Amber’s dinner
  • Terry’s dinner
  • Any form of human food imaginable, as long as it’s not being directly offered to him
Things Rubin Will Not Eat, Under Any Circumstances
  • Dog food.

I mean, I can’t really blame him, because I wouldn’t want to eat that stuff either, but he did eventually stop begging for our food, and eat some of his own, so we took that to be a good sign. Another good sign: this morning he’s behaving almost like his old self, and has even been playing with his toys and asking me to fill up his Kong (I know I said he can’t speak: he writes it down on a piece of paper, and then hands it to me…), so although we will be keeping a close eye on him, he does seem to be on the mend.

Anyway, he’s back at the vet’s on Friday for a checkup, and we just can’t thank them enough for the care they took of him. As for you guys, well, I can’t thank YOU enough either: thanks once again for all of the good wishes you sent – it was a huge comfort to Terry and I, and reminded me just how cool this little internet community can be. If Rubin could speak, I’m sure he’d want to say thank you, too, but as he can’t, he’d probably just stare at you for an unnervingly long time, and hope you got the message. I hope you do, too.

Rubin after surgery

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

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  • Awww Amber his little face – I’m so glad he’s okay!! And yeah, who can blame Rubin for not wanting to eat dog food (the stuff always gave me the creeps when we had a dog… it’s gross). You can relax now: The fur will grow back and he’ll be back to his sprightly self in no time – you and Terry as well 😉

    Catherine x

    September 21, 2016
  • I’m really happy Rubin’s fine! 😉

    September 21, 2016
  • Jennifer


    Glad that everything went well. For all of you.

    September 21, 2016
  • Aww that’s fantastic! So glad to hear it all went well xx

    September 21, 2016
  • Oh look at that little face! Well done Rubes (sorry, write me a passive aggressive note if you’re not down with the name shortening Rubin!)
    So glad it all went well.
    M x

    September 21, 2016
  • Yayyyy! Rubin is back :). Glad all is well. x

    September 21, 2016
  • Big hugs! Glad he is okay!

    September 21, 2016
  • Viridiana


    I’m so glad all is well!

    September 21, 2016
  • Such good news…and yes, waiting is the worst, glad to hear he is on the mend!

    September 21, 2016
  • Oh that is good news 🙂 My Roomie got his x-ray back and he’s okay too so I may have to go out and eat cake and imagine a wee white fluffy face staring at me.

    September 21, 2016
  • Melanie


    So glad Rubin is well and home! It must be such a relief for you and Terry.

    September 21, 2016
  • Missed the earlier post but glad he’s doing ok. Feel your pain, Oscar is starting to slow down too although still has the ability to behave like a pup at times!

    September 21, 2016
  • Yay! I love a dog story with a happy ending 🙂 Unfortunately, as one dog is on the mend… my boyfriend’s parent’s labrador who I am intensely fond of is worryingly ill I’ve just found out today 🙁 We don’t know what’s wrong with her yet as they’re still running tests, but sad times indeed.

    September 21, 2016
      • Unfortunately she died earlier this afternoon. A very sudden cancerous growth and she was in pain. Came totally out of nowhere, absolutely devastated.

        September 21, 2016
        • Myra


          Sorry to hear your sad news

          September 21, 2016
          • Thank you both, it means a lot 🙂 it’s a very sad time for sure xxx

            September 22, 2016
  • Karlie


    So glad everything turned out so well.

    September 21, 2016
  • I was thinking about you guys yesterday, so glad to hear Rubin is ok. His little face is so cute. xx

    September 21, 2016
  • That picture of him on this post. He looks like he’s thinking: “right, star of the blog is back and I reckon I can milk doggy treats for a long time”. Glad he’s okay.

    September 21, 2016
  • Jackie P.


    I”m so glad everything went well! Look at that adorable face!

    September 21, 2016
  • Genevieve


    Yay! So glad to hear the little chap is doing well. I was waiting for an update. Sending him love and cuddles from me and my two pups:-) Dog people understand!

    September 21, 2016
  • Cazroline


    So glad to hear he’s doing well.

    September 21, 2016
  • Myra


    Great news

    September 21, 2016
  • Sandy


    Excellent news! So glad it went well. Now get back to the staring contests. ?

    September 21, 2016
  • D. Johnson


    Thanks for the quick blog to end the suspense! Thrilled he came through it OK! Happy for all three of you.

    September 21, 2016
  • Happy to read that the surgery went well for Rubin. Big hugs, Sue

    September 21, 2016
  • Awwww, it’s like he’s wearing a wee scarf! So glad everything went well. I remember the first time I had to pick the Big Man up after getting sedated at the vet’s. He was totally out of it, but not so much that he didn’t make a break for freedom as soon as I opened the wee cage door…

    They do worry us. But we wouldn’t have it any other way.


    September 21, 2016
  • Aw Rubin! What a relief it will be to have him home. I wonder how long he will try to milk it for Scooby snacks (my dogs really push the boundaries on that) xx

    September 21, 2016
  • Kiran


    That’s nice to know Amber, that Rubin’s feeling better. I really enjoyed reading the Rubinman diaries, he’s so cute!

    September 22, 2016
  • Aw bless! Get well soon Rubin! Luckily so far we’ve only ever had to leave Bonnie at the vets once and that was when she was neutered. I cried my eyes out when we had to go! It’s so hard not to worry, even when it’s just something routine they’re having done. Glad he is home safe and sound and perking up! x

    September 23, 2016
  • Aw the poor little guy. I’m so glad he’s recovering well now!

    September 23, 2016
  • Ingrid


    Delighted he’s back safe and sound and all went ok. A great relief I’m sure x

    September 23, 2016